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Conscience: And now about king arthur. It is about helping eachother in need. Vampyrism must out from the board, the committee or what ever, because communication works liberal - for instance necessity is only when thou understand something is so; police orders, beggar rules, commands and such are illegal but since police threaten with guns, commanding parents threaten with torture yada yada they are dangerous and thou must therefore obey to avoid their spiritual hurt. But real communication works liberal. And in rescue i am Merlin because as school authority i know about how water magical melts vapourizes and such, pupils are not here to learn that, because school is built to be USED by pupils and not to grasp Earth and Sun mechanism in actual education. You spirits in danger or hurt (harm) are being miseducated. Yes it is lie that you learn from life = damage, your mistakes. Even rescued you spirits are not repairable like for example automobiles. And those spirits not really conscious rescued they reincarnate as imaginable to mad dogs or lustrous cows for examples.
And about my animal body controls there are one example: School authority can mechanically discarnate a spirit (single among multiple other spirits) from an animal before its death. Suicide is a milky way.

Discipulus_Didicit's avatar
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What is with all these goddamn vampire kids?
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It is because civilization is broken down into Worm Man and Intelligent Man.
Polytheist-Witch's avatar
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I swear these posts sound like somebody put metaphysical into an AI and it generates these.
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What was will be, what will be was.
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We have finally reached it and yes i want this thread destroyed completely after our use. Because now i am armed and i tell you we nailed their twins ages ago and they cried for long, europeans kissed us ass after wwii "you saved us" .. "saved" that's ridicules. You ignorant .. are dying and think of saving the world, but what about yourselves? You are deluded into oblivion with masturbation, our bodies produce shit daily and you think of yourselves as mostly water, but hey do water feel? hurt and pain, it is thee connected daily dying- And deluded you think of water for more african babies and such commercials. For fuck sake we are spirits but suicide is a milky way. Find loneliness and obey conscience for salvation.
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that´s criminal behavior and i recommend a psychiatrist. Frankly when thou finally or if thou should reach conscient understanding stranded in no where, you will need to escape upstairs where thou came from, because yes "they" who lured thee here are also waiting awaiting to reincarnate thee for ever yes and marshall law is sick but listen up: as thou blah ai they did it with fallout games too. Thou have to discern between 1) animal machine 2) AI robot and 3) insect. For instance in "lord of the rings" seduction the trolls look like insects just like hollywood said about german soldiers into wwii commercials and they - eh thou - finally met some, hey they were humans after all. Do you want to know more?
Sum1hugme's avatar
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It reads like an ebuc post
Discipulus_Didicit's avatar
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 You ignorant .. are dying and think of saving the world, but what about yourselves?
Tell me how to unlock the vampire powers you spoke of earlier, else I have no use for you.
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Conscience: You are truly speaking your own mind, within or what ever internally externally or what ever kindred. Here are the two post-tracks:
1) Nuisance in our thread "Criminal Arts" delete #11 ".. I see
something about me being a fucking vampire which seems pretty cool so I am
interested .." This is one or two of you kindred infants bragging.
2) This thread post #9 "Tell me how to unlock the vampire powers you spoke of earlier .." There is nothing yet in our thread "Criminal Arts" about killing. Though there is in your post upstairs "I see something about me .. a vampire" and it is obviously a clue ..

But babies, masturbators what ever : not to worry because as you clearly "saw" at login to this internet ..eeeh clouds "This site is protected by babi puzzling CAPTCHA and the Umbrella Union and what ever." so your weird getting together is undoubtably secured meaning: there's no way out .. or there's not a soul out there ... no one to hear your prayer: oooh god .. oooooh goood .. and such ..

Else thou or you who referred my direction "You dying .. what about that?" ..

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Post #3, what the fuck is your problem, eh ..? Clearly some of you understood "intelligent man" which is thy conscience? .. and "worm man" which you call civilization? .. Break it with divorce that ends it. Sort of i mean, eh..
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Spam #8, your fucking gossip cries for mommy, obviously you think so of username Polytheist-Witch. But you "contain" spirits with trouble reaching conscience about rescue.

So .. about the meaning of true regret: Some internal "within" or what ever spirits did not participate; while some other symbiotic did ill and the rest conspired of course. So take thy own experience back in the days, do thou find thy body committing crimes "that is not really thee" ..? Regret. Attack -> it's my body, it is symbiotic spirits with ill intent .. yada yada. And that's it folks.

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Word salad
Discipulus_Didicit's avatar
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Goes good with crazy sauce.
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Sorrow is lovely like soft rain
Skies are falling to ease our pain
Shame is burning like glowing fire
All sins must burn to please our Sire

Paulus: I thought "such garbage". It is ages ago and some within or what ever wrote it conscient and i made fun in ghostlihood, companionship, ayatollah khomeini's sole spirit about being the body to the others. But the poetry is made from thoughts in a certain religion "Towards the Light" they believed in or what ever. For through ages i came to realize that they meant i must burn in hell, so .. .. and they call it love too, yes master - nr 5 - "how sweet".

