Democrats are no longer liberal nor progressive anymore.

Author: Greyparrot


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Greyparrot's avatar
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Under every recent modern Democrat administration, individual liberty has been slashed, and the standards of living for the average American have regressed.

Prove me wrong.
bmdrocks21's avatar
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bmdrocks21's avatar
I'd say that freedom increased under Dems, and (hot take) that's a bad thing.

Freedom for kids to take life altering hormone drugs, freedom to break most minor laws in major cities, freedom to do drugs, freedom for foreigners to illegally immigrate into the country.

I don't care if Democrats are liberal or not. Caring that they aren't exposes the major flaw of the conservative movement: instead of being actually traditionally conservative, we somehow morphed into conserving classical liberalism.

Liberalism is what is killing the West, and we need a lot less of it.
Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
I'm sure there are instances like you point out, but the overall balance seems to indicate individual liberties are being lost as more and more individuals are being coerced into  fewer options. More permissions are required to pursue happiness. 

Yeah a kid has the freedom to ingest whatever drug the pharmaceutical companies advocate. How about a child's freedom to operate a lemonade stand? Nope, not in Democrat states. How about a Child's freedom to go maskless or helmetless? Nope.
How about a Child's freedom to opt out of public education? Nope.

ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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instead of being actually traditionally conservative, we somehow morphed into conserving classical liberalism.
When you grow up in a country founded in a violent insurrection in the name of liberty, liberty is the conservative value.

Objectively there is no value in being old and no problem with being new,  nor value in being new or problem with being old.

Liberty is worth conserving, it has objective value. Liberty is worth progressing towards, it has objective value. Let he who does not value his own liberty cast the first tyranny.

I vote right-tribe because they lie a lot less often and they tend to be wrong in ways that don't destroy civilizations, but if being conservative means favoring the old simply because it is old I will never be a conservative.
bmdrocks21's avatar
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bmdrocks21's avatar
I'm sure there are instances like you point out, but the overall balance seems to indicate individual liberties are being lost as more and more individuals are being coerced into  fewer options. More permissions are required to pursue happiness. 
Yeah a kid has the freedom to ingest whatever drug the pharmaceutical companies advocate. How about a child's freedom to operate a lemonade stand? Nope, not in Democrat states. How about a Child's freedom to go maskless or helmetless? Nope.
How about a Child's freedom to opt out of public education? Nope.
Yeah, I think they definitely do combat certain freedoms like those. However, I think there is just an overall movement of eroding good freedoms during all administrations. I just think the promotion of 'bad' freedoms, as I would call them, during Dem administrations.

For instance, we did have a Republican administration (2 years of which we had majorities in both the House and Senate), yet tech censorship got much worse.

It is a bit reductionist to say, but Republicans in many ways are just "Democrats lite".
FLRW's avatar
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Well, at least democrats don't take bribes from foreign countries.
US Rep. Jeff Fortenberry of Nebraska(Republican) was convicted Thursday on charges that he lied to federal authorities about an illegal $30,000 contribution to his campaign from a foreign billionaire at a 2016 Los Angeles fundraiser. A federal jury in LA deliberated about two hours before finding the nine-term Republican guilty of one count of falsifying and concealing material facts and two counts of making false statements. Each count carries a potential five-year prison sentence and fines. The judge set sentencing for June 28. Fortenberry was charged after sitting for two interviews with FBI agents who were investigating the donor, Gilbert Chagoury, a Nigerian billionaire of Lebanese descent, reports the AP.
Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
Well, at least democrats don't take bribes from foreign countries.

Guess Biden isn't a Democrat then.
Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
For instance, we did have a Republican administration (2 years of which we had majorities in both the House and Senate), yet tech censorship got much worse.

It is a bit reductionist to say, but Republicans in many ways are just "Democrats lite".

In my view, they both have similar goals when it comes to restricting liberty. Voters really have no other options.

bmdrocks21's avatar
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bmdrocks21's avatar
When you grow up in a country founded in a violent insurrection in the name of liberty, liberty is the conservative value.

But liberty from what, exactly? It was a war for sovereignty from the UK. I think liberty is to some degree is a conservative value, but it is not to be confused with a libertarian/classical liberal desire to maximize freedom to do whatever one pleases with a few restrictions.

