Martin Luther King was a fraud

Author: Mesmer


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Mesmer's avatar
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Martin Luther King plagiarized his PhD

It came to light in 1987 that Martin plagiarized a lot of his PhD. In particular, he plagiarized at least 45% of the first part of his dissertation, and 21% of the second.

For his bachelor degree, Martin also filled his papers with lot of "unacknowledged material lifted verbatim". Of these papers, one in particular has 20 out of the 24 paragraphs lifted verbatim. 

Martin's 'Letter From Birmingham City Jail' has passages stolen so often that he knew them by heart.

Well-known passages from his famous 'I have a Dream' speech were stolen from the 1952 address by Archibald Carey, a black preacher. Martin then copyrighted the entire 'I have a Dream' speech.

No one was safe from Martin's plagiarism, not even himself: at university, Martin cycled his old work verbatim without referencing himself many times.

Martin Luther King was two-faced

Official FBI documents of Martin showed:

- that despite being a Christian, Martin managed to have 4 mistresses (read: adultery) as well as an illegitimate child (read: child out of wedlock), both of which most people wouldn't consider Christian actions. You can add to this the multiple sex-orgies Martin engaged in (which I'm sure the FBI had fun in documenting)

- worked with dozens of Communists to help them plan events and speeches (at a time when America was fighting Communism)

So, in these regards, Martin Luther King was a fraud.

zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
Interesting if accurate.

But just exemplifies human nature.

He became a charismatic figurehead who enthralled the masses.

A bit like D Trump

A bit like A Hitler

What does this really say about the rest the dimwits who allow themselves to become spellbound......Human nature too, I suppose.
Reece101's avatar
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Reece101's avatar
As long as he didn’t own slaves. 
Intelligence_06's avatar
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At least he tried and it worked. We can't use his faults to undermine his achievements.
ebuc's avatar
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So, in these regards, Martin Luther King was a fraud.
A fraud? Not for most part ergo topic is meant to mislead and distract from the more signifcant facts in regards MLK:

1} more courageous and brave then Trumpet or his cult of Trumpeteers,

2} more courageous than any president since MLK"s shooting,

3} largest crowd every recorded at the  --not like the false claims of Trumpet--- ..." The March on Washington was a massive protest march that occurred in August 1963, when some 250,000 people gathered in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. Also known as the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, the event aimed to draw attention to continuing challenges and inequalities faced by African Americans a century after emancipation. It was also the occasion of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s now-iconic “I Have A Dream” speech."... uhh it was also peacful.

4} this organization was done primarily by a  person who used those little 3 x 6 library like cards of the time,

5} and with all of the above, consider, the threats on this man and his families life, to find a just and fair USA.

This topic is a Trumpeteer cult mind-set   ---lies, distractions from truth, more repeated lies, more distractions, more lies, more distractions etc---  attempt to distract away from integrity, justice, fair play etc. of a man { King }who was far above and beyond what USA has seen in Washington Republicans before president Biden, and current republicans.

All of these Trumpeteers need to be sent to a prison designed for special-case educations of morality, truth and justice.

FLRW's avatar
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Well, the founder of the Mormon church, Joseph Smith, wed as many as 40 wives, including some who were already married and one as young as 14 years old.
fauxlaw's avatar
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fauxlaw's avatar
Sounds more descriptive of Joe Biden.
Mesmer's avatar
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Mesmer's avatar
Interesting if accurate.
The second source is literal FBI documents.

The first source comes from a book which is arguably more questionable than the literal FBI documents.

I'd be willing to hear counter-arguments as to why the arguments made are faulty, but it seems like most people, even people who disagree with MLK being a fraud, are happy to conceded these arguments anyway.

But just exemplifies human nature.

He became a charismatic figurehead who enthralled the masses.

