As men become increasingly disenfranchised with society (see MGTOW), their genuine issues are being met with little but derision by most women. Barring individuals like Cassie Jay and Girlwriteswhat, who are arguably in it for the attention/money, honest discussion about men's issues, from my experience, is met with one of four responses:
1) NAWALT (not all women are like that)
2) Be a man
3) Work hard [for women]
4) Stop whining
For example, from 2009-2014 in the UK, 97% of workplace deaths were men (
Where is the media hysteria about this? Where are the conversations about this? Where are the feminists campaigning for equality now? Please, find me a source where you have droves of men and women discussing this, much like they would discuss feminist issues ( rape culture, the wage gap).
What could explain this apathy?
Personally, and this is yet to be armed with statistics, I think this extends from men's place in sexual reproduction. You can birth 50 children every 9 months with 50 women and 1 man in your tribe, yet only 1 child with a tribe of 50 men and 1 woman. Unless the man brings some kind of utility to the tribe (such as physical strength, which is why woman are attracted to it), there is no reason for the tribe to keep him alive, whereas a (fertile) woman is inherently valuable. This is why these alarming statistics don't register many cares throughout the world. We're biologically programmed to care less about men than women, unless the men are useful. Women are human beings; men are human doings.
The fact that workplace death, and many other statistics (male homelessness, family court bias, inequality in teacher rape convictions, child custody disparity etc.) are largely ignored by larger media, suggests a rather uncomfortable truth: men, and their feelings, are disposable. If we are to agree that this is the case, and I think there could be debate on this claim, then we reach the conclusion that it is futile to argue MRA/MRM stances, simply because women (and society at large) don't care about men.