Paulus or nr 4, what ever: I understand through conscience that Enya - Pax Deorum is something with king Arthur though Enya artists "within" brag in commercials about being the king selves - like all the other artists here in kingdom hell. We - nr 5 and me - made something about it where we used clip from Enya Pax Deo soap (what ever) to command you two bunnies posting poetic #13-14. I get it that you are salad and sauce similar to me wearing a suit and a tie .., for yes i am Constantine - a true believer ..

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Nothing you've said means anything. Could you express a point in a clear and concise way that isn't so convoluted that it's impossible to determine what you're even talking about? 
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Some one hug me, here it is: I Paulus use "nr 4" in private. But the Cellar-Woman use it for this debate, so that has to be striked as mine in post ¤15.

And speaking about coherence problem yes that's me because through ages i just .. i mean usually sounds were and are "stupid" and i hardly ever see myself and i wake up in the middle of day with hours or days of lost fight; i didn't get this my situation before ages late, first with school authority education i understand about that i am trapped in or with zombie animal. How has it come to this for me? (I ask school authority.)
I first "heard" Cellar-woman speak when school authority began "you are more" with us. And Cellar-woman talked about being "god" in own belief - probably through masturbation i thought -, but cellar-woman changed it to Ant-Queen (<- Nr 5: my idea yes).
Nr 2: Yes nr 4 played "god" and was evil so
Nr 5: as in the Starship Troopers clip i have arranged in our "reproduction" of "Meet the spartans"
Nr 2: a disgusting man brain sucking captain Picard too - if you follow the
Nr 5: my drift.

Nr 5: Nr 2, tell about internal referendum..
Nr 2: Okay about concerned Ant Queen clip, I have seen it about 20-30 times and yeees it's cellar-woman. The other 8 spirits - where i think pacification works - get opportunities to conscient communication. And they talk with nr 5 about seeing something through - maybe 20 secs -, and nr 5 does something with school controls so they come to see, but they typically only see through moments. And then they talk about for example what the symbiotic spirits are doing here, why did you came here, their harm with headache, fatal handicaps etc, and about danger it takes for ever to communicate "who's fault" and earlier us others did not wait such bullshit. Yes they are dangerous, for example in traffic school authority actually steers the animal body because even though i always see and hear normally, the criminally insane disturb so i can't concentrate in traffic. And "you know" that's necessary even through headaches, gimme gimme etc to avoid road accident.
Nr 5: That's why we live secluded.
Nr 2: Yes master sort of in handicap areas, i get that idea.
Nr 5: Nr 2, tell about hug me ..
Nr 2: Sure. It is also always nr 5 that inspires some thing like that "Sum1hugme" (aha or i get it) means some one hug me. I know from getting intellectual hurt myself through childhood or "upbringing" that it is sensitive info. How i don't know, can't see shit, but nr 5 can obviously.
Nr 5: Yes for example: It is not something to bully and brag about is a poor life ..
Nr 2: Yes. Because I remember early that other people were challenging and after starting to co-operate with conscience i managed to escape strong intellectual hurt. And conscience told stuff about others in order for "us" to reach seclusion and so forth.
Before i tried to actually follow "conscience" - which i first found clue about in religion "Towards the Light" - i never wanted to begin school. It was forced. And i was never into anything at all in generel obligatory shit. It was just about getting away. And when i tried conscience and i got something about school grades are stupid. I agreed sure. I spoke with other school boys and girls "hey school grades a,b,c nonsense is wrong?" And they were like "sure" but cowardly. And after that i trashed mine, i mean those final papers what the fuck. But later i was attacked by twain, because my brain wanted them back and i was fucking forced to fetch new papers from the school i was enslaved earlier. And now a day or two ago nr 12 within or what ever that pip bush thing in carneval with jump out tendencies through years admitted "yes those characters were false, but i was scared without .. " something insane. And it was the same with driving when looking for new job. I never enjoyed that because i thought this life with family and work from 8-4 is dangerously insane, stop (nr 5: and so did nr 1 and nr 3). Yes, and then birdy bush shouted insanely in thought "That's suicide". But what's wrong with thinking about the end, because what is the purpose and that is about the end, and this cowardly pestilence in company threatens about figuring out correct security.
I (nr 5: We. Nr 2: okay 5) also ended in psychiatric prison. I already knew they tortured people from an old friend's warning who already had experience so: because his wife had seduced "some" of his within spirits into believing that they were evil. I met this man, because he had pedophiles spirits who had heard of me and then they invited, and some symbiotic faggot(s) forced a letter to him "yes i love you", so we met ... But he was actually nervous and heard radio to kill confusion what ever. But i could understand he was ill, so i got some conscient help (nr 5: but at that time we did not talk out loudly. Nr 2: True). And i then (like jesus i suppose) demanded of this ill man to also listen and not just speak since else we were through with eachother. And he or they managed that. And he also listened to some stereo tjaikovsky and was amazed (don't know what?) but yes. And else i listened through his bullshit about mistreatment and about "wife" and "daughter" and (nr 5: we) explained: Thou, they - wife and daughter - don't really care about thee and they grabbed all thine property ..
Later yes he was a fucking bastard and a faggot thus. And despite we could explain: he preferred another faggot friend and died lonely, gay and sick because he ignored hygiene which is a fact.
Nr 2 and 5: Aha ha ha what a disgusting shit.
Nr 2: But so i knew psychiatry was prison like and that they used pills there to drug and rape their patients etc. Still later the vandalized human i still attach (master: when .. now?) got "discusprolaps" so i couldn't be a working class hero for a long time. And they had already threatened with psychiatry, because i complained plainly instead of anonymously "this is stupid ..", and when my animal-back was lesser stroked i demanded work and instead they sent police rape. And they were like silent terror. And in psychiatry i immediately thought about bad pills they enforce, and they also did that, of course i wanted out but how; strange thing is that among those symbiotic spirits i still have there were dummies who thought different (like being "home" there ..), i mean escape for fuck sake and yet "i stay"?
Nr 5: So to thee: take thy symbiotic companions serious thus!
Nr 2: Yeah, and it is school authority who between conscient kindred spirits - according to arthur - brings about logic communication <- in handicap mode, because speaking is use of violence etc.

