if you have a prayer request post it below or pm me if you want it private.
Prayer requests
Would you sing me that Dionne Warwick song please.
I am praying for you
My prayer request is that God free all militant atheists from their hate, even the ones who hide it behind sophomoric humor.
Thank you Tzar.
that is actually very sweet.
14 days later
Always have the sick and hospitalized in mind, any prayer their way is always a blessing.
Thank you for your prayer service. I want you to pray for the totally Bible stupid and ignorant EtHAMg5 in helping him cope with his Ham Curse that Jesus has bestowed upon him. As you can see of late, this Ham Curse that he has because of being a black man is really taking its toll upon him because he has to run away from Jesus' inspired biblical axioms, whereas in essence, what Christian can do that if you are not mentally disturbed!
Yes, I know, every online Religion Forum has to have their Bible stupid fools like EtHAMg5 and Tradesecret, but hopefully you can pray to our serial killer Jesus, as Yahweh God incarnate, to end their runaway status to Jesus' true words within the JUDEO-Christian Bible.
Thanking you in advance.