I really hate when society changes.
It makes no sense.
It is just confusing and repetitive.
People think one thing for 20-30 years, then someone comes and tells them that they were wrong the whole time and then he pisses in their eyes.
It repeats constantly and I am tired of it.
Like, stick to one thing until you die. There is no point in changing opinions all the time.
I change my opinion every few days because I get bored of it. Maybe I wouldnt get bored of it if everyone else didnt change their minds too.
People are literally dogs who just think whatever the authority tells them to think.
There is no freedom of choice. Your choice, your education, your knowledge...ect. are all determined not by you but authority.
I was gay while I thought it is cool, but then I stopped. I decided not to be gay anymore. I got bored of insults. Nobody likes gays. People give weird looks.
Even my mother called me out for gay-like behaviour.
So really, I dont have any conclusions other than that people are evil.
This society is impossible to fix. So I dont even try.
I dont care for the poor, or the homeless, or the hungry.
As long as I am happy, I dont see the reason to help anyone unless I am forced to.
Why the hell would I waste my time donating to charity? Its not funny and just bores me.