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Hugo and nr 5: And Jesus said "It's time for me to go .." and his true friends and closest neighbours and such said "When do you know the hour?" Jesus: "Soon when the time is right .." And some time went. And then Jesus repeated Simon "go fetch them you know .." And later yet. Jesus "It's time now, simon has fetched them" And his dearest lovers, beloved and true followers "Oh god so you are going to commit suicide.. may be come and watch?" Jesus "No. but spread the word, the gospel, gossip what ever you know!"
And that's what they did: they wrote evangeliums to Bible stuff. And it was about love ..

Why don't thou divorce fister? and to those minors "scram kids!!" WHat's it about?

Paulus and nr 5: The evangelist spirits were vampires.

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Paulus: WHat the hell is going on? You know "pets" and you got one or more self ..? But they are "really" toys since you decide to walk them and feed 'em, you do it self when ever pleased so. And you are raiders (like in fallout games though they failed to realistic show it), trap and sell animals in shops. And it is criminal. And i want free you know, yeah also upstairs for ever and so do i nr 4 - "Cellar-Woman" cause i am no female but my life is in limbo hell too -.
Paulus: So i worked some more with nr 2 and 5 about figuring out with movie stuff. And we placed more about slavery for i am Constantine - a true believer ..; i guess belief has to do with me being enslaved ..? Yes i get now that constantine is bullshit since i exist in danger.
Nr 4, Cellar nonsense: Yes nr 5, him Constantine is dressed BORG smart ass and frankly things go like hell because that's his life too .., and typically actors (like Constantine actor dean martin or something) brag their inspiration and get screwed thereby. They betray their project manager, come to face dangerous crowds (because oh yeah that's what you get for betrayal) and misery punish them thereafter for ever. Nr -1 talked about a pussy lock but the point is: don't betray thy conscience.

Polytheist-Witch's avatar
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i guess belief has to do with me being enslaved ..?
We all  tend to be slaves to our beliefs.
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Paulus: I read your argument #20 and started to think about me being slave is simply because my beliefs. We are discussing the matter now internally though not with nr -1 since that lunatic has gone "i kill you ..". The rebels Hugo and Rabbit are also out. Earlier i spoke with nr 5 who made an example to me which was "IBM" trademark "do i trust in it"? and i said yes. And then nr 5 said: But does IBM actually stand for functionality? And then i concluded "no" that it can be bought with malfunction still. And i understood that but frankly there are trademarks and famous people - for example nr 12 just had a fever by hearing that "Polyteist-Witch" the barbi thing has replied in "our" thread, like a birthsday present, such is intended to impress and that is criminally vampyric; but we took our time to speak it and first thereafter read your new message.
But why do they demand belief in religion, why not liberal understanding? It's the same with parents and police and it is vampyric because how can thou do correct without understanding first? Vampires fill young grown gaga brains with fairytells to screw them and in their disorientation they will mistake security and find harm, it's vampyric.
Paulus: For fuck sake let's change the subject i am feeling ill, i get these massage feelings and the others - nr 2 .. - call it horniness and yes i can't put 2 and 2 together now again. It's like a lot of stuff in this world "what's that" and then risk illness. There was this boy the body's mom introduced to "play" with? And he was 3 years older. After some years he had werewolfs studying sex and my body was minor still with fairy gaga in mind. And he demanded sex and "what"? That's when porn stroke me. It's dangerous but "what is it"? and then it gets worse. And that's slavery. And when the illness is over, it is not over yet, for it is just not happening anymore in reality, but it mattered and it was bad.
Nr 2: Yes faggot bad.
Paulus: Yes nr 2 and nr 5 say something and it typically relieves because i think of the harm and then murdering in madness, but what's the use so? And it was the same with psychiatric humiliation once, after getting out i planned to kill those african foreigners i believed had told police accusations about my behavior. And first many years later with internal discussion that nr 5 kept i understood that it was BORG social office man who used such method.
Cellar-Woman: Yes in my struggle for power i thought of analyzing nr 5 and i also horny talked to nr 5 to tempt sex. But it is actually nr 5 who is my conscience. (Nr 5: "power" = salvation)

