How is it, that Gravity would ever come to become so dominant to cause the next WOW! ---Big Bang-- to occur?
I see I may have the answer from this Structure of Graviton-Darkon thread I started.
The answer may be, that as our observed physical reality ---inside the tube sine-wave { associated with physical reality } on ultra-large/macro scale of overlapping and interfering space-time tori, wherein, all of tori's
sine-wave{s} are moving toward the outer, positive geodesic surface
set of nodal events ---referred to as Gravity--- i.e. the sine-wave's
of reality is going to dissipate into Gravity and full scale, ergo,
......Gravity becomes a temporary ---and by this we may mean ultra-brief { so for example life time of a meson or virtual particle kind of short time}----.
got above that ok? Good, as it is one way to see how Fullers next WOW!
may occur. To be clear tho, Gravity is always dominant ---partly
because its always outer, positive geodesic perimeter of finite,
occupied space Universe, pulling back in---, and one Gravity takes that
ultra-long wave hit of photon, it briefly goes WOW!.
So visually, below is the recent version of four levels, wherein I show this inside-the-tube sine-wave { 0, 3p, 6, 9 etc )
becoming the ultra long wave { flat lining heat death of physical reality Universe } and moving closer towards Gravity, wherein we see 0, 3p, 6, 9, etc are now a minminal variation to each other ---ergo ultra-long wave--- in sine-wave high and low peaks aka
......1.............................5p...........7p............................11p.............13p........................17p....G{ outer }....................
0~~~~~~~~~~~3p~~~~~~~~6~~~~~~~~~~~~~9~~~~~~~~12~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~15~~~~~~~Observable Time inside
-...note: here above see numerical, ultra-long wave photon as heat
death of physical reality about to dissiapate into Gravity....
-..note: here below is the inner negative geodesic of Dark
Energy, about to begin receiving burst from peak of dominant Gravity
.................2p............4................................8...........10..................................14.......16............DE { inner }..............
who still do not grasp these four lines as a four lateral great circles
{ quasi-great circle nodal events }. Gravity feeds to Dark Energy via
trajectory as surface of torus, through the flat location, onward
curving around to become negative geodesic space of Dark Energy, that.
dissipates on inner curve that propogates forward the expansion of
Universe and forward in observed the physical reality returns back --via
invagination--- and then outward to a flat location, and onward as
Gravitational space, only to invaginate, --ever so briefly and virtual
particles, that, can be come real if the space-time tori are intereing
to cause that to happen. Ok?
I hope others can begin to a see a little of what i'm seeing and speculating upon. Our physical reality sine-wave{s} ---of the ultra-large myriad of overlapping and interfering space-time tori----- are being pushed by Dark Energy to the point of heat death { one ultra-long ultra thin photon , that, dissibpates into Gravity as huge influx, that, Gravity reaches a peak of dominant force phenomena, and sends it around to the inner geodesics{s} of Dark Energy, and we reemerge { WOW/BB },to a state of maximum order, and begin our entropic journey again, and again, and again.
What am I missing?