I will not be voting Airmax because I don’t believe he will be a champion of the people.
Where was he when all the people were being being banned unfairly including Wylted, Mesmer, and BrotherD. Where was he during the voting processes for Hall of Fame or MEEPs? Where was he during forum fights and mafia games?
Why should I as a voter believe that AirMax would uphold my views and free speech beliefs when he has done nothing on this site to promote it. Why should I believe that only the Presidency will allow him to attract users to the site. Why couldn’t he have done this before? Why does he have to show up to a site he hasn’t been active on for at least a year?
I know Airmax has experience from his days on DDO. I also know that he has good relations with the current mods. But why should I believe that my interests in free speech will override his relationships with mods that he’s had for years? Both Wylted and RM have been victims of bans. They both have skin in the game. What reason does Airmax have?
He says he will bring activity. Why couldn’t he do this before? Is it because of over-moderation? Well then name people he has brought to this site that have been banned? He nor his supporters have cited any examples of such users.
Why should I believe that Airmax will care about this site for the next year when he hasn’t even posted a word in a year prior to his nomination? Let’s be honest with ourselves. This is a popularity contest for him. He’s already called his contacts — some who also haven’t posted in months.
Why should I believe at all that he cares about this site. The answer is that I shouldn’t and neither should you.