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Nr 9: "Polytheist-Witch" i also wondered about hair in the ass and just talked with nr 5. And i understand now that yes it is possible for shit to hang in such hair, it's disgusting and there is really no use of hair such place. And it is like nails; animal nails grow like pest or plague for ever - something to do. Yes i also believed once that i exist in time. But i have learned from nr 5 - my conscience school teacher - that time is useful to do something with real purpose. Else i am - were since now i have mistakenly come into this vamp trap with dangers too, where "nothing to do" hurts and that is know as feeling bored. - in nowhere, nothing to do ever and no harm in that neither.
My plan with conscience is to get ready to discarnate and avoid dangers "upstairs" also while continuing following correct authority - my conscience you know - to first freedom - which means separating from this spiritual company i have, since we have illegally found together (it's a mess) and getting free is also because there are sociopaths among them - with a new identity and solitude - in a monastery school held by real authorities, which i must be ready to distinguish myself, and there also have conscious communication to structure my spiritual senses, their purpose to understand security thus against more harm (hurt) and thereby to be able to communicate thus with school master and together figure out a quarantine action base where when finished i can enter and thereby end possibility for more harm/hurt to myself cause i am not an automobile - you know - neither.

Nr 2: Conscience tells me that some want to know "how come we got knowledge of upstairs"? And it's easy "all you need is love .." - and that's bullshit.
As we earlier mentioned, have you secured talking together? Anonymity, seclusion yada yada ask your conscience "what's wrong"? Because it is conscience who intellectually explains and bring about understanding in internal affairs here in danger and handicapped brains.
I recall it took years. We had extreme hurt, dizziness, long headaches because "we didn't distill our water, no .. that's not the cause:" there are tons of electromagnetic radiance; and the correct cure is about figuring out co-operation with real school authority through conscience, 'kay ... First after we within had been sick through ages, we started going through documentary movie to learn about pollution, war, disasters etc going on around:
So i had struggle with health and internal warfare. And after something bad there were basic thoughts. And oddly another spirit within asked conscious about my own concern or thoughts, but we still didn't talked plainly together yet until years later. And it was nr 3 who has already gone "missing", noooo because i know now that nr 3 and nr 1 had bone pains and we managed to plan upstairs tactical stuff through years.
You can not just "co-operate" consciently because real conscience is some one. When young i threw out the fucking school grades, because that's right and i did it. I saw bodies old every where, i had already felt torture through childhood years, i wanted free. But then i was enforced reading through library stuff, there was nothing technical about stop, out, end it now. For example now i have talked with a school teacher and agreed: "This world was original school property, so it must have been invaded and wrecked. .. Okay since i came here illegally then that must mean that upstairs things work illegally too and are invaded where incarnations take place .., and therefore when i discarnate it must be among other illegal immigrants wandering about like here: stray dogs.. yeah what if some one was attached a lion animal and walk about .." So we talk together and place certain facts to get a picture of how to make it. And conscience also use movies or games - certain clips - as examples.
But before all this listen up: I found religion "Towards Light". And therein we - nr 1, 3 and probably also 4 - decided to follow conscience. And i never got into any relationship actually. There were only 3 attempts - one boy and two girls -. The fucking faggot was enforced. The first woman was in illness, a rash decision some suckers within tried to screw with a typical street whore. And the second girl was once i poor slept on streets in Barcelona, and this university girl - who had seen my body there at library - invited and i noticed internally in thoughts a demand "don't ask (us conscient) else we will never come to fuck". So these "others" enforced a fuck with who ever and it was ridicules: First some within touched her nipples and "okay what?". And then they measured with fingers how many could fit in that asshole of hers. And after that she found a condom to put on my extra leg. The fucking spirits in company were use to masturbate but with a tight condom on, the dick could not roll, so there wear only poor sensation in porn hurt, harm what ever. And next thing noticeable was that the girl had made the floor wet with a pool of something yummi. And it was in a house where crooks lived. They were poor and had invaded an empty ruin so they were no facilities like toilet. And much later where all we twelve spirits within or what ever began "to talk", only nr 1 and nr 3 were willing to admit mistake .., the others said nothing to see here ..
And nr 12 also admitted that this "animal" was committed to god because late at the time were americans threatened with humiliating europeans concerning us involvement in wwii and we did that twin tower thing ca-booom, we talked on a forum and nr 12 yelled in writing "and i am god and for (our name) there is only me hilarious." And that fruitcake went on, but we managed to criticize the war mongers.
Nr 3 had fatal problems seeing and so did nr 7. But i know that nr 1 participated in our first artwork. It took 3 years to do for conscience. So listen up about relationship with conscience: We read in this religion "Towards light" that scientific spirits don't make it, but that artistic do. Bull .., any how we wanted to reach this "multi cultural personality" it spoke of. So we began though our animal always only painted stupid clumsy stuff and it was a stress to paint. But we used one year to completely finish 5 poems for example
Olympus beloved reason
the clean truth and altruism
always you are the greatest
and irresistible fist
And then we used almost exactly another year to colour it - some words and with background pictures.
And then we used half a year to do a painting - first think about what and then make it. And then conscience waited almost a half year but before the end, told us the rest and then we finished it within one-two weeks. But WHY did conscience simply wait so long .. (i want out now ..)? Because so we could understand that ideas or inspiration are not hanging on trees, that there are SOME ONE who makes them and gives them.
(So you see: artist here there every where bragging so are betrayers of their project manager upstairs.)
The painting was special, because it was intelligent. We had studied about egyptian and indian cultures, their religious blah and also greek philosophy, and conscience took the egyptian The Sphinx (that's about question) and the indian or chinese Buddha (that's about answer). And then there is you - a pilgrim - on road from question to answer in christianity. (Nr 5: And above that there is zeus in skies, greek mythology, which was the last piece missing or was it .. in that painting. And below jesus wanderer there were death, spiritual hurt when the wanderer mistake and that is mythology only.)
And i was amazed by the simple coherence between these "religions" i had studied within 10 years. I did not just grasp "there IS some one upstairs". And i simply could not understand why the fuck this animal then later began to play computer games. I thought that is psychopathy and with the artwork, i had finally found it - i am going out of this madness. But nr 5 explained ages later that the computer games also had clues to figure out co-operation with me (nr 5: yeah.)
By the way with art i also tried to play something. And it was honky tonk all except one. Because i just tried after "feeling" but i felt my fingers were pushed sideways - like out of control -. And when it was done i thought "forget it" but it frankly sounded like some classical music sort of "Fur Elise". And now much later i think it is not something to do, because sound is violence so conscience must have had a reason to play just that. And there became not anything more of it.
About this artwork we had idea from this religion "Toward Light" that love thy neighbor, so we explained our production to known family and others we got together with. Oddly they just vanished after they recognized it as true artwork. And our friends within became impatient and forced ideas of publishing it for money or popularity, but we rejected it. And later - where we were already threatened by ideas such as being possessed or followed by evil intending voices only - the animal violently showed anger and threatened with destroying computer toys. And it was thrown out. Nr 5 later explained that artwork was actually also to their rescue, it had landscape about egyptian underworld .. ups.
Yes, polytheist-witch about poly-nonsense, there are Sire, King, Lord, God and Father and they (nr 5: tribute king arthur -> security or safety. I am merlin because i know stuff and i also sit by the round table with you conscient pupils, but king arthur is no one. King arthur is ruler because in our liberal communication security is king).

