Nigeria is just too Black. There aren't enough other races represented in Nigeria because Nigeria is racist. Blacks are in power and causing systemic racism to oppress any racial group that isn't Black. This is clearly a result of racist Blacks and Black supremacists.
Nigeria should have far more Asians, Jews and Middle Easterners to the point where Blacks are the minority in Nigeria. This multiracial state wherein Blacks become the minority will not be a bad thing, but rather a source of Nigerian strength. Racial quotas should be immediately implemented to force Blacks out of political power, and instead make sure there is sufficient Asian, Jewish and Middle Eastern representation in Nigeria. Every race's voice needs to be heard except for Blacks because they are racist and oppress the other racial minorities in Nigeria.
Middle Easterners living in Nigeria should be paid mandatory reparations for Nigeria's slavery policy wherein some Middle Easterners of the past were slaves. This needs to be mandatory because slavery is not okay and Middle Easterners are still suffering from slavery. There should be a 'sorry day' in Nigeria for Nigeria's involvement in slavery in the past. During this sorry day, the Nigerian national anthem should be played and all non-Black people should be encouraged to kneel and boo during the anthem. Anyone who opposes any of this implicitly condones slavery and racism.
Any pro-Nigerian speech should be labelled hate speech as it is racist and Black supremacist. The Nigerian laws should be changed to make hate speech legally binding and punishable with a jail sentence. All anti-Nigerian speech should be allowed and encouraged because Nigeria is racist and engaged in slavery in the past. Anyone who speaks out against anti-Nigerian speeches should be labelled a Black supremacist and should be fired from his/her job.
Anyone who says 'it's okay to be Black' is anti-Asian and needs to be put before a court for hate speech and racism. Saying 'it's okay to be Black' ignores all of the racial struggles that Asians face in Nigeria. Nigeria needs to be Asian focused as they are a minority and suffering from racial oppression, racism and Black supremacy in Nigeria.
Hopefully, Nigerians will read these words and realize how bigoted and racist they are, and then start implementing these policies to make Nigeria more tolerant and less hateful.