Like buttons are for Reddit, not a debate site. If you like someone’s perspective join in on the conversation
The like button should be removed
Only a r*dditor would know what should be on r*ddit
Like buttons are heart warming.
I have been humbled…
Take this medal kind stranger
I love how you censored reddit
If you like someone’s perspective join in on the conversation
Yeah true. But then we'll have people posting "+1." instead of liking the comment. The reality is, people who don't care enough about the conversation to comment on it aren't going to contribute regardless, whether it would be posting a +1 or a like button. At least the like button doesn't take up space on the page.
And all in all, it's not a huge deal.
I love how you censored reddit
Thanks, king
Actually, specifically due to what Mharman said and because it could be a new medal, it was me who suggested this to the admin in some team thing that mainly him, Ramshutu, David and myself used before. The idea has been successful, even if you say differently.
keanu reeves wholesome 1000
Ironically, likes are so rare on this site, you rarely even get one unless your post is very clever. Like buttons on this place are actually more of a "based" button, where for each like you have, you get an anonymous comment that says "based".
Likes pay me to make 5 word troll posts. That's my bread and butter, thett.
Your username sounds like 14-year-old Boba Fett introducing himself with a new tongue stud. Therefore your argument is meaningless.
This logic is unassailable.
Gender: female
Opinion: discarded
It is a pretty terrible username
Gender: femaleOpinion: discarded
Pfft. I was at least a little creative. You gave that zero effort.
It is a pretty terrible username
How dare you play the "ouch" card instead of roasting me back. You knew that is an insta-KO for me.
Well played.
Seriously, it's not bad at all.
Re: the like button -- I tend to disagree that there should not be social elements to a debate site, so long as the social elements never come at the expense of debate and discourse. So I see such features as harmless. Better than harmless, since their usefulness in preventing clutter has already been stated. Personally, I like being able to like a good post that I have nothing to add to. But I'm not really clear on what your concern with it is, beyond "this isn't reddit."
I always thought that would be a good name for a comic book villain.