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 the egyptian The Sphinx (that's about question) and the indian or chinese Buddha (that's about answer).. And then there is you - a pilgrim - on road from question to answer in christianity.
That's actually an interesting point.

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Nr 2: You know "scapegoat" , nr 1 was typical scapegoat among us within through years - no where to run ..
For example nr 12 - who has characters that match which why our animal molested a minor in kindergarten and later a dog, a pet in mom's house - carried out hetz (bullying) meant to extremely harm nr 1 how ever possible in this madness. And vodka spirit bragged and participated in bullying internally. Nr 4 cellar woman tried to help with "if any one dares touch her precious in ghost town they would have to answer to God .." And nr 5 + nr 3 and nr 7 ridiculed that with "ooooooo ... saber raslen." Nr 4 failed to co-operate consciently thus but "had the heart in the right place" (Nr 5 helped me with this description). Nr 1 was also attacked by the faggot Paulus who was attracted and demanded to own nr 1 - who then used a girlish name (nr 5: though what is spirit actually ..?). And i was reminded thereby of islamic or chinese or taiwan something "cultures" who endorse child molesting and selling for such rape. Nr 1 also got pedophile attacked by Hugo who for long fatherly embracing accused me nr 2, but secretly so in porn (fatherly) get together influences. Rabbit also attacked nr 1 for example when nr 1 had severe illness and did structure work any way, and Rabbit (in mind "there's our scapegoat") bullied to intellectually humiliate extreme harm. And Rabbit and Hugo are best friends so - also with the others - gays so in friendship vampyricly about their scapegoat who escaped though. Nr -1 was also policing humiliating to nr -1 (a pip-squeak). Nr 7 was neither friendly to nr -1 actually. Only nr 3 and cellar-woman.
And when we first came out of the closest and discovered to be twelve spirits attached same animal, nr 1 prayed to me nr 2 "I would like to follow with you". Nr 1 did not self understand what it meant and could express it then, but surely i was notified and i agreed. But thereafter when i got time, i had to co-operate with nr 5 school authority (who is not one of us twelve attached animal) about educating nr 1: that nr 1 it is nr 5 school teacher who is our rescuer and not me nr 2 though i speak of my understanding which nr 5 conscience provide. I nr 2 am also in need like you nr 1 and i also have fatal sensing and irritations with vampyric or werewolf attacks, which of course those who do not participate consciously are guilty in (nr 5: along with also many others - "externally of the animal" - who make adventures, brag and so on that are used in vampire or werewolf attacks for example dangerous sweet candy).