A bit like D Trump

A bit like A Hitler

What does this really say about the rest the dimwits who allow themselves to become spellbound......Human nature too, I suppose.
I'm not sure "dimwit" is the right word for this. People seem to need a higher purpose to believe in -- this "dimwit" behavior might actually be normal human behavior. Whether it's God, Hitler, Trump or someone else, most people don't want to think too much for themselves and are happy to be followers of something grander. It would be interesting to know what causes this phenomenon (if it is indeed one). Perhaps it's natural fear of the unknown. Perhaps it's learned helplessness. It's probably a combination of a variety of things.
FLRW's avatar
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What kind of award from the KKK does this get you? Is it all cash?
Mesmer's avatar
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A fraud? Not for most part ergo topic is meant to mislead and distract from the more signifcant facts in regards MLK:
Firstly, you've outright conceded that MLK was a serial plagiarist and a Christian that did some severely un-Christian things. With this in mind, it is nonsense to argue that my argument "is meant to mislead and distract", when it proves the argument I am making. In other words, if I claim that MLK is a fraud, and I make arguments as to why, that is the opposite of "misleading" lol.

Secondly, I'll argue that you're attempting to "mislead and distract" by shoehorning anti-Trump ideological zealotry. MLK's position relative to Trump and his supporters is besides the point, as MLK could be better than Trump in many things yet still be a fraud.

Lastly, you also "mislead and distract" by arguing that I am misleading and distracting when I argue points that are directly relevant to proving my conclusion (that MLK is a fraud). In essence, you "mislead and distract" from the topic at hand.

1} more courageous and brave then Trumpet or his cult of Trumpeteers,
2} more courageous than any president since MLK"s shooting,
These are:

(1) Bare assertions
(2) Not a measure of fraudulence as it entirely possible to be both "courageous" and a "fraud", and fraud isn't mitigated levels of courage

3} largest crowd every recorded at the  --not like the false claims of Trumpet--- ..." The March on Washington was a massive protest march that occurred in August 1963, when some 250,000 people gathered in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. Also known as the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, the event aimed to draw attention to continuing challenges and inequalities faced by African Americans a century after emancipation. It was also the occasion of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s now-iconic “I Have A Dream” speech."... uhh it was also peacful.
Having the largest crowd does not invalidate accusations of fraudulence lol.

4} this organization was done primarily by a  person who used those little 3 x 6 library like cards of the time,
How does this address charges of fraudulence?

5} and with all of the above, consider, the threats on this man and his families life, to find a just and fair USA.
If I am threatened by someone, does that mean I am not a fraud?

This topic is a Trumpeteer cult mind-set   ---lies, distractions from truth, more repeated lies, more distractions, more lies, more distractions etc---  attempt to distract away from integrity, justice, fair play etc. of a man { King }who was far above and beyond what USA has seen in Washington Republicans before president Biden, and current republicans.

All of these Trumpeteers need to be sent to a prison designed for special-case educations of morality, truth and justice.
Oh you're right.

MLK can't be a fraud because "this topic is a Trumpeteer cult mind-set".

Flawless logic from a rational, non-ideologically possessed mind.
zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar

As I suggested  human nature/normal behaviour.
ebuc's avatar
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Greater and more significant frauds ---exx Qanon---  done by Trumpet and trumpeteers as well as  greater damaged to nation.

Trumpet and trumpeteers are modern day George Wallance racist of the 60's ---sent national guard and german shepards to attack  people of color-----,

MLK did not pardon criminal found guilty of crimes and placed in prison and MLK preached non-violence even as family threatened and attacked.

Trumpet encouraged unnecessary violence at his rallies and trumpeteers quick to turn violent at Trumpet rallies. Sick-n-head, violent fraudulent, insurrecting racists vs MLK.

This topic is sic-n-head divergence distraction from what is mores significant problems with society.  Trumpets trumpeteers and Qanon immoral wackos spreading false, misleading info about masks and CoV2 vaccines.

So now we see many anti-vaxxers getting sick and begging others to get vaccinated.

74 milion trumpeteers spreading fraudulant moral integrity in USA. 

Theweakeredge's avatar
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hahahahahahah! oh my fucking god, 60 year old propaganda got you!

This was during the time of Mccarthyinism, not only that but your source references exactly ZERO other sources. On top of that the FBI was openly against MLK, meaning that he had explicit reasons to lie. Furthermore, this paper calls homosexuality a "sexual perversion", and black peoples "n*groes". So no, I don't take it seriously. You can wax lyrical about it being "FBI" papers all you like, that doesn't make them any more credible neccessarily, especially because they were published in 1968.