Essentially: libertarianism is not conservative.

Liberty is worth conserving, it has objective value. Liberty is worth progressing towards, it has objective value
"Liberty" is not objectively valuable. With the lack of rules, structure, and social expectations you have many of the plagues we experience today.
While legally allowing people to mutilate their genitals is allowing more freedom, that isn't a desirable freedom to allow.
Freeing people the social stigma of single parenthood and financially subsidizing it might allow people to have more 'freedom' to not get married, but the ills of that are quite apparent in the performance of kids from single parents.

Liberty cannot realistically be an end. It will lead to much suffering if it is treated that way.

I vote right-tribe because they lie a lot less often and they tend to be wrong in ways that don't destroy civilizations, but if being conservative means favoring the old simply because it is old I will never be a conservative.

I don't believe I ever said that favoring old because it is old is a conservative value. However, in some cases it is. For instance, tradition has value for making people feel bought into their civilization, even if the traditions themselves don't make sense.
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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@bmdrocks21 I have some chores then I'll respond but I can't wait for:
Well, at least democrats don't take bribes from foreign countries.
The underlying evidence is much more abundant against democrat corruption. Democrats just control the media so you don't have it constantly squished in your ear and they are willing to corruptly prevent investigations so people rarely get charged.

Take impeachment for instance, I bet there will be serious republican opposition to impeaching Biden for a much more grievous form of quid pro quo than Trump could possibly have dreamed of. The number of impeachments is not then measure of presidential irresponsibility but the measure of how little the opposition cares about the truth.

Obviously guilty Jussie Smollett walks having only been convicted after corrupt attempts to prevent prosecution were bypassed. That's the privilege democrats enjoy, people on their side will shamelessly save you from investigations, indictments, and whistle-blowing because in their minds you are the good guy with the right-think. Republicans and libertarians will be like "the law is the law", like Pence at the Jan 6 counting.

A federal jury in LA deliberated about two hours before finding the nine-term Republican guilty of one count of falsifying and concealing material facts and two counts of making false statements.
LA huh? Let's see how Biden or either Clinton fares with a West Virginia jury.

RationalMadman's avatar
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They are progressive definitely.

This is why I tend to call myself a Progressive, rather than Liberal and why I was very pleased this website has Progressivism as an alternative option to Liberalism.

The belief in freedom of progressives is incidental, not paramount/foundational. The primary objective is for society to end up as long-term happy and healthy as possible, freedom for gays to be gay happens to go with thar.

Greyparrot's avatar
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 The primary objective is for society to end up as long-term happy and healthy as possible,
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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When you grow up in a country founded in a violent insurrection in the name of liberty, liberty is the conservative value.
[bmdrocks21] But liberty from what, exactly? It was a war for sovereignty from the UK. I think liberty is to some degree is a conservative value, but it is not to be confused with a libertarian/classical liberal desire to maximize freedom to do whatever one pleases with a few restrictions.

Essentially: libertarianism is not conservative.
That is revisionism. It wasn't a war for sovereignty, it turned into a demand for sovereignty because that was the only way to get liberty and because there is no point playing for lower stakes when the other side has declared that you must die a traitor's death (something democrats today should remember when they throw around terms like "insurrection").

What is conservative? What is being conserved if not liberty? And what encroaches against it?

Liberty is worth conserving, it has objective value. Liberty is worth progressing towards, it has objective value
[bmdrocks21] "Liberty" is not objectively valuable.
This is a copy-paste from me on another site:

Oxford Dictionary:
Morality - A particular system of values and principles of conduct.
Meriam Webster:
Ethics - a set of moral principles : a theory or system of moral values
Ayn Rand:
Morality - A code of values accepted by choice is a code of morality.

Notes on Definitions:
I will treat ethics and morality as interchangeable, the shades of meaning are irrelevant here. Values vs moral principles are relative indicators. You start from a value and the moral principle is an algorithm which promotes or achieves the value. The moral principle can then be considered a value in of itself and be used for further derivations.