Nr 2: Conscience tells me that some want to ask about food - what? - and i can understand why since we had extreme hurt with throw ups and in term effect snot - nasal mucus -, maybe more. But for example "here is clean water" you'll make it now? How will thou also figure out to co-operate with school authority so? Certainly not by asking me and hey i got to go, i was not made for this.
But with that in place i can tell about how stupid i was raised and lived and yes, you'll find cure for that snot thing: I suppose you drink milk and eat cheese. (Nr 5, conscience: what's it for?) It comes from cows. And the milk cows are enslaved animals (who ever attached, Madonnas we - nr 2 and nr 5 - suppose). They are forced pregnant so they produce, BUT that milk is intended their own cow-children and it is gaga shit. And we did a test: We thought about "are we snotty because of it"? So we ate a lot of cheese and shortly thereafter our animal snot became much thicker and ran, it had to be therefore we concluded. And we also concluded that stuff is illegal food for us, but not for you cowboys and such. So long suckers. Yes cowboys started in 1800 cattle shit and now human race has grown in height with cow bones.
Now i eat curled spagetti (100% durum wheat) and parboiled rice and distilled water only. Use a meter to measure that the water is distilled and without metals. Before we had snot and headaches but by conscient co-operation we figured out this ourselves.
Nr 4: And have your resources brought - delivered - if possible.
Nr 2: I just made a joke of nr -1 while out shopping today: Nr 5 made it and i told thereafter -1 not to worry "we are insured in heaven before we incarnated since we are precious beings you know". (Nr 5: And nr -1 had already noticed something comical in "air" and thought about it.) And nr -1 said "yeah?" And then i continued: because there are police - angels you know from heaven, any problem and as you think (nr 5: because nr -1 believes in angels ..) they'll come .. to rescue and shit. Nr -1: Aha yes okay ..
Nr 5: Yes but nr -1 is still pacified, restrained from taking considerable actions ..
Nr 2: Fucking masturbator too. Yes i think nr 5 that i, nr .. Cellar-woman and nr 9 has to get out of here now, the rest is shit.
Nr 2 and nr 5: We already tried making web pages about food, earth and sun rotation and functional time instead of gregorian and more but to do it anonymously is like: they just delete pages and do not keep their obligations etc, so out with it, we are done. (Nr 5: Yes nr -1 also participated in all that.) We wanted to escape this shit, hell hole what ever and thought of others but hey you others - through years or ages - are impossible to reach. Take for instance some singer "look darling let us tell you something .." (Nr 5: They are pregnant with ideas themselves that carry on for ever and cast shadows so in lightening effects and style and here i come for we .. blah brag like hell.) Yes and like they know about others, when they discarnate they fail to reckon eachother (nr 5: for so it is when you brag on and carry like-style, emotion and such in air up after bragging and killing childish stuff play yeah and such in darling new year for here i am in hell to you know for ever lasting and that was it final. Argh Bum shakalaka bum shakadu bum bummelum bom bom.)
Nr 2: Fruits can be dangerous. Nr 5 never said it directly but asked us about what about the fruit seeds? .. And we wondered what. But yes if they are placed in water, they'll spring. And nr 5 continued asking then about them in our body stomach. And we agreed that they could be dangerous so because if they break root and start growing cancer .. no thanks. So we found that bananas were impossible eat cause they have tiny seeds and shit. And some fruits are simply ill tasting - bad. And nr 5 asked about oranges what they are for? And we hadn't a clue, but we found that our brain lightened up and they were bad too. We - (nr 5: to our body because bodies, yeah human bodies also, are different) - found 3 possible vegetables. 100% liquid tomatoes in heavy bottles and they have some salt also. And we found the red socalled pepper fruit to have much energy, because we tested it hungry (harm yes) that just one such could actually yield energy most of the day. And nr 5 asked about it does it look strange for a fruit? And we - teammates - agreed yes. And then nr 5 said it's actually a cactus. And we decided to use 1 red cactus every morning. (Nr 5: Take a look yourselves in documentry what it takes to grow simply one ..) And we have to be careful to remove all seeds every time. And last fruit is apple. And nr 5 about what's for noticed us about stomach trouble after apple. So we eat such late during day. And we have come to realize that nothing really fits our organic body. It is zombie life.
Nr 5, School Master: Oil is originally in earth a medium for building true nature.

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Nr 2: Correction: last post (Nr 5: Yes nr -1 also participated in all that.) it was truly nr 1 who participated in creating stuff for other conscious spirits with books and web-pages about it all.

Poly-nonsense: That's actually an interesting point.
Nr 2: Yes i thought so too, but you've missed the point. I got an example in idea (nr 5: yes it is me ..)
For example if you and i were married - but we aren't - but if we were .. (fucking symbiotic  morons)
No, there is something gone wrong bad and that is authority uha monstrous. Because we spirits have come in danger and are so illegally incarnated. And that's why it is "conscience" when school authority communicates. It would be different in full security - (nr 5: normal) - when school authority communicates; 1) there would be no voice which is violent, 2) there would be no ghost effects (more about that ..) 3) (nr 5: there would be no danger, threats and no shall or must in exertion). But since we pupils are in danger there is uha (monster) but the monster is not conscience. And other symbiotic spirits accuse so falsely and they also play school authority themselves to kill.
You see: the point in the painting is school authority and when you understand the communication aha (i get it) school authority IS friendly.

