The movie '300' by
Gerard Butler and others are a vampire trap meant especially to lure young people into war with fictions about bravery, stimulating music and history nonsense about war as problem solver.
Children brains are GaGa history, and we spiritual beings are trapped when incarnated to organism not yet adult - not yet capable to think for itself rigorously -. And pedophile adults abuse this and lie and betray young people with fairytells like for example the movie "300" about being warrior. I nr 2 can tell it's bullshit, because i was in a war against fundamentalism in Egypt, when they bombed turists in the 90'ties, i personally foretold egyption soldiers their destiny if they dared and i conjured a boy to a local hospital in a borrowed car and more, so ..
And this parody "
We will survive V.2" is made to conjure "300" vampyrism also to you already betrayed thereby.
Nr 5 - conscience - inspired the parody.
Some spirits connected Sean Maguire did some betrayal about the "300" in another hollywood production "meet the spartans"
And i - spirit nr 2 - co-worked with conscience to put together scenes thinking about criminal vampires in the game ..
And spirit nr 12 also did "something" about something which nr 5 inspired, so there came monkey brain to carmen in parody.