Welcome to the world of Pokémon. Time for DP3
List of the Dead
Day Phase Two Lynch - ILikePie5
ILikePie5 - Giovanni: You are the leader of Team Rocket and are rarely seen, usually getting your workers to do your dirty work of stealing priceless Pokémon. You are The GODFATHER and will appear innocent on all investigations. You win with the Mafia.
Night Kill - SupaDudz
Supadudz - Ash: Your mission is to find and train Pokémon and be the best there is. Therefore you are the TRACKER. Each night you may choose a player and find out who they targeted in the night. You win with the Town.
1. whiteflame
2. Wylted
3. Evilgenius
4. Discipulus_Didicit
5. Earth
6. Oromagi
Wylted is innocent. He wins with the town.
With 6 players it takes 4 votes to Lynch
DP ends in 72 Hours