I got ideas too (nr 5 yes it is me) about what you can do about finding the point:
Use a tape recorder and record some one else than your own animal speaking. Then explain to yourself loudly at playback about that there are "no one", it is a voice recording. Do it until there is no doubt left or perhaps do it another time since some of them can be drugged coma like too in gaga failure.
Also do this: stand by a mirror and look at your animal there and explain likewise that there are none because it is simply a reflection. You can do the same about other people - if you dare - explain to yourself that there are none because they are machines - organic though and mostly water. It is the same that Donald Sutherland  brags about knowing at the end - almost - in the film we arranged about "Meet the spartans" in a clip where he speaks down to a dummy - not a real dead machine.
And explain that: they are ghost effects (GHoST error in sensation and that this is fatal handicap) and no real spirits or anything bad itself since machine has no intention, mind on its own.
And here it is: Now move on to ghost town because there are idols, "dolls" (- though harm and erroneous in recognition) and they can be monstrous and adorable. And you must for ever here in crap criticize such about conscience that effects thee considerably, because such ghosts are errors in understanding. And stupidly you will conspire with vampires or werewolves in fear (hurt) of true authority.

I nr 2 and together with nr 5 explained like that to other symbiotic spirits about the ghosts and our animal. And Cellar-Woman understood some and warned then Rabbit: that "there are NONE in the mirror", we looked at. So expect it to take years for some symbiotic confused .., enjoy witch.

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Nr 2: In post ¤24 "Nr -1 was also policing humiliating to nr -1 (a pip-squeak). Nr 7 was neither friendly to nr -1 actually." I had troubles writing and the correct is : "Nr -1 was also policing humiliating to nr 1 (a pip-squeak). Nr 7 was neither friendly to nr 1
And also "And when we first came out of the closest .." it should have been "closet".
Fucking illints trouble.

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Cellar-Woman: Nr 5, i noticed more times that Paulus is "alright" but last night again in "moonlight" concerned change to (truly 'hairy') puh bad. And i remember such through AGES. And then i have to fight concerned's evilness in ghost town because Paulus is fucking insane, yes a rapist and i am target too? And we speak about following each other and i can imagine "it's going to crash horribly later again and again". And i thought that's criminal insanity and belongs in prison where they also keep werewolves behind iron bars.
And nr 12 talked "i was co-operating against war on forum at the time about the twin thing", and i think how sweet, you actually did something. And i think that nr 12 betrays too because concerned is actually like some one who could make weapons for war - plan it ill intending and lure others to use them. But i get now that nr 12 was the ku-ku "i am god" in the debate and actually frustrating with porn ideas again.
Nr 2: Yes moonlight in this case is fairytell because about moon's interference with earth's magnetic grip for sunshine that is something different. (Nr 5: correct.)
Cellar-Woman: Yes, we are making this report while we discuss internal affairs this time to illustrate something .. . But about Paulus then he turns back .., no about nr 12: nr 12 lures to be 'alright' with action involvement against war and that's this shit's betrayal. But Paulus actually is "alright" but turns evil, because he drinks poison .. eh .., because afterwards then Paulus starts again consciently with this and that and now it seems like "he's back"???
Nr 2: I find Paulus is ill and dangerous, it has no respect concerning nr 1 and in "his" shit mode "he" also said to nr 1 "i want to be with you for ever and take care of you" and he calls it parody but the fact was that nr 1 was ill with dracula lucy paralysis and so in plug mode, he exploits other's illness so. And only because school authority confers yet with Paulus, i some times still participate talking with the faggot. I know school authority - who once educated spirit - must know about what's going on in us miseducated and that we are not automobiles, i think of reaching safety and a real hospital about my mistreatments here in earthlife. And yes nr 5 you made some examples about finding fake hospitals with such in mind. And about Paulus i think "he's" neither an automobile and that he must reincarnate and die. The are several needle eyes in reaching real safety, i know that myself through conscient discussions about the goal quarantine security and "he" or what ever is not going to make it.
Cellar-Woman: Yeah you and nr 1 and nr 3 talked like that ages ago also, and true Paulus is stupid and this life is .. eh, i never actually thought you meant .. eh, yes it hurts and we are not automobiles ..
Nr 2: It's a faggot and there's the trashcan. And the same goes with the rest, masturbators really, .. anarchist losers. Only us conscious are going to make it.
Cellar-Woman: yes i think about it now .. (true i sat flat ass for years while you 3 structured and also nr 7 partly with anarchist moods though i truly said i was into your quarantine plan at the party, your party what ever for what's it to god almighty huh?)
Nr 5: 2 about that picture i found ..
Nr 2: Okay. As known "god" is a fearful ghost that embraces a lot world around. And the thing is: I think of safety what religion "Towards Light" promise and all its rules to make it there and it also talks about god's personal gifts that God's body is beauty, cleanness and hygiene in most adorable fashion to embrace when coming home and god's face has gravity and sadness never ending. And then nr 5 showed me a picture about a monkey so we showed it also to nr 1 and nr 3 and i also remembered to state that it is number 5 who made the joke. And it really stroke us comical about god and we talked about it there after. And i found that it had sanitized in my mind things so about god "oh yeah that's a good one".
Nr 5: Jagged Alliance 2 ..
Nr 2: Yes about that game, as i said earlier i thought of games as masturbating nonsense. And it is first ages later in communication with school authority i was told it: Because a school master can build and matrix is used to simulate action before it takes place. And in my experience here: games are full of fairy shit. And they also hurt - confuse etc - going through. So what could ever be the use of simulation? But a proper built matrix can simulate something useful, so there actually is something possible to find in a matrix, which also has to be carried out in time.
So i thought about this game Jagged Alliance 2 with some porn of a woman with a machine gun. Oh yeah like i am going to do that shit then. But it was forced. And in this game one has to target enemy head or body and i thought the head because it's most vulnerable. And in game they splashed. Paulus is faggoting me now with "it was me who enslaved you and forced you out of religious nonsense about killing is wrong .." But i and nr 1 and nr 3 actually did had "you must not murder" religious screws loose: We did try it in this game, and it was simulation only. But we then told nr 5 "we got something ill miseducated about shooting eachother". And nr 5 told us that first after taking care of those who do such then is the time to get rid of thinking such itself. And nr 5 also educated us by use of game examples: that if you live among snake insects then it is safer to dispose of such from a distance, and about robots: just kill such attackers; and about humans or animals: something new each time.
Nr 5: Tell about that dog .. nr 2.
Nr 2: Oki doki: Paulus reminds me about a dog i was forced to walk in neighbor friendliness. It was a large dog living alone in a small apartment while the guy who had it enslaved worked during the whole day. Every time this dog hit the road, it ate other dogs' shit. It dragged like crazy and if it saw some dogshit - in no time it ate it. I wondered why it didn't ate its own when it had done so big and smelly lonely in that apartment. But Paulus do such also if possible "ah there's some shit and then the faggot goes werewolf again .." My concern is about regretting because attached same animal: it is a struggle to be honest .. (fucking claustrophobic. "Shoot that dog.")
For fuck sake nr 5 i have to leave this circus ..?
Nr 5: Yes but there "goes" cellar-woman bragging god almighty to thee ..
Nr 2: Yes .. and the other braggers, failures obviously. That's what you get for bullying nr 1 and me of course.