Neither of your sources have any actual references funnily enough! Additionally, so fucking what? He was a hero without doubt, who cares if he "wasn't christian", you could argue that not owning slaves could make you not christian. Regardless doesn't make him a fraud, make you an idiot. 

FLRW's avatar
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According to Pulitzer-winning biographer of King, David J. Garrow, the FBI had spent years collecting evidence of King's sexual behaviour, and agents believed that what they had gathered was enough to shame him into leaving the national stage. Why didn't they do that to Trump?
Mesmer's avatar
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Mesmer's avatar
hahahahahahah! oh my fucking god, 60 year old propaganda got you!
Firstly, the book was published in 1994. The FBI documents weren't released until decades after they were made, so they can't have been used as "propaganda" if they weren't released at the time.

Secondly, you haven't demonstrated that either is "propaganda". Merely stating that it is isn't sufficient.

This was during the time of Mccarthyinism, not only that but your source references exactly ZERO other sources
The book was written by the person who did the research on Martin's (plagiarized) writings. In essence, he is referencing himself because he is the person who conducted the analysis of Martin's works. It makes no sense to say that he needs to reference other people to cite the analysis he performed himself (i.e. if you engaged in analysis, you are the one making conclusions).

On top of that the FBI was openly against MLK, meaning that he had explicit reasons to lie. 
You've made a leap in logic in assuming that because the FBI had a reason to lie, they have lied. You haven't proven that they did lie.

Furthermore, this paper calls homosexuality a "sexual perversion", and black peoples "n*groes". So no, I don't take it seriously. 
This is a non-sequitur because you haven't established why usage of these words invalidate claims of Martin's: (1) adultery, and (2) having an illegitimate child, and (3) conspiring with Communists.

For example, calling Martin that n-word doesn't remove any chance that he was an adulterer.

You can wax lyrical about it being "FBI" papers all you like, that doesn't make them any more credible neccessarily, especially because they were published in 1968.
The source wasn't published in 1968, but instead created and kept top secret until decades later.

FBI papers are more credible than a random blog because it's an official institution that is regulated by governing bodies, so you are wrong about that, too.

Neither of your sources have any actual references funnily enough!
You are working under the assumption that if something isn't referenced, it is wrong.

If I say 2+2=4, that is not referenced, and yet we know it's right. Thus, your assumption is faulty.

He was a hero without doubt, who cares if he "wasn't christian"
The title of this thread pertains to whether he was a fraud.

Clearly, someone who: (1) plagiarized a lot, and (2) performed actions that are at-odds with his claimed faith, could be labelled as a fraud.

You conceding the fact that he is not Christian, whilst he claimed that he was, is a concession that he was a fraud. So when you say, "Regardless doesn't make him a fraud, make you an idiot", and you argued that he wasn't a fraud, it appears that for not understanding you've conceded the argument, you're the idiot :)
Theweakeredge's avatar
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Theweakeredge's avatar
Again little time, you've missed the point.

As I said, he had no sources, claiming that he "sourced himself" isn't a good way to give the paper any credence. And yes, the book itself is propaganda. Furthermore, I'm saying it is LIKELY the FBI lied given: their is no actual evidence that the claims were true, and they had an extremely high motive to lie, therefore it is likely to be a lie. Fairly simple logic. 

Again, I was using that to settle the credence of the paper, the writer was obviously discriminatory in nature, no? Thereby increasing the likelyhood of the accusations being lies. Furthermore, these are all.... well claims. Unless you can verify the claims made here, you've made exactly zero progress. Further-furthermore, to say it is a "non-sequiter" is actually a fallacy-fallacy. I was not connecting logic specifically, merely saying that the word-usage made me trust the claims less, since it increases the motive to lie, we've been over this.

Furthermore.... even if it true that he "associated with communists", so what? You do know that there were communists patriotic to America right? there is literally nothing wrong with that, you see, you buy into the red scare as much as the guys writing this... but ya know, considering this was a Mccarthinson era report, with no actual evidence, and a counter report (which you failed to read), which detailed it as exaggerative.