Note that the algorithm is a logical relationship, causality or implication. In order for a moral principle to be correct logic is implicitly relied upon, but that shouldn't be surprising as there is no other way to analyze anything. Human thinking isn't logic and something else, it's either logic or faulty logic.

A very important note about the definition of morality is something it does not contain. It is not a code of behavior that smacks you upside the head if you don't follow it. It's just a code of behavior to promote or achieve values. This is something many many people seem to feel is part of the definition and one of the reasons so many theists constantly think god can be the only source of true morality, because he has the power to smack you if you disobey.

Universe of the Self
A person has values and they are chosen by that person. The human brain, and many other brains are decision engines built to a goal, to live. The human brain, unlike many other brains chooses not only the value of life but secondary values which are perceived to support life. The freedom to choose values is so complete that humans at time choose even to abandon valuing life.

Note, this does not bridge the is-ought gap. There is no reason for values to exist other than that values are what directs the mind to action. There is no need to bridge the is-ought gap, value and morality exist entirely in the world of living organisms. There is no morality for stone and no need to try hopelessly to explain value without the alternative between life and death.

There is one value that precedes all other values for a rational animal, even life. One value which cannot be abandoned because to do so is a contradiction in terms.

That value is self-determination. You cannot choose to disregard your own choice. Every thought or action you will ever hold or take is predicated on your choice and to deny the value of that choice is to deny your own existence.

For every value chosen beyond self-determination and including self-determination there exists a true and correct morality for the individual to follow. The form of that morality is determined by logic and may be as varied as the values held.

The only personal morality which can be said to definitely exist for everyone is that they ought not allow their self-determination to be lost. They should preserve their own liberty.

Universe of the Cognizants

We have individuals with individual moral codes. Subjective moral codes with one exception, self-liberty. Logic can link the objective personal value to others by this dichotomy:

If one chooses to value liberty in abstract, he can without hypocrisy expect others to do the same. If one chooses to value his own liberty while dismissing the liberty of others he must admit that others should do the same.

If it looks like the golden rule it is, or at least a specific implementation of the concept. The golden rule is what separates civilized men from savages.

Still, this is a choice and not one that logic can make for you. The savage who lives by "might makes right" or "the rule of the jungle" is not in contradiction with his values or rationality.

However, when applied to real people it can be seen that such men hardly exist; for if they were honest in their savagery they would have no allies and no way to gain them. Instead they pretend to be civilized men but in their heart value only their own liberty.

The morality that arises from choosing universal liberty is objectively the only other choice to savagery if you define savagery as the decision to not value the liberty of others.

Thus, you cannot objectively say you should behave in X way without knowing someone's values; but once you know someone has chosen to value the liberty of others a great deal follows from that. If they reject valuing the liberty of others and all that follows then either they are in logical error or they are a savage in disguise.

Two principles at the root of two objective solutions to the moral question:
1) The rule of liberty from the value of each's liberty
2) The rule of power from the value of one's own liberty alone

The existence of #2 does not help anyone win any arguments as to why they should not respect liberty. If someone has chosen this morality, you should treat them as they treat you: with violence and deception.
In summation, yes it is objectively valuable, it is the most objectively valuable thing possible and the only value I can prove you have even if you decide to kill yourself tomorrow.

Other values aren't balanced with liberty, the are inconsequential before it because they may only exist through it. Anything else is demonstrable falsehood.

[bmdrocks21] With the lack of rules, structure, and social expectations you have many of the plagues we experience today. While legally allowing people to mutilate their genitals is allowing more freedom, that isn't a desirable freedom to allow.
You haven't the right to make that choice for others.

[bmdrocks21] Freeing people the social stigma of single parenthood and financially subsidizing it might allow people to have more 'freedom' to not get married, but the ills of that are quite apparent in the performance of kids from single parents.
Subsidization isn't freedom.

Liberty cannot realistically be an end. It will lead to much suffering if it is treated that way.
We each choose our end, and therefore liberty is the beginning, middle, and end. The notion that someone has too much freedom because they made a choice that harmed them in your opinion or even in their own is the tyrant's delusion. The tyrant can use lies and force to control behavior saying he is doing it for their own good but he can never fulfill the values of his victims because all of their values rest upon their self-determination.
bmdrocks21's avatar
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bmdrocks21's avatar
You haven't the right to make that choice for others.

