Proof you have your own woo woo.
Nope. Its only "proof" that there are other possible alternatives to the biblical one.
Must be why you hate theists so much.
Nope. My problem lies with the scriptures. I am no too interesting that theists have a belief. Its what they believe IN that is of interests me.
You use the Bible to justify your ancient alien theory
How ?
And I don't have an "ancient alien theory" but I have read and looked at these theories as much as I have the bible stories. Some of the bible stories appear to compliment the ancient tales of other gods of other ancient civilisations.
and then complain about the Bible.
I " complain" that the bible -especially the New Testament is a load of bollocks on the surface and in the way it has come down to us. Take away walking on water and feeding millions with ONLY a few fish and a few slices of bread and dead stinking years old corpses walking about and there is another story completely. A story of an ancient power struggle among the Jewish factions of the time and place.
Yet the Bible is only used by Christians so all the other religions don't validate your belief
Well if you have ever looked into the ancient phenomena, you would find immediately that ALL religions speak of their so called "gods" coming from the sky. So I think they may "validate" each others religious beliefs of the origins of their "gods" are concerned.
Where do your gods come from Witch?