While it is "technically" correct, that is true, whenever making a claim that is contested it is the burden of the maker of the claim to provide adequate evidence of said claim. If 2 + 2 = 4 was in contention, the maker of the claim would have an intellectual burden to prove said claim. However, that does not apply here, as math itself is an axiom due to it's self-fulffilling nature, so this is a false-equivelency, as these claims are specific and falsifiable, you must provide evidence of their credence. 

Or... if you're saying that it doesn't matter if we have sources for our claims, my counter is that, no - MLK Jr. did not do any of that stuff. It holds the exact same amount of wait using your logic. 

Nope, I didn't, I merely said that claiming anyone isn't a christian because of actions they took is stupid, because doing that you could claim ALL christians aren't christians...according to the bible, actually. Since by your logic, if someone does someone "unchristian" than they aren't christian, and the bible says all men fall short of the glory of god, so... yeah, no. You see, you aren't actually critically thinking through this stuff. You just throw out fallacies you think apply when you have no idea what you're actually addressing. This is why skilled interloquitors don't do this "quote" and respond stuff like this. It often leads one to conclude that you aren't considering the entire thing in context. 

Mesmer's avatar
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Mesmer's avatar
As I said, he had no sources, claiming that he "sourced himself" isn't a good way to give the paper any credence.
When you conduct a science experiment, why do you need a source for that?

If I were to test different objects on how they heat in the sun, why do I need a source for that?

Similarly, when Theodore tests to see how much of Martin's work was plagiarized, do you see why he doesn't need a source for that? He's the one conducting the science experiment lol.

And yes, the book itself is propaganda.
Once again, you've barely asserted this without any proof or argumentation -- you haven't learned your lesson.

Furthermore, this document wasn't released until decades later. How can this be propaganda if it wasn't released to the public at the time?

Furthermore, I'm saying it is LIKELY the FBI lied given: their is no actual evidence that the claims were true, and they had an extremely high motive to lie, therefore it is likely to be a lie.
And how did you deduce this likelihood of lying, other than a blind guess? Looks like you're the one without sources now.

Also, what determines they had an "extremely high motive to lie?"

Again, I was using that to settle the credence of the paper, the writer was obviously discriminatory in nature, no?
No. Prove it.

Further-furthermore, to say it is a "non-sequiter" is actually a fallacy-fallacy. I was not connecting logic specifically, merely saying that the word-usage made me trust the claims less, since it increases the motive to lie, we've been over this.

You said that: "I don't take it seriously", and your reasoning was because of the words. You can't lie about what you said when it's there for us to see. Therefore, my ascribing of your argument as a non-sequitur stands.

Furthermore.... even if it true that he "associated with communists", so what? You do know that there were communists patriotic to America right? there is literally nothing wrong with that, you see, you buy into the red scare as much as the guys writing this... but ya know, considering this was a Mccarthinson era report, with no actual evidence, and a counter report (which you failed to read), which detailed it as exaggerative.
America's national interests at the time were in fighting Communism, specifically Russian Communism. Undermining that fight, as Martin did, was against America's national interest.

Also, Communism is such a dreadful ideology that anyone doing anything in favor of it is doing something wrong lol.

Since you've thoroughly read your sources and haven't copy-pasted it once you saw the heading in order to look smart, you need to show us where you source says what you are arguing. Dumping it at the bottom and not linking it to your argument is insufficient.

While it is "technically" correct, that is true, whenever making a claim that is contested it is the burden of the maker of the claim to provide adequate evidence of said claim. If 2 + 2 = 4 was in contention, the maker of the claim would have an intellectual burden to prove said claim. However, that does not apply here, as math itself is an axiom due to it's self-fulffilling nature, so this is a false-equivelency, as these claims are specific and falsifiable, you must provide evidence of their credence. 
Theweakeredge: *looks at a duck*
Theweakeredge: "Where is the source that proves I'm looking at a duck?"
Duck: *quack*
Theweakeredge: "Where is the source to prove that you quacked?"