You see, that's the funny part- I do. In a democracy, everyone else and I have the right to make damn near any choice for anyone we please. Enough people don't want you doing something? People will get voted in to outlaw it. Oh, it is "unconstitutional" to prohibit it? If enough people are voted in, then they can just amend the Constitution and now its constitutional. 

See how this works?

Subsidization isn't freedom.

If you're looking to buy a house and I give you $100k to buy a house, don't you now have more freedom of choice over what house you buy?

That is revisionism. It wasn't a war for sovereignty, it turned into a demand for sovereignty because that was the only way to get liberty and because there is no point playing for lower stakes when the other side has declared that you must die a traitor's death (something democrats today should remember when they throw around terms like "insurrection").
Oh really? We broke off because of "no taxation without representation". In other words, we broke off because we didn't have the power to make the rules that governed us. The definition of sovereignty: "the authority of a state to govern itself or another state." We broke off to gain sovereignty over the colonies.

We each choose our end, and therefore liberty is the beginning, middle, and end. The notion that someone has too much freedom because they made a choice that harmed them in your opinion or even in their own is the tyrant's delusion. The tyrant can use lies and force to control behavior saying he is doing it for their own good but he can never fulfill the values of his victims because all of their values rest upon their self-determination.

We live in a world that is unrecognizable from that under which humans evolved. Rules and structure are necessary and alter the course of the choices we make. Therefore, liberty alone is not the beginning, middle, and end as you say it is.

What is conservative? What is being conserved if not liberty? And what encroaches against it?
Depends on who you ask. If you ask a Reaganite, they'll tell you that conservatism means cutting taxes for corporations, increasing GDP at all costs, and letting people do whatever they want under the naive presumption that the decay of society and rampant degeneracy won't affect them.
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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You haven't the right to make that choice for others.
You see, that's the funny part- I do. In a democracy, everyone else and I have the right to make damn near any choice for anyone.
Prove it.
Enough people don't want you doing something? People will get voted in to outlaw it. Oh, it is "unconstitutional"? If enough people are voted in, then they can just amend the Constitution and now its constitutional.
I see an appeal to force, nothing more. Your unsigned social contracts and your legal fictions won't do a single thing to convince me to obey. The bullets are doing all the convincing. Bullets obey many masters. If you're fine with that there is nothing else to say.

Subsidization isn't freedom.
If you're looking to buy a house and I give you $100k to buy a house, don't you now have more freedom of choice over what house you buy?
If I leave the gravitational well of the earth don't I have more freedom of choice over where I go?

That is a completely different kind of freedom. To confuse it with political/ethical freedom is equivocation. Political freedom, the freedom that is established by the moral derivation I gave and which is referred to in the definition of proper rights is freedom from the force, threats of force, and equivalent deceptions of other moral actors.

Freedom to live in a nice house is a privilege, earned from nature or given in charity.

That is revisionism. It wasn't a war for sovereignty, it turned into a demand for sovereignty because that was the only way to get liberty and because there is no point playing for lower stakes when the other side has declared that you must die a traitor's death (something democrats today should remember when they throw around terms like "insurrection").
Oh really? We broke off because of "no taxation without representation". In other words, we broke off because we didn't have the power to make the rules that governed us. The definition of sovereignty: "the authority of a state to govern itself or another state." We broke off to gain sovereignty over the colonies.
Wrong, in a teachable way though.

"no taxation without representation", so if they had been allowed to send representatives and those representatives had been consistently voted down that would mean that the exact same rules and policies would continue. The only difference would be that objections were officially recorded and ignored.

This ties beautifully into the consent error of american democracy. The principle set forth was that "government derives its just powers from the consent of the governed".... yea which governed? All of them? Some of them? A bare majority? In what district? In what area?

Answer: Bare majority, any area we damn well please; we have the guns.

The annexation of Ukraine is simply an secession in reverse. Who are the Ukrainians to go against the majority (when the area in question is Russia + Ukraine)

If what you are saying was true, if the colonies from the beginning were unwilling to share authority with the people of Great Britain and thereby risk being outvoted and oppressed then America was also founded on the implicit principle that the minority has no duty to the majority in a total area they do not care to belong to. In that case there is no such thing as an immoral secession.

