First the cult non-believer said Greenhouse effect > Global Warming > Erratic Climate Change was false.
Then in early 2000's some of those cult believers began to accept half of the truth, but still could not get beyond their cult beliefs that Global Warming > Erratic Climate Changed is not cause be humans, they like to repeat non-sense like ...' this is just what nature does all the time, it changes '.....
These are adult humans who are are actually educated in first world. Humanity is not likely to survive much beyond 2232.
3 { triangulate to-get-a-fix on a somethings location } times 66.4 { cosmic Pi-Time } = 199.2, time speed-of-radiation { = human population of Earth approx. 2015 } + 210 years { old indian saying to think of our consequences now, 7 generations out into the future } = 2232 approximately.