Or... if you're saying that it doesn't matter if we have sources for our claims
You're asking for a source of a source.

This is comedy.

Nope, I didn't, I merely said that claiming anyone isn't a christian because of actions they took is stupid, because doing that you could claim ALL christians aren't christians...according to the bible, actually. Since by your logic, if someone does someone "unchristian" than they aren't christian, and the bible says all men fall short of the glory of god, so... yeah, no.
I don't know.

If I intentionally have dozens of drunken orgies, despite the Bible explicitly saying not to do that...

If I intentionally have 4 mistresses, despite it being one of the Ten Commandments not to do that...

If I intentionally have a child out of wedlock, despite the Bible saying not to do that...

If I intentionally steal other people's work, lie about doing it, and even try to copyright the work I stole, despite it being against TWO of the Ten Commandments: stealing and lying...

It would seem like I don't have much interest in being a Christian.

It would seem like I'm a fraud.

You see, you aren't actually critically thinking through this stuff. You just throw out fallacies you think apply when you have no idea what you're actually addressing. This is why skilled interloquitors don't do this "quote" and respond stuff like this. It often leads one to conclude that you aren't considering the entire thing in context. 
I have little time to answer, interloquitor.

There is no credence to what you said here because it has exactly ZERO sources. Fairly simple logic. You have an extremely high motive to lie. Fairly simple logic. Furthermore, exactly ZERO sources. Fairly simple logic. If you think that's a fallacy, there's an extremely high motive that that's a fallacy-fallacy with exactly ZERO sources. Even if it wasn't ... so what? Fairly simple logic.
Theweakeredge's avatar
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Theweakeredge's avatar
Um... if you are doing a science experiment, the source is literally the graphs - this isn't a science experiment - or something that can be repeatedly reproduced to expose fraud, this is a paper marking several claims regarding a source who is INSANELY biased, and has obvious motivation for lying... so yes, we need a source. Stop with all the false equivalences. They only make me more aware of your "not-thinking-this-through".

Um... yes I did? I literally followed up the thing with two sources getting into how your source was insanely biased and was propagandized? Do you need the sources again? 

What? No, this is logical critique of a source - which is just a way to look and dismantle sources, like presenting a logical fallacy - THAT'S something you don't source. And... I explained it? It was written during a time of the red scare, and presented actual sources reporting how insanely biased the FBI was against King. Like... literally, two posts ago, do you actually check the links that people give you? Cuz' if you actually want "proof" then check it. Also, "prove it" to it being discriminatory? What? It literally said the word "n*groe" and called homosexuality "a perversion of nature",  that is by nature discriminatory. If you want to stop being a troll and actually think for a minute, maybe I'll respond again.

Also... again... what???  Yes I said "I don't take it seriously" I literally just reiterated what I meant! They mean the exact same thing, I don't take the source seriously, i.e, I trust it less. Again, stop being an idiot, think through your positions. Um.. actually it is sufficient, because I don't care if you agree or not, I know that i have the evidence to support my claims. You however, do not. It is Mccarthism, and if you disagree, then check the sources. Furthermore, so what? Just because America wants it doesn't mean it's a good thing. America wanted to segergate Black people, wanted to deny them civil and human rights for hundreds of years, I don't give a shit what America wants, and other people are also allowed to not give a fuck what America wants, in fact, America was founded specifically so that people had the freedom to not give a fuck about what their government thought. Further-furthermore, no - you are talking about lenisim, which isn't the same thing as communism, if you're going to criticize something, then make sure you aren't criticizing an offshoot. 

No, because the "source" is not primary, it is not backed by any other sources, it has no data or offcial record to back it up. You see, with scientific data, there are things called "photos" and "graphs" which give credence to it, this is not a "looking at a duck", this is a "looking at a paper, claiming a duck did X, whenever the writer of the paper had ample reason to lie about what Duck did, and then expecting me to believe said paper uncritically." I.E, you're an idiot. Also... the bible supports orgies, the bible supports mistresses, and the bible supports drunkness. Oh, did you not know? And you also completely ignored my argument, the bible is also against eating pork dude, you're not being consistent with the bible, cuz' you can't. Which is why you can't logically gatekeep it, too contradictory. Actually, I did have sources, three, you didn't read them. Tu quo que doesn't actually address criticism. Jesus what a joke, I haven't seen someone as inadequate at debating since Zed! Have fun being stupid. 
Mesmer's avatar
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Mesmer's avatar
Um... if you are doing a science experiment, the source is literally the graphs
The graphs are the data presentation -- they are not the source themselves.