The caution of the founding fathers in regard to pure democracy is well known, in that caution we see sparks of the truth. Burn away the arbitrary circumstances of history and it's plain as day.

People have inalienable rights. They don't come from governments, even democracies. Consent is a factor that comes from an individual mind and cannot be averaged.

No government, corporation, gang, or book club has an ounce more moral authority than the sum of the authority delegated to them by its members. Any law which does not implicitly recognize this is immoral law and should be swept aside.

No government deserves to exist in of itself. There is no coherent objective moral concept "sovereignty".

We each choose our end, and therefore liberty is the beginning, middle, and end. The notion that someone has too much freedom because they made a choice that harmed them in your opinion or even in their own is the tyrant's delusion. The tyrant can use lies and force to control behavior saying he is doing it for their own good but he can never fulfill the values of his victims because all of their values rest upon their self-determination.
We live in a world that is unrecognizable from that under which humans evolved. Rules and structure alter the course of the choices we make. Therefore, liberty alone is not the beginning, middle, and end as you say it is.
If you're just going to ignore the important bits I'll run out of things to say fairly quickly. I didn't just assert it, I proved it. "rules and structure alter the course of the choices we make" has no relevance to my derivation whatsoever. It's just hand waving.
What is conservative? What is being conserved if not liberty? And what encroaches against it?
Depends on who you ask.
I was asking you.
zedvictor4's avatar
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When you only have two real choices, you either vote for someone or you don't bother.

And if politics and politicians boils down to nothing more than a media circus, you either switch off or pick your favourite clown.

Unfortunately the moderate majority of Americans is always left without any real choice.

And the nature of existence relative to time and material evolution, dictates that society must progress, irrespective of political persuasion.

And demands of a progressive society have  increased the cost of living, so standards of living for the less competitive will inevitably stagnate or decrease....Doesn't matter if you're a hillbilly redcap, or a flag waving LGBTQ etc activist.

So the conservative/liberal dichotomy, is an assumption largely relative to inherited misinformation.
bmdrocks21's avatar
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You see, that's the funny part- I do. In a democracy, everyone else and I have the right to make damn near any choice for anyone.
Prove it.

How about 'no'. That is literally what a democracy is. Citizens have the right to vote. They vote for people that make laws. Laws restrict what you can do.

I see an appeal to force, nothing more. Your unsigned social contracts and your legal fictions won't do a single thing to convince me to obey. The bullets are doing all the convincing. Bullets obey many masters. If you're fine with that there is nothing else to say.

I'm not making any appeals. I'm simply explaining how the system here in America works.

If I leave the gravitational well of the earth don't I have more freedom of choice over where I go?

That is a completely different kind of freedom. To confuse it with political/ethical freedom is equivocation. Political freedom, the freedom that is established by the moral derivation I gave and which is referred to in the definition of proper rights is freedom from the force, threats of force, and equivalent deceptions of other moral actors.

Freedom to live in a nice house is a privilege, earned from nature or given in charity.
What you're referring to is negative freedom- what people can't do to you. However, the addition of additional choices is freedom. School choice legislation is freedom- giving parents more power over the destiny of their children. You seem to be suggesting that believe these things are rights. They are not, they are expansions of freedom.

No government deserves to exist in of itself. There is no coherent objective moral concept "sovereignty".
Not much of what you said was wildly incorrect, but this confuses me. Sovereignty isn't a moral concept. It is something people desire and take for themselves because they want power over their destiny. It isn't any crazier than that.

Think of any ex-Colonial country. South Africa, Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), the Ivory Coast countries, etc. Their lives are objectively worse post-colonization, yet they in many cases used violence to achieve the power to govern themselves. They would rather be worse off, in fact, than to be ruled by others and live better. We didn't like the fact that people who didn't listen to us and who had fairly little in common with us were telling us what to do, so we killed their soldiers and economically drained them until they left us alone.