Cellar-Woman: I am back again from Paulus brown regime i think. I think also Paulus is a goner for truly yuuumm.. I don't know how nr 2 managed to talk with it but then nr 2 also says self that concerned will never make it home.
Nr 5 restricts about my love concerns. And yes i did think "murder is wrong only once and lost be thy soul if thou such terrible indeed has done ..". And true i get it now that animal body itself is machine only (and nr 5 points out that players like Donald Sutherland deceives such). For example i imagine some one dear dying - like in John Wayne western films - that it is going to hurt me horrible and such actors actually deceives such in their vampyrism. For now i understand that animals dying are not "wrong" and executions like in Texas are not really goodbye sam. And yes i also chose in fallout 4 game about vault failure and the need to get out that i will grab that wrench and knock out insects terribly to freedom in the air, into the blue and such. (yes nr 5:) I mean this is something we do in communication nr 5 and me internally, for figuring out betsheda games solo only is devils work.

Nr 2: Paulus had succeeded in making an addition to Constantine - a true believer .. film; but with his betrayal then me and nr 5 threw it out and deleted it: So long sucker ..
It was about a woman handicapped institutionalized getting raped because Paulus understood: Yes i would certainly rape such a handicapped beauty, and about admitting such Paulus failed again.

Cellar-Woman: Yes Paulus enforced eating shit but because i am in company. Yes nr 5 i never thought earlier about who was in company in that shit eating dog lonely for ever in that solitary confinement. But about Paulus it was "him" who ate that piece of meat with maggots crawling around it after that this our animal while living on the streets in Barcelona looked and found it in supermarket trash. Paulus enforced running back to that adorable shit and eat it wildly. (It's a wonder why this animal not became noticeable ill by it. (Nr 2: yes.))
Nr 5: Yeeeees ..? And you imagine my helicopter coming now for that naughty one in between ..
Cellar-Woman: It was also Paulus and nr 12 who played faggot and nurse with that boy's penis ..?
Nr 5: So ..?
Cellar-Woman: ..?
Nr 5: Where are thou going? .. on the road of no where, on the point of no return, in the blink of an eye, in the eye of the tiger!

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Nurse Ratched, would you please take away his iPad ?
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Nr 5: You about EMF - concerning headache - is nonsense. To you my beloved other kindreds, the chosen ones, i say this: A microwave oven can cook by EMF on certain frequencies. They would damage organic cells and micro EMF ovens have shielding to prevent such. So beware of their shielding functionality ..
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.. he he. What exactly would thou suggest smart ass, if thou were claustrophobic in company with a Paulus and his faggot master nr -1 alike too (nr 5: see to understand exactly in my arrangement "We Will Survive" the second slave-master homo scene that the leo character truly adores) and listened to Athair Ar Neamh and these two - like hearing Kennedy talking about moon - grabbed their pistol and start playing with it "oooh moon" ..; they are bestial and would for example behave improperly at a restaurant. (It is me nr 2's opinion. And yes it is me nr 5 who explains nr 2's opinion and attitude well.)
I nr 2 thought excellent choice when nr 5 later suggesting Athair Ar Neamh to accompany "Constantine a true fucker" with taking "care" for handicapped retards ..