Thank you users and candidates for bearing with me on this historic event. As promised, I will release percentages for each question.
Keep in mind that this is just a snapshot in time. Some users may have changed their allegiances in the time the poll was being conducted
1.) Have you heard there is an election going on for the Presidency of DART? Yes or No?
Yes - 94.44%
No - 5.56%
2.) Have you heard of candidate Wylted, candidate RationalMadman, both, or neither?
Both - 100%
3.) What issues do you believe are most important in this race for President? Name as many as you’d like.
Freedom of Speech - 28.57%
More traffic on site - 21.43%
Good relations with mods - 21.43%
Neutrality/Impartiality - 14.29%
Reason for Pres - 14.29%
4.) Do you Strongly Approve, Somewhat Approve, Somewhat Disapprove, Strongly Disapprove, or are Unsure about candidate Wylted?
Strongly Agree - 5.56%
Somewhat Agree - 11.11%
Unsure - 50%
Somewhat Disagree - 16.67%
Strongly Disagree - 16.67%
5.) Do you Strongly Approve, Somewhat Approve, Somewhat Disapprove, Strongly Disapprove, or are Unsure about candidate RationalMadman?
Strongly Agree - 0.00%
Somewhat Agree - 16.67%
Unsure - 33.33%
Somewhat Disagree - 11.11%
Strongly Disagree - 38.89%
6.) If the election were held today, would you vote for candidate Wylted, candidate RationalMadman, unsure, or neither?
Wylted - 16.67%
RM - 16.67%
Unsure - 38.89%
Neither - 27.78%
RM - 16.67%
Unsure - 38.89%
Neither - 27.78%
Thank you to everyone that submitted a response. With the addition of new candidates, a new poll will be going out very soon to gauge the effect of the newcomers!
If you have any questions, please let me know!