A Theoretical America

Author: MonkeyKing


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MonkeyKing's avatar
I'd like to begin by saying that this is all theoretical, of course as the title suggests, and my purpose in posting this is to see if it isn't an inherently flawed idea for the restructuring of the American government. I also would consider myself somewhat educated, but I am certainly no expert on American government and law so I'm here additionally to learn what else could be needed for such a system to succeed.

I will begin with a general overview.

A. The federal government as it stands would drastically change. The Executive and Judicial branches would remain largely what they still are today, but the Legislative would instead become a system of direct democracy.

B. State governments would continue to be run similarly to how the federal government is run, with instead mayors acting as representatives who collectively legislate for the state rather than a lower/upper house of state senators. The governor would continue to act similar to a president, with veto power, leadership over the state military and police as granted by the state legislature, and would still be voted in by term.

Each of these have a decent amount of specifics, so I'll mainly hop into subject A.

A(1): EXECUTIVE The executive branch hasn't been my focus for this thought experiment, but in reality it wouldn't be affected much other than the removal of the electoral college allowing for true voting of the president. The president would maintain a cabinet and vice president as well as keep the same duties held currently as stated by the constitution.
A(2): JUDICIAL The judicial branch would also only have minor changes, allowing for a limit of age both lower and upper for supreme court justices of 35-65. The judicial branch would otherwise continue to check and balance the other two branches through recognizing the existence or lack of lawfulness and constitutionality of bills and would resolve court cases of extreme sensitivity and importance. They would also continue to be placed into office by a president with the legislative branch available to veto said nominees by a 2/3 majority.

A(3): LEGISLATIVE Now for the most drastic.

The house of representatives as it stands would be dissolved. The senate, rather than having 2 representatives from each state, would run for office on a federal level regardless of resident state with 9 total senators at a time who have 3 year terms. Those with the power to vote on the bills presented by the senators would be all citizens not currently in a position of public office.

The American citizenry would vote directly on the senators whose main purpose would be the writing of bills and legislature. Those who are voted in as senators must still be citizens and senators may NOT vote themselves, revoking their right to vote for instead the right to write. American legislation would continue to go through the process of first being written as a bill but instead of being proposed to either the house or senate, would be proposed to the American citizenry to be voted in as law. On the first Monday of each month, all Americans citizens would be provided a holiday to vote on all current issues their senators have brought forward for vote. If an emergency vote is necessary, the senators may hold public counsel and if a majority agree on record, an emergency vote may be held within the next three days time, the period of time for which would be broadcast to the citizenry and decided upon by the senators. Bills being placed for vote, without an emergency ruling, after having been approved by the judiciary must be placed on the docket for vote at least one week prior to the voting holiday. Should a bill be passed by the citizenry that needs revision, any senator may propose a revision for the upcoming holiday or for emergency vote. Lobbying of any kind is impermissible and illegal, as well as mass bribery or voter intimidation. Should any group or individual be suspected of such villainy, they are to be investigated by federal police with a minimum of 4 years jail time if found guilty as well as receive the revocation of their voting rights. Should any senator be found colluding with outside influences for financial, political, or personal gain the other senators may at any time and without majority request an investigation of said senator if there be reasonable cause, as well as propose a vote to the American citizenry for their impeachment. Senators and their spouses are not permitted to trade publicly on the stock market. Should they own stock of any kind, it must either be left untouched until the end of their term, sold before entering office, or given to a third party handler that may not in any way communicate with the senator/spouse until the end of their term unless all stock under the senator's name or purchased with the senator's money is sold and the money returned to the senator. Should they be impeached, the president will nominate a new senator for vote by the citizenry before the next voting holiday. If they are not approved by 51% majority, the president will continue to nominate a senator before the following voting holiday until the office be filled. Senators will receive a pay equal to the current yearly average pay amongst the citizenry. Senators will be held to term and age limits, allowing for any senator to serve between the ages of 35-65 in terms of 3 years for a maximum of 4 terms. Senators will not be required to live in or meet at any specific location, nor will be given a minimum or maximum number of bills to propose. Senators may write bills as individuals or as partners for review by the citizenry. Any bill a senator wishes to publish to the citizenry must first be published to the judiciary branch who must approve it. Should a bill be passed by the judiciary and be passed by the citizenry but receive a veto by the president, the bill will return to the citizenry and will be passed by a 2/3 majority vote. A majority vote will be predicated not on the size of the population, but as a percentage of the votes themselves.

