Regarding my past posts as ..' Fullers Abstract Great Circles '..., I hope to offer the final correct assessment regarding the gravitonic
particle, associate with Gravity { G } and Dark Energy{ DE }
14 nodal
events ---0-13-- is needed in the 2D lattice total, to have a tube,
that, is defined by three triangular opening aka a
truncated, triangular based, di-pyramid. This also happens to be the minimal set
of triangular openings that will define a Euclidean torus
14^2 = 196, minus 14
= 182, and divided by 2 = 91 lines-of-relationship in sum-total
equal a graviton, that, I believe is half Darkion { Dark Energy
quantum } and half Graviton.
Previously we only
consider the sequential set of nodal events ratios
and lines-of-relationships ratio.
To total of nodal
events does not change. What does change is the finding the sum-total
of relationships for each specified set, and the overall sum total
lines-of-relationship using the formula n^2 minus n then divided by
2 As found at this Synergetics
......1.............................5p...........7p............................11p.............13p...........G{ outer }....................
Time inside
great circle--------central spine to the torodial
Time inside
{ inner }..............
For top line G:
5^2 = 25, minus 5 = 20, and divided by 2 = 10 total
For top inside line OT: 3^2 = 9, minus 3 = 6 and divided by 2 = 3 total
For bottom inside
line OT: 2^2 = 4, minus 2 = 1, divided by 2 = 0.5
which in this case translates to 0.5 radii plus 0.5 radii = 1
...note: I use the
word 'radii' because of a consideration, that, each nodal event has a
2D area circle of influence, or in 3D, a volumetric sphere of
For bottom inner
line DE: 4^2 = 16, minus 4 = 12, divided by 2 = 6
total lines of relationship { same as a tetra{4{hedron
So that is each line
as a catagory:
Gravity { 10 lines-of-relationship }
and that semi-corresponds to my 1990’s Standard Model as:
EMRadiation { photonic particles } being the 5-fold 10 Great
Circles/Tori of the icosahedron ---they define 5 sets of interlacing
VE/cubo-octahedra. See
And next I want to
combine the two inside lines, as a single catagory of a sine-wave
0\3p/6\9/12 pattern aka OT + OT:
Ssince we've joined two combined two lines, less take the total nodal
points of those two lines{ 5 } and do the math for them: 5^5 = 25,
minus 5 = 20, divided by 2 = 10 lines-of-relationship and that value
matchs Gravity's 10, tho it takes two lines to do so. Here we could
say that Gravity is equally effective to OT,
yet with only one line of consideration, not two.
And next were going
to combine outer surface { top G } nodal events { 5 } with the inner
DE { 4 } set of surface nodal events and that totals 9 do the
math again: 9^2 = 81, minus 9 = 72, divided by 2 = 36
lines-of-relationship. H,mm, interesting that in this case, our
total from combination of top and bottom line as 9 is a greater total
lines-of-relationship, than the combination of the top and bottom
lines additionally i.e. 10 + 6 = 16 but with 9 nodal events our total
lines-of-relationship is 36.
As best I recall,
there is exponential increase in lines-of-relationship resultants,
and doing them individual and then adding does not appear to be the
same level of exponentiation. I dont see any flaws in my math
above and tho Fuller never referred to the expontial increase as form
of synergy, I wonder if could be labeled that way. I'm not
smart enough to make such distinctions.
However, one thing
i'm good at and that is making associations, and just the outer and
innner set as 36 happens to be the number combinations of quarks ( 18
quarks and 18 anti quarks }.
So lets do one final
math and that is the total 13 nodal events as a single graviton
{ small g }: 5 G , + 3 OT + 2 OT 4DE = 14 nodal events.
...Note: 24 is the
number for VE ---labeled as equinimity--- i.e. 24 chords and 24 radii
when VE constructed from 4 paper hexagons...... =
14^2 = 196,
minus 14 = 182, and divided by 2 = 91 lines-of-relationship in
sum-total..i..e. .n^2 minus n and divided by 2 defines the
small g graviton, Who would have thought the most
simple particle of Universe, could be so complex. Oh but wait.
That value includes the small d, darkion of Dark Energy. This may be significant to point out,
that, Gravity { mass-attraction } and Dark Energy { mass-repulsion }
are two sides { outer and inner } of the same gravitonic
particle { <I> } of occupied space /\ and time
.....1.............................5p...........7p............................11p.............13p...........G{ outer }....................
Time inside
great circle--------central spine to the torodial
Time inside
{ inner }..............