If you're just going to ignore the important bits I'll run out of things to say fairly quickly. I didn't just assert it, I proved it. "rules and structure alter the course of the choices we make" has no relevance to my derivation whatsoever. It's just hand waving.
You can say you proved things all you wish, that doesn't make it true. You think that having rules is tyranny. Not at all- it is called having standards. And libertarians are very much to blame for the rampant degeneracy in America today. Apparently having standards for behavior is tyrannical, rather than a prerequisite for creating and subsequently maintaining a civilization.

But I suppose we could just all become decadent like the Romans, let in the barbarians, and get this all over with.

Depends on who you ask.
I was asking you.
Being a conservative means believing in order above freedom. It is being part of a long tradition and people. American conservatism specifically has some roots to the Constitution and founding of the country, but those aren't everything.

I suppose you think the Founding of this nation was a bunch of tyrants taking over because they limited the liberty for people to get divorces and bugger each other, yes?
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
You see, that's the funny part- I do. In a democracy, everyone else and I have the right to make damn near any choice for anyone.
Prove it.
How about 'no'. That is literally what a democracy is. Citizens have the right to vote. They vote for people that make laws. Laws restrict what you can do.
Then I deny the existence of such a right.

I see an appeal to force, nothing more. Your unsigned social contracts and your legal fictions won't do a single thing to convince me to obey. The bullets are doing all the convincing. Bullets obey many masters. If you're fine with that there is nothing else to say.
I'm not making any appeals. I'm simply explaining how the system here in America works.
No you're dodging the issue by jumping across the is-ought chasm. I know what rights and duties the various governments who claim lordship over me claim I have. I know they will attack me if I assert rights they do not recognize or fail to carry out duties they demand.

That was never in contention. What was in contention was whether those claims were morally correct.

What you're referring to is negative freedom- what people can't do to you. However, the addition of additional choices is freedom. School choice legislation is freedom- giving parents more power over the destiny of their children. You seem to be suggesting that believe these things are rights. They are not, they are expansions of freedom.
Those examples are in one sense of the word freedom, but not political freedom. Not the freedom that may be demanded from others.

The kind of freedom described by greater-than-natural choices is not a right. If it requires the action or property of other moral actors it is a privilege. If it requires the violation of laws of physics it requires the capacity for self-delusion.

No government deserves to exist in of itself. There is no coherent objective moral concept "sovereignty".
Not much of what you said was wildly incorrect, but this confuses me. Sovereignty isn't a moral concept. It is something people desire and take for themselves because they want power over their destiny. It isn't any crazier than that.
If sovereignty isn't a moral concept then my statement is true. This also implies that anyone who justifies their actions with "sovereignty" have failed to justify their actions, if you understand that we are in agreement on the word.

Think of any ex-Colonial country. South Africa, Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), the Ivory Coast countries, etc. Their lives are objectively worse post-colonization, yet they in many cases used violence to achieve the power to govern themselves. They would rather be worse off, in fact, than to be ruled by others and live better. We didn't like the fact that people who didn't listen to us and who had fairly little in common with us were telling us what to do, so we killed their soldiers and economically drained them until they left us alone.
People are easily convinced that someone is stealing from them because someone is always stealing from them. The desire for dignity can easily be invested in ephemeral constructs like the tribe. The quest for the emancipation of a collective and the creation of a "sovereign nation" to be the incarnation of the collective is a perversion of the quest for liberty. It is perverse because it merely recreates the evil on a smaller scale.

Every nation seeking and gaining independence including the USA has gone on to commit the very oppression that justified their formation.

One needs only follow the logic to its inevitable conclusion to see why this happens. If colonies deserve to be independent why not counties? If counties why not towns? If towns why not households? If houses why not individuals?

It is man himself (the individual) whom exists, whom has a mind, who can be guilty, who can be virtuous, who can make promises, who can give consent or withhold it. The individual is the only moral actor. All others are shadows projected off him, all collectivized notions of morality are cults worshiping at the idol of a god that does not exist.

[1] All the prosperity and moral superiority of systems like the unofficial American Social Contract (see declaration of independence and constitution) is wholly owed to the unprecedented degree with which they mirrored that truth of individual moral calculus.