All American citizens above the age of 18 are required to vote. Failure to vote without reasonable cause, namely health, access, capability, or service would result in a $100 fine. Should you fail to vote and wish to appeal your fine, any may do so with their local city government as well as they may enroll for exemption from voting should it be necessary and needful .Anyone over the age of 65 may also apply for removal from compulsory voting but in doing so will revoke their right to vote at all. Any may also choose to appeal this decision within 5 years time and reinstate their previous duties to vote. Citizens would hold the responsibility for voting each first Monday of the month and for educating themselves on the upcoming bills needing votes. Voting would take place either in person at local voting facilities by electronic ballet or online through government provided services. Votes will be cast and counted through the use of 1 USD crypto per ballet item provided by the government to the citizenry. The citizenry may choose to vote for or against any bill and all votes are to be anonymously gathered. The gathering of data regarding the personal details of persons voting is expressly prohibited and protected beyond the verification of identity by the government, with penalties of a minimum of $5000 dollar fine to be paid to the persons whose information has been illegally gathered. Should a citizen wish to present a bill, any citizen may write to any senator a bill they wish to be proposed. The senators are not obligated, however, to present such bills. Should the citizenry wish for an emergency vote of any kind, either on a specific bill or for the impeachment of a public official, 1 USD crypto will be provided at all times to each of the citizenry to use for the proposing of an emergency vote. The emergency vote may be initiated online through services provided by the government and should it receive 25% of the votes from the total population of the previous voting cycle within one week's time of the original emergency proposal, the vote would be presented to the general citizenry for deliberation and vote. Anyone found guilty of voter coercion through means of violence, bribery, or otherwise illegal and unsavory means amongst the citizenry would face the same charges as those from the government, namely a minimum of 4 years jail time and the revocation of voting rights.

To conclude, this is meant to be based on the ideal that we have a legitimate, accessible, and reliable means of voting as a general population. I suggest the use of crypto due to it's ability to be both online and unique, thus helping prevent voter fraud, but if there's a better way I'm open to it. My focus isn't necessarily on that, however, but on the general system provided so please. Poke away.
Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
Blockchain voting seems really good.
Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
For democracy to work requires a well informed electorate.

Thomas Jefferson wrote that a well-informed electorate is a prerequisite to democracy.

But unfortunately the American electorate are divided and riddled with conspiracy theories.

The US was once a leader for healthcare and education — now it ranks 27th in the world.
Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
The US was once a leader for healthcare and education — now it ranks 27th in the world.
Among OECD countries, the United States is the most obese (36.2%).

Being 27'th in the world for healthcare despite ranking dead last for public obesity  is a remarkable achievement considering Obesity is the number one cause of death from all sources, including Covid.

Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
--> @Shila
The US was once a leader for healthcare and education — now it ranks 27th in the world.
Among OECD countries, the United States is the most obese (36.2%).

Being 27'th in the world for healthcare despite ranking dead last for public obesity  is a remarkable achievement considering Obesity is the number one cause of death from all sources, including Covid.
That simply means what the American Healthcare system teaches and what the American public follow are not compatible.

RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
'Voter coercion' is a very tentative crime to convict someone of.

How do you differentiate a father strongly encouraging his family to vote a certain way to him coercing it? There are plenty of Republican parents who'd kick out their children if they voted Democrat or were trans etc and I am sure there's some of the opposite, are they all to be arrested? I mean adults who are their offspring or adopted etc. but live with their parents.