Recent god debate
Why? All votes are reported and deleted.
Why? All votes are reported and deleted.
Well, the rules say that you can't put up a dishonest, shitty vote, so as long as you don't lie about debater performance, ignore clear concessions, or vote based on your emotional whims instead of how the terms of the resolution were fulfilled, then your vote won't be removed.
BS. Quit spamming forums for votes.
Go vote.
I didn't see this thread. I usually don't vote for people that ask, but i think i owe you one. In any case, it's really interesting to me theists never argue that time was either different or there is no such thing as no space-time. They always fall back to "god" can do it bc it's god. I was waiting for him to make the argument but didn't... so frustrating. It's an easy question to answer in my opinion. It's really weird people don't default on answering it that way.