Your ability to produce sperm or eggs unimportant to me in determining if any given human can join the boy scouts or the army. I do not take it into account when deciding which bathroom you should use. In no way does your (in)ability to produce sperm or eggs make it less damaging for personal wellbeing or the public health to investigate or prosecute criminal cases differently in this basis. It should not be an issue when determining if someone receives a loan or government aid.
IF there is no legal distinction THEN what is the argument AGAINST accepting someone else's personal identity or even just treating it as though it were none of your buisness which of course also exists as an option?
Your argument might go
IF X is true THEN biologically female persons should not be allowed to join the boy scouts.
Or similar.
IF there is no legal distinction THEN what is the argument AGAINST accepting someone else's personal identity or even just treating it as though it were none of your buisness which of course also exists as an option?
Your argument might go
IF X is true THEN biologically female persons should not be allowed to join the boy scouts.
Or similar.