PURPOSE: The purpose of this post is to get a general idea of what people see as the most problematic contradictions in the Bible. This is not to get into a deep discussion about those particular issues right now. My goal is to make a separate thread for single issues later to address those topics more in depth.
DIRECTIONS: Pick up to three specific contradictions in the Bible that you see as the most problematic and challenge the authority if it. This isn't a hard rule, nor do I have any way of enforcing it. I just don't need some long list copy and pasted from an atheist forum page. I can look that up myself. You could also include a particular contradiction that you may be interested in discussing further, even if you don't see it as an overly severe one.
Try to be concise but clear about what the alleged contradiction is. I'll ask questions if there is any misunderstanding. But to repeat myself, the intent here is that this is more of a survey for future use, not a debate thread.
Feel free to repeat a contradiction someone else has chosen if it would make your top three list. This will indicate popularity and may be helpful.