"Losing a tiny flap of skin is far from being forced into involuntary servitude."
How does "someone else deciding what part of my body should be cut off against my will" makes it not involuntary servitude? What exactly is voluntary in me being forced to serve your tradition?
"He'll imprison your family in a labor camp for stealing his look."
I see your knowledge about North Korea comes from american cartoons.
"Circumcised males have a lower UTI and STD rate over the course of their lifetime."
Says who? Bunny the sniper?
First, the STD part is nonsense. Baby is not going to get STD, circumcised or not.
If circumcision is so healthy, surely then the people will live longer if circumcised? How is it then that top 10 countries in life expectancy have very low circumcision rates? While the bottom 10 countries with lowest life expectancy have circumcision rates of about 90%? There seems to be no correlation between mass circumcision and health.
If you have a right to violate babys body for something you consider "healthy" because you found a couple of "sniper studies", do you think that other people have a right to violate your body for those same reasons?
Masturbation helps to increase life expectancy. Do you agree that I should be able to come to your house every day and force you to masturbate, if I find that you are not doing it regularly? If I find that today you didnt masturbate or have sex, I should be able to come to your house and force you? And your sister too? And your mother? Masturbstion is healthy, so...why not? You think its justified to force people, so why shouldnt I be able to do the same to you? Also, I need to forbid you to eat meat and fast food because its unhealthy. From now on, you cant have anything that damages your health. Do you agree? Also, I might need to take away your car. Also, some of your income will be redirected to poor people to help their health.
"Still cleaner than North Korean water though."
More information from cartoons?
"Having both of your ears is helpful for hearing and balance."
Circumcision damages the penis. There have even been cases where people lost the function of their penis completely. Cutting off a bit of your ear wont damage your hearing. Can I cut it off now? And your hair too so you dont have to wash it anymore? You dont need it. Also, if you have a daughter, sister or mother, can I cut off all of their hair too? They dont need it and having hair can cause health problems.
"Speaking of balance, the North Korean diet is very balanced. No grains, no meat, no vegetables, no fruits, none of anything else! A nutritional value of 0 for every food group! Truly balanced!"
How is it then that North Korean population grew faster than US population who has huge immigrations? Awkward.
"Speaking of violating people's bodies, you should talk to the prison guards in your country. They seem to be up to no good."
I see you are not familliar with what happens in US prisons.
"North Korea: A country with so much nationalist support that leaving the country is banned!"
We have already seen that you like violating other peoples bodies. Plus, USA attacked like over 30 sovereign countries, killed millions of people, used chemical weapons on millions of civilians... Weird.
"Truly amazing! But defectors seem to say otherwise. I don't know why they escaped such a 'great' country. Maybe they just didn't like their daily prison camp torture."
Apparently, the South Korea is regularly sending the propaganda papers over the North Korean borders. Those papers usually promise great wealth to those who defect. After having looked at some defectors youtube channels, it seems that they only care about money and have a mental power of a 10 year old.
"Finally, we agree on something! Our government does suck! Good thing we can vote some of them out. Not a option in North Korea"
In theory, you can. However, there seems to be no historical evidence of that. You vote out one, another one comes who is equally bad.