" Why machines that bend are way better " . Try this one as it is definitly way cool technology and may be installed on your local hydrogen bomb as we speak.
Nuke Safe Arming Device { Way Cool Stuff }
1230 days later
..' The 8 P's of compliant mechanisms: T Stamp 10:18 is explained how usedPredictably{8} to arm or disarm a nuclear weapon
1} number of Points is significantly less, ..T. stamp 2:35...
1} number of Points is significantly less, ..T. stamp 2:35...
2} lower Price
3} ? I couldnt find #3
4} T Stamp 4:50 ..' that is so trippy '... Precise motion
5} Performance
6} made with smaller Proportions
7} much more Portable since so lightwieght
8} Predictable mechanism response
7 days later
..." In the United States, the president is singlehandedly responsible for the decision to launch a nuclear weapon. They are not required to consult with anyone, and no one carries the authority to stop a legal launch order once given.
....This system of control (known as “sole authority”) isn’t the only way to handle launch decisions. Other officials could securely be included in the decision, providing checks and balances and a basic defense against mistakes, accidents, miscalculations, and recklessness. "..
..."Currently, 800 nuclear-tipped missiles in the US heartland are kept on “hair-trigger alert.” If sensors show an incoming nuclear attack that threatens these missiles, it’s US policy to alert the president, who would need to order their almost immediate launch to prevent them from being destroyed—before the attack is confirmed as real. "...
57 days later
I'm surprised Trump hasn't nuked Gaza.
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who owns gold --or lithium etc precious metals--- makes the rules
nukes attacks are bad for business, and good for threatening the neighbors ex Ukraine
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I'm surprised Trump hasn't nuked Gaza.
Trump wants to turn Gaza into a beach resort like Florida.
He will probably nuke the Ukraine now if Putin lets him build the Moscow Trump Tower that he wanted to do in 2015.
He will probably nuke the Ukraine now if Putin lets him build the Moscow Trump Tower that he wanted to do in 2015.
No one will visit Trump Tower Moscow after Ukraine. Gaza might be more realistic.