Game of Thrones

Author: badger


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badger's avatar
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badger's avatar
oromagi's avatar
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oromagi's avatar
The whole thing hangs in the balance for me.  I had read the Game of Thrones books but didn't start enjoying the series until about season 4.  By the end, I like the TV version better.

I am not warming to a blond Paddy Considine, certainly but I don't think he'll last.  In fact, I am hearing that 3 or 4 characters get different actors doing older versions mid season so there's going to be a big jump in time.

My favorite scene so far is ep2 when the Princess confronts Uncle Who.  Definitely a slower pace narrative, longer dialogues, etc.   I don't know if GOT fans will embrace it.
badger's avatar
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badger's avatar
Hangs in the balance sounds about right to me. My feeling of this show is that it understands the cleverness of the original series but can't emulate it. Game of Thrones is sex and explosions and fine chemical compositions making for those explosions. This show gets that. The family is combustible material and okay maybe none more so than the Targaryen family. But what this show lacks is subtlety. e.g.: The dreadlocks guy says one thing about "we are not given, we make" and one letter from his brother and Daemon runs at a whole army on his own. In comparison, Tyrion says something to Theon in Winterfell. Like 3 seasons later, Theon tries to take Winterfell, loses his cock for it, goes through a whole ordeal for it. I mean it's that stuff I loved about GoT. Tyrion, tiny little fellow, walking around saying clever things, lighting fuses in people. George RR Martin spun a dwarf up into a tornado. It was subtle. There was real art in it.

I don't know. I like Viserys' character. I think it's a very forced sort of character. I guess we're jumping across years so it's kinda got to be. But then that just feels like, well, they figured out the explosive properties, slap them on screen, let's see him explode. They didn't do much to work those properties into him. It's art after Game of Thrones but barely. I don't know. Show feels like if GoT had a highlight reel. They might do cool things with it. It's fun characters. We'll see I guess.
Elliott's avatar
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Firstly the books, I really enjoyed the first three books despite George R R Martin’s occasional laps into trivia, mainly what people are wearing or eating. The next two books I found something of a disappointment, apart from Arya Stark’s story nothing really develops and the further I got into them the more I thought he was loosing the plot and he would have problems pulling it together. I have now lost interest and the Winds of Winter has been so long in coming that when it does I may not bother reading it.
The TV show I also thoroughly enjoyed and I think the writers did an excellent job considering they had run out of source material. That was until the last two series, where for me and I think for many others things went totally wrong.
Firstly there was a sense of everything being rushed, the writing became lazy and there was little depth to the dialogue. The final series was a disaster, firstly there had been this build-up from the first series that “Winter is Coming” and with it the scary white walkers, bringing a sense of slowly impending doom. Then all of a sudden, big battle, all the white walkers are dead, time to quickly move on, a total anticlimax.
Secondly, there is Daenerys Targaryen, this beautiful young girl who we are with from the first episode, we see her suffer, overcome adversity, the hatching of her dragons and her rise to power. She is the hero, she defends the oppressed and we are rooting for her all the way. Then all of a sudden, for very little reason she goes mad and exterminates loads on innocent men women and children, then gets killed … WHAT!
 There were other disappointments but those are the main two. I have the box sets of all the series in my DVD collection and I had looked forward to watching them repeatedly but after that ending I will probably donate them to a charity shop.
Polytheist-Witch's avatar
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Polytheist-Witch's avatar
I don't know if they have how many seasons they're going to do planned out  better like beginning to ending then they did with the original series. I'm not sure how much ground they're actually trying to cover. But things are starting to move a little quicker and we're only on episode 4.
Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
Polytheist-Witch: I don't know if they have how many seasons they're going to do planned out  better like beginning to ending then they did with the original series. I'm not sure how much ground they're actually trying to cover. But things are starting to move a little quicker and we're only on episode 4
Is there anything you are sure about?
Polytheist-Witch's avatar
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Polytheist-Witch's avatar
That you're a liar and pussy.
Shila's avatar
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Is there anything you are sure about?
--> @Shila
polytheist-Witch: That you're a liar and pussy
But you are the witch!!
Athias's avatar
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Athias's avatar
My cousin recommended the "A Song of Ice and Fire" series to me in the 90's and I wanted nothing to do with it because I wasn't much of a fantasy reader. But given the craze over series like Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings at the time, I decided to give it a try. Consequently, I became enamored with Martin's style of writing. I loved the concept of a tangible political presence in a fantasy story, as opposed to ornamental politicians who have no real influence at all. I thought the television adaptation did more than a decent job for the first three seasons, before it started slowly bleeding out in season four, and subsequently succumbing resulting in its gruesome death by the end of season eight.

