The simple fact of the matter is a fetus is a living human being.
For starters, all of the biological markers for life are pregnant at fertilization. (1)
Furthermore, the fetus has a complete genetic code. (2)
The overwhelming majority of biologists, even liberal pro-abortion ones, believe that human life begins at conception. (3)
Therefore, it is a human being in the earliest stages of life. Biologists and scientific studies both agree to this.
Moreover, abortion is a very dangerous procedure for the women involved, with approximately 10% of women having immediate complications from an abortion. (4)
Furthermore, a 1997 study in Finland found that women who aborted their baby are significantly more likely to die within one year than pregnant women who carried their baby to term. (4)
Additionally, two Denmark studies in 2012 that followed the entire female population of women in Denmark found that women who aborted their baby were significantly more likely to die within 10 years than women who carried to term, and also found that the risk of death INCREASES with every abortion. (4)
So not only does abortion kill the baby, it also is dangerous to the woman having an abortion.