The "source" refers to where the information comes from.

Either you're doubling down on being caught for not knowing what a source is, or you don't know what a source is.

this isn't a science experiment - or something that can be repeatedly reproduced to expose fraud, this is a paper marking several claims regarding a source who is INSANELY biased, and has obvious motivation for lying... so yes, we need a source.
Again, you haven't proven that Pappas is "INSANELY biased". Like your claims of propaganda, you've asserted this without evidence. It's strange that you think I haven't provided a source, yet you've already concluded that the source is "INSANELY biased" -- that's a contradiction on your end.

Um... yes I did? I literally followed up the thing with two sources getting into how your source was insanely biased and was propagandized? Do you need the sources again? 
Um.. actually it is sufficient, because I don't care if you agree or not, I know that i have the evidence to support my claims.
 It is Mccarthism, and if you disagree, then check the sources
So this is what I'm talking about when I say you don't link your sources to your arguments. Dumping sources, claiming that they say 'x' without showing that, isn't a valid form of argumentation. You need to connect your sources to your arguments and demonstrate that what your sources say is what you're arguing. If you can't connect your arguments to sources, then they remain bare assertions.

Also, for the third time, it is impossible for the FBI documents to be propaganda when they were not released in 1968. How would the American public be exposed to this "propaganda" if they never saw it? Why would the FBI make "propaganda" but not release it?

What? No, this is logical critique of a source - which is just a way to look and dismantle sources, like presenting a logical fallacy - THAT'S something you don't source. And... I explained it? It was written during a time of the red scare, and presented actual sources reporting how insanely biased the FBI was against King. Like... literally, two posts ago, do you actually check the links that people give you? Cuz' if you actually want "proof" then check it.
Whilst I can agree that people are more likely to lie about others they don't like, you didn't demonstrate how likely. Again, there's nothing backing your claim other than 'The FBI hated him'.

When you say that you "explained" it, what actually happened is that you barely asserted it, dumped sources that may prove what you say, and expected me to assemble your argument for you so that I can negate it. It's *your* job to make your argument. The burden of proof is on you to connect your arguments to your sources. So when you're ready to that, go ahead.

Also... again... what???  Yes I said "I don't take it seriously" I literally just reiterated what I meant! They mean the exact same thing, I don't take the source seriously, i.e, I trust it less.
You trusted it less because you saw some words you don't like. It makes no sense to claim that Martin was less likely to be an adulterer because the FBI used mean words in their documents of him. That is absolutely a non-sequitur.

Just because America wants it doesn't mean it's a good thing.
Please, explain to me why Communism is a good idea, especially for 1960s America.

you are talking about lenisim, which isn't the same thing as communism, if you're going to criticize something, then make sure you aren't criticizing an offshoot. 
You're going have to do a bit better to convince everyone that 1960s Russia wasn't Communist.

Even if you did, Americans of the 1960s believed Russia was Communist, so my point still stands.

No, because the "source" is not primary, it is not backed by any other sources, it has no data or offcial record to back it up. You see, with scientific data, there are things called "photos" and "graphs" which give credence to it, this is not a "looking at a duck", this is a "looking at a paper, claiming a duck did X, whenever the writer of the paper had ample reason to lie about what Duck did, and then expecting me to believe said paper uncritically."
Ah, so you finally admit that I have sourced my claim, your issue with it now is that it's not a "primary" source. Since you love me pointing out your logical fallacies so much, this is what we call moving the goalposts.

Also, you seem very confused with the book's claims and the FBI's claims. The author of the book isn't the FBI, therefore you claiming they share the same bias is based on this false conflation.