As for House of Dragon, I'll say this: I like it better than both seasons seven and eight of Game of Thrones put together. Even though there are inconsistencies with the source material, e.g. Rhaenyra and Aegon having separate mothers and a substantial age difference--not to mention the "pandering"--it has a season one Game of Thrones feel to it. I'm actually looking forward to the [SPOILER: time skip] and how the television show handles it.
zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
Fantasy entertainment.

Escapism or dissatisfaction with life? (The same thing maybe).

Wasn't allowed to watch TV as a kid, so consequently grew up not dependant on TV.

Polytheist-Witch's avatar
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Polytheist-Witch's avatar
Atheists are too good for entertain now, 😂. Still have to comment on it. Fucking pigs.
Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
Polytheist-Witch: Atheists are too good for entertain now, 😂. Still have to comment on it. Fucking pigs.
Until you get a broom that fits your rage will continue.
If it hurts go to a smaller size.
If it leaks go to a larger size.
badger's avatar
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badger's avatar
The Daemon/Rhaenyra thing was clever and fun. Daemon's got plenty art so far in sowing division. 
Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
The Daemon/Rhaenyra thing was clever and fun. Daemon's got plenty art so far in sowing division. 
You can get the same watching the Ukraine war on TV.

Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
My cousin recommended the "A Song of Ice and Fire" series to me in the 90's and I wanted nothing to do with it because I wasn't much of a fantasy reader.

Very rare for me to read fiction. But I was bought the books as a present by the grandchildren for Christmas, ( I felt obligated to read them) but was quite surprised to find that there is quite a lot of British and other history woven through the books/ series of the G of T. The red wedding was inspired by the black wedding that happened in Scotland. War of the Roses is another.
 The tv series fell off for me after Season 4 and didn't compare to the books in any way. I have read that the two producers David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, aka Dumb & Dumber ran out of material? hard to believe considering the books runs into what seem like a billion of pages.

It didn't help that the author pissed off to write masses of other stuff before completing Song of Ice and Fire.... which still hasn't been completed. The dedicated ardent fans must feel cheated.
Won't bother with this new woke shite called House of The Dragon. FKN woke brigade just can't leave fk all alone, can they.
Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
-> @Athias
My cousin recommended the "A Song of Ice and Fire" series to me in the 90's and I wanted nothing to do with it because I wasn't much of a fantasy reader.

Very rare for me to read fiction. But I was bought the books as a present by the grandchildren for Christmas, ( I felt obligated to read them) but was quite surprised to find that there is quite a lot of British and other history woven through the books/ series of the G of T. The red wedding was inspired by the black wedding that happened in Scotland. War of the Roses is another.
 The tv series fell off for me after Season 4 and didn't compare to the books in any way. I have read that the two producers David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, aka Dumb & Dumber ran out of material? hard to believe considering the books runs into what seem like a billion of pages.

It didn't help that the author pissed off to write masses of other stuff before completing Song of Ice and Fire.... which still hasn't been completed. The dedicated ardent fans must feel cheated.
Won't bother with this new woke shite called House of The Dragon. FKN woke brigade just can't leave fk all alone, can they.
Is that how you keep your grandchildren stupid so you can read their books?

Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
Is that how you keep your grandchildren stupid so you can read their books?

 They, like you just love fantasy and fiction. .   That is why I recommended the New Testament to them. They of course they grew up and out of it like most level-headed people do.  
You on the other hand haven't got past the belief of a dead, three days old, rotting stinking corpse of a man coming back to life, stage.
And you never will if your posts concerning the bible are anything to go by.
Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
--> @Shila
Is that how you keep your grandchildren stupid so you can read their books?

 They, like you just love fantasy and fiction. .   That is why I recommended the New Testament to them. They of course they grew up and out of it like most level-headed people do.  
You on the other hand haven't got past the belief of a dead, three days old, rotting stinking corpse of a man coming back to life, stage.
And you never will if your posts concerning the bible are anything to go by.
You don’t know what you are setting up your children for.
Matthew 10:33  But everyone who denies me here on earth, I will also deny before my Father in heaven.
Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
--> @Shila
Is that how you keep your grandchildren stupid so you can read their books?

 They, like you just love fantasy and fiction. .   That is why I recommended the New Testament to them. They of course they grew up and out of it like most level-headed people do.  
You on the other hand haven't got past the belief of a dead, three days old, rotting stinking corpse of a man coming back to life, stage.
And you never will if your posts concerning the bible are anything to go by.
You don’t know what you are setting up your children for.

I am not setting them up for anything.

Matthew 10:33  But everyone who denies me here on earth, I will also deny before my Father in heaven.

Well, that is Peter burning in hell then. 

Learn your bible, you clown.  “You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures"  (Matt. 22:29)

Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
--> @Shila
--> @Shila
Is that how you keep your grandchildren stupid so you can read their books?

 They, like you just love fantasy and fiction. .   That is why I recommended the New Testament to them. They of course they grew up and out of it like most level-headed people do.  
You on the other hand haven't got past the belief of a dead, three days old, rotting stinking corpse of a man coming back to life, stage.
And you never will if your posts concerning the bible are anything to go by.
You don’t know what you are setting up your children for.

I am not setting them up for anything.
You posted: “That is why I recommended the New Testament to them.”

Matthew 10:33  But everyone who denies me here on earth, I will also deny before my Father in heaven.

Well, that is Peter burning in hell then. 
Matthew 10:33 is about Jesus Christ will acknowledge to His Father everyone who acknowledges to others that He is the Son of God.
Now Jesus adds that the opposite is also true. He will refuse to acknowledge to God anyone who denies Christ to other men.

Learn your bible, you clown.  “You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures"  (Matt. 22:29)
That applies to you.   “You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures"  (Matt. 22:29). You believe Peter is burning in hell. You said, “Well, that is Peter burning in hell then.”

Jesus Reinstates Peter

John 21: 15 When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?”

“Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.”

Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.”

16 Again Jesus said, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”

He answered, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.”

Jesus said, “Take care of my sheep.”

17 The third time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”

Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me?” He said, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.”

Jesus said, “Feed my sheep. 18 Very truly I tell you, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go.” 19 Jesus said this to indicate the kind of death by which Peter would glorify God. Then he said to him, “Follow me!”

Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
--> @Shila
Is that how you keep your grandchildren stupid so you can read their books?

 They, like you just love fantasy and fiction. .   That is why I recommended the New Testament to them. They of course they grew up and out of it like most level-headed people do.  
You on the other hand haven't got past the belief of a dead, three days old, rotting stinking corpse of a man coming back to life, stage.
And you never will if your posts concerning the bible are anything to go by.
You don’t know what you are setting up your children for.

I am not setting them up for anything.
You posted: “That is why I recommended the New Testament to them.”.

