I don't believe the average German ever wanted to liquidate the Jewish
people or take over Europe either but we democrats believe that the
people are ultimately responsible for the behavior of their leaders.
Utter nonsense--your identifying as a democrat notwithstanding. The only ones responsible for their leaders behavior are the their leaders.
There was never a point in history when the German people weren't
morally obligated to revolt against the NAZIs and hang the bastards
Why would this moral obligation have been restricted to just the German people? And there were Germans who opposed the Nazis (e.g. "White Rose Movement") and they were swiftly executed by the Nazis. Even though the Nazis were democratically elected, it does not mean that majoritarian consensus is an expression of each individuals intentions and values. In fact, it's not.
And if you're going to argue that as a democrat, you are responsible for the behaviors of your leaders, where was your revolt when U.S. soldiers were raping Japanese minors in Okinawa? Where was your revolt when the Clintons were and ARE STILL running pedophile rings in Haiti? Where was your revolt when Barrack Obama was ordering drone strikes on civilian populations? Where was your revolt when the U.S. government subsidized the Israeli mass murder of Palestinians? All these president's heads are still in tact. Are you responsible? No. No matter how much of a "democrat" you are. Unless you have been party to the cause of these particular events, you would be not be held responsible. Because believe it or not, political leaders could not be concerned less since they're not beholden nor obliged by "the will of the people."