Anyway, the book is behind a paywall and I don't feel like shelling out 245 dollars to provide a primary source Martin Luther King Jr Plagiarism Story: Pappas: 9780961936457: Books . Since you won't accept the Amren article which directly quotes the book and summarizes its arguments (hence, the duck analogy), here is a university plagiarism website that makes some of the claims Pappas' book does: Checking for plagiarism shows Martin Luther King plagiarized ( . Here is another plagiarism checker website that echoes some of the claims in Pappas' book: The Most Controversial Plagiarism Issues of All Time | Plagerism Checker . 

Also... the bible supports orgies, the bible supports mistresses, and the bible supports drunkness. Oh, did you not know?
More bare assertions. Fortunately for these, I can show you're dead wrong:

Galatians 5:21: "and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God." (NIV)

One of the Ten Commandments: "You shall not commit adultery" -- what do you think having multiple "mistresses" means?

And you also completely ignored my argument, the bible is also against eating pork dude, you're not being consistent with the bible, cuz' you can't. 
You're not even right about this:

"In the Old Testament God gave dietary laws to Israel. Remember He didn’t give them to everybody He only gave them to the Israelites."

Actually, I did have sources, three, you didn't read them. Tu quo que doesn't actually address criticism
I copy-pasted a bunch of what you said and jammed it together, just to see what response I got. It's funny how you didn't realize this. What was that about being "stupid" again?
FLRW's avatar
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lso, for the third time, it is impossible for the FBI documents to be propaganda when they were not released in 1968. How would the American public be exposed to this "propaganda" if they never saw it? Why would the FBI make "propaganda" but not release it?
The FBI–King suicide letter or blackmail package was an anonymous 1964 letter and package by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) meant to blackmail Martin Luther King Jr. The suicide letter was part of the FBI's COINTELPRO operation against King.
On November 21, 1964, a package that contained the letter and a tape recording allegedly of King's sexual indiscretions was delivered to Coretta Scott King, wife of Martin Luther King Jr., and later to King Jr. himself. Although the letter was anonymously written, Martin Luther King Jr. correctly suspected the FBI sent the package. Coretta Scott King described the tapes by saying "I couldn't make much out of it, it was just a lot of mumbo jumbo." The letter does not specify precisely what action it is urging King to undertake; King understood the letter as advocating that he commit suicide, although some have suggested that it was merely urging him to decline the Nobel Peace Prize (which he won in 1964) or step out of leadership.
Conway's avatar
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Conway's avatar
As long as he didn’t own slaves. 
In 1950, the youngest people to be born into slavery and performing some sort of labor around the time of emancipation would have been in their 90's.  Martin Luther King Jr. was only 21, and he did not graduate from Boston University until around 1955. 

What do you consider noteworthy about him not 'owning' slaves?
Mesmer's avatar
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Mesmer's avatar
In 1950, the youngest people to be born into slavery and performing some sort of labor around the time of emancipation would have been in their 90's.  Martin Luther King Jr. was only 21, and he did not graduate from Boston University until around 1955. 

What do you consider noteworthy about him not 'owning' slaves?
It's a total non-sequitur that has no bearing on the accusations I've levelled. Martin's fraudness has been determined by factors (plagiarism and un-Christian behavior) that don't hinge on whether he owned slaves or not. I wouldn't pay it much attention.

Reece101's avatar
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Reece101's avatar
As long as he didn’t own slaves. 
In 1950, the youngest people to be born into slavery and performing some sort of labor around the time of emancipation would have been in their 90's.  Martin Luther King Jr. was only 21, and he did not graduate from Boston University until around 1955.  

What do you consider noteworthy about him not 'owning' slaves? 
Well he would have been a fraud if he did. 
TheUnderdog's avatar
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TheUnderdog's avatar
All of these Trumpeteers need to be sent to a prison designed for special-case educations of morality, truth and justice.
You are a fascist and that's not an ad hominin attack.  Wanting to jail people for political opinions is something a fascist would do.
Polytheist-Witch's avatar
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Polytheist-Witch's avatar
John Lennon hit his wife, Gandhi slept with 14 year olds, Sister Teresa was a cruel b****. Very few civil rights leaders live up to the standard with which people think they should.