Yes, because, thicko,  I said; it was right up their street at the time they bought G of T books for me adding that they loved fiction and fantasy.  But now they have grown up.
Here, a little maths puzzle for you. The last book of the series of Ice and Fire was released 2012. The two granddaughters that brought me this book ( A Dance of Dragons) were aged 13 and 15. I also said that they had now grown up. How old are my two girls now, thicky?

I won't be responding to the rest of your post simply because this is someone else's thread and not a religious thread. 
Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
--> @Shila
--> @Shila
Is that how you keep your grandchildren stupid so you can read their books?

 They, like you just love fantasy and fiction. .   That is why I recommended the New Testament to them. They of course they grew up and out of it like most level-headed people do.  
You on the other hand haven't got past the belief of a dead, three days old, rotting stinking corpse of a man coming back to life, stage.
And you never will if your posts concerning the bible are anything to go by.
You don’t know what you are setting up your children for.

I am not setting them up for anything.
You posted: “That is why I recommended the New Testament to them.”.

Yes, because, thicko,  I said; it was right up their street at the time they bought G of T books for me adding that they loved fiction and fantasy.  But now they have grown up.
Here, a little maths puzzle for you. The last book of the series of Ice and Fire was released 2012. The two granddaughters that brought me this book ( A Dance of Dragons) were aged 13 and 15. I also said that they had now grown up. How old are my two girls now, thicky?
Your two girls are each 10 years older (23 and 25 respectively)
I won't be responding to the rest of your post simply because this is someone else's thread and not a religious thread. 
But you expect your two girls to believe this is a religious thread.
Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
--> @Shila
--> @Shila
Is that how you keep your grandchildren stupid so you can read their books?

 They, like you just love fantasy and fiction. .   That is why I recommended the New Testament to them. They of course they grew up and out of it like most level-headed people do.  
You on the other hand haven't got past the belief of a dead, three days old, rotting stinking corpse of a man coming back to life, stage.
And you never will if your posts concerning the bible are anything to go by.
You don’t know what you are setting up your children for.

I am not setting them up for anything.
You posted: “That is why I recommended the New Testament to them.”.

Yes, because, thicko,  I said; it was right up their street at the time they bought G of T books for me adding that they loved fiction and fantasy.  But now they have grown up.
Here, a little maths puzzle for you. The last book of the series of Ice and Fire was released 2012. The two granddaughters that brought me this book ( A Dance of Dragons) were aged 13 and 15. I also said that they had now grown up. How old are my two girls now, thicky?
Your two girls are each 10 years older (23 and 25 respectively)

Hence, they do not believe in dragons and magic swords any longer (if they did in the first place?) no more than they do a dead and rotting stinking three days old corpse coming back to life, as you still do. 

I won't be responding to the rest of your post simply because this is someone else's thread and not a religious thread. 
But you expect your two girls to believe this is a religious thread.

 Nope, thicko. Learn to read. This is not a thread about religion so I wouldn't expect them to do that. This is a thread about a TV series based on a collection of fictitious books. 

If you want to discuss your other religious comments start your own thread in the appropriate sub forum. I am not prepared to derail someone else's thread simply to accommodate your religious and ignorant bullshite.
Now, off you go.

Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
Nope, thicko. Learn to read. This is not a thread about religion so I wouldn't expect them to do that. This is a thread about a TV series based on a collection of fictitious books. 

If you want to discuss your other religious comments start your own thread in the appropriate sub forum. I am not prepared to derail someone else's thread simply to accommodate your religious and ignorant bullshite.
Now, off you go.
Yet you continue our exchanges in the same thread. Double standard?

Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
Nope I was still talking my grandchildren and Game of Thrones. You are just far too fk dumb to realise that.
Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
--> @Shila
Nope I was still talking my grandchildren and Game of Thrones. You are just far too fk dumb to realise that.
That is not what you posted.