If you're just going to ignore the important bits I'll run out of things to say fairly quickly. I didn't just assert it, I proved it. "rules and structure alter the course of the choices we make" has no relevance to my derivation whatsoever. It's just hand waving.
You can say you proved things all you wish, that doesn't make it true.
Nor does denying it make it false.

You think that having rules is tyranny.
I did not say that. I think having rules must follow one of two patterns or else it is tyranny:
A) The rule is an objective universal moral or the derivative application thereof
B) The rule was consented to

(A) should be called laws, and (B) should be called regulations as those words most closely resemble the sum of informal understanding.

Not at all- it is called having standards.
You may call it whatever you wish, but a rose by any other name....

Depends on who you ask.
I was asking you.
Being a conservative means believing in order above freedom.
Then being a conservative means being evil. It also means fighting for the redcoats. If you are a conservative by that definition you are a traitor to the ideals of the United States of America as well as being ignorant of the only objective universal moral understanding possible.

It is being part of a long tradition and people. American conservatism specifically has some roots to the Constitution and founding of the country, but those aren't everything.
The founding of the country has absolutely nothing to do with "order above freedom", you postulate the existence of truly deluded people (American conservatives) who managed to twist a founding myth 180 degrees from it's original form in spite of the clear written evidence to the contrary.

I don't accept your definition to be the commonly understood one mind you, many people call themselves conservative because they believe they are conserving the ideals and vision of the founders. A vision of personal liberty, rationality, and government resistant to tyrannous devolution. It is a vision of order for the sake of freedom.

You can't value A for the sake of B and then value A over B. Imagine valuing a warm house for the sake of the baby inside, and then saying you value the warm house over the baby. If you will sacrifice the baby to keep the warm house you value the house more than the baby. If you will sacrifice the warm house to save the baby you value the baby more than the house.

So too: If you sacrifice freedom to keep order, you value order more than freedom. If you sacrifice order to keep freedom, you value freedom more than order.

I am reminded of a similar 180 degree inversion from founding myth to justification: The warrior christian, the crusader. They fought and died in the name of a man who wouldn't even tolerate an ear being cut off to save his life. Jesus of Nazareth was pacifism in a portrait, only the Siddhartha is in the same ball park. The crusaders didn't even have the self-awareness to doctor the gospels to make it more compatible (such as say Islamic scripture which is full of 'justified' violence).

The delusion man is capable of....

I suppose you think the Founding of this nation was a bunch of tyrants taking over because they limited the liberty for people to get divorces and bugger each other, yes?
They were tyrants in many ways, but they were not worse tyrants than those who came before. In their admission that sovereignty and government are tools not sacred structures and end unto themselves, in their declaration of ideals, in their intentional decentralization and anti-tyranny measures they were for a time the most moral power on earth.

I pre-read your post and this question is why I included [1] above.

The good does not excuse the bad. The bad does not erase the good:

Attacking a man for any reason less than the violation of rights, such as victimless crimes, such as buggery is evil.
Insofar as marriage is a contract and divorce is a breach of contract, preventing it or mitigating its exit is not evil.

They also had some pretty serious sins of omission. As a government claiming ultimate legal authority the responsibility to defend the right to liberty in all of their claimed territory fell on them entirely. They failed hundreds of thousands of slaves for many long years.
Reece101's avatar
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Under every recent modern Democrat administration, individual liberty has been slashed, and the standards of living for the average American have regressed.

Prove me wrong.
It’s been happening since the 60s-70s. Both parties. 
ebuc's avatar
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OMG, the list of immoral Republicans is so much longer than democrats. Orange-GP you need to gt off your low horse values and awaken to truth and a higher morality

Nixon { watergate lies } and then,

Ford pardons him,

Regan taxes go higher and Iran contra lies and deciept,

Bush 1 { higher taxes? }, Bush 2 { uneccessary 40 billion dollar war in Irag based on lies },

Trumpet...OMG...largest amount of lying by any president ever, and huge amount of lying above 75% of humans on Earth.

Then the long list of Trumpets associates, and his politicieans and their lies.  OGP I'm guessing you must tell yourseslf at least 100 lies every day before you eat breakfest.  Ok, maybe not a full 100. I may have exaggerated.

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Laughter is best medicine...your welcome OGP :--))