Read what you posted #17

Stephen wrote:  “They, like you just love fantasy and fiction. .   That is why I recommended the New Testament to them. They of course they grew up and out of it like most level-headed people do.  
You on the other hand haven't got past the belief of a dead, three days old, rotting stinking corpse of a man coming back to life, stage.
And you never will if your posts concerning the bible are anything to go by.”

Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
Very rare for me to read fiction. But I was bought the books as a present by the grandchildren for Christmas, ( I felt obligated to read them) but was quite surprised to find that there is quite a lot of British and other history woven through the books/ series of the G of T. The red wedding was inspired by the black wedding that happened in Scotland. War of the Roses is another.
 The tv series fell off for me after Season 4 and didn't compare to the books in any way. I have read that the two producers David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, aka Dumb & Dumber ran out of material? hard to believe considering the books runs into what seem like a billion of pages.

It didn't help that the author pissed off to write masses of other stuff before completing Song of Ice and Fire.... which still hasn't been completed. The dedicated ardent fans must feel cheated.
Won't bother with this new woke shite called House of The Dragon. FKN woke brigade just can't leave fk all alone, can they.

Good night.
Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
--> @Shila
Very rare for me to read fiction. But I was bought the books as a present by the grandchildren for Christmas, ( I felt obligated to read them) but was quite surprised to find that there is quite a lot of British and other history woven through the books/ series of the G of T. The red wedding was inspired by the black wedding that happened in Scotland. War of the Roses is another.
 The tv series fell off for me after Season 4 and didn't compare to the books in any way. I have read that the two producers David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, aka Dumb & Dumber ran out of material? hard to believe considering the books runs into what seem like a billion of pages.

It didn't help that the author pissed off to write masses of other stuff before completing Song of Ice and Fire.... which still hasn't been completed. The dedicated ardent fans must feel cheated.
Won't bother with this new woke shite called House of The Dragon. FKN woke brigade just can't leave fk all alone, can they.

Good night.
Read what you posted #17

Stephen wrote:  “They, like you just love fantasy and fiction. .   That is why I recommended the New Testament to them. They of course they grew up and out of it like most level-headed people do.  
You on the other hand haven't got past the belief of a dead, three days old, rotting stinking corpse of a man coming back to life, stage.
And you never will if your posts concerning the bible are anything to go by.”

This explains why your grandchildren want you to switch to reading fiction.

Athias's avatar
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Athias's avatar
Very rare for me to read fiction. But I was bought the books as a present by the grandchildren for Christmas, ( I felt obligated to read them) but was quite surprised to find that there is quite a lot of British and other history woven through the books/ series of the G of T. The red wedding was inspired by the black wedding that happened in Scotland. War of the Roses is another.
 The tv series fell off for me after Season 4 and didn't compare to the books in any way. I have read that the two producers David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, aka Dumb & Dumber ran out of material? hard to believe considering the books runs into what seem like a billion of pages.

It didn't help that the author pissed off to write masses of other stuff before completing Song of Ice and Fire.... which still hasn't been completed. The dedicated ardent fans must feel cheated.
If you have a few weeks, I can submit the entirety of my complaints about the show following season three--because that's how long it'll take. And if you have a few years, I can submit the entirety of my complaints about George R.R. Martin's working on other projects while placing a now 11 year discontinuation on the regular A Song of Ice and Fire series. In my honest opinion, I don't believe Martin knows how to finish the series. He's made it far too complicated. (If I remember correctly, A Song of Ice and Fire was originally intended to be a trilogy.)

Won't bother with this new woke shite called House of The Dragon. FKN woke brigade just can't leave fk all alone, can they.
If you mean the black-washing of House Velaryon, who like the Targaryens are described as possessing Valyrian traits, i.e. silver hair, pale skin, and violet eyes, and the clear pandering to diversity identitarians, then I understand your sentiments. Still, the Dance of Dragons is one of the more epic conflicts in the A Song of Ice lore, so I thought it worth a watch. And thus far, it's much better than the last two seasons of the Game of Thrones television series.