I will be posting antisemitic comments I find in other places in the site to this thread. I way to modest to post my own antisemitic comments so will leave that to others, but we need a master thread to refer back to
Antisemitic master thread
Get educated white people. Jews exposed in this thread
This thread exposes a jew reviled by all as a flaming homosexual https://www.debateart.com/forum/topics/6165-was-jesus-homosexual
you are good at digging up all threads. Can you help me make this master thread please by digging up old antisemitic threads
Loom for threads that have the following trait
1. They are anti porn, pedophilia or critical of the media
2. They are pro Palestine
3. They are against the actions of the US government which is controlled by jews.
4. The thread expresses concerns f
That open borders are possibly harmful in some way.
5.. the thread is either anti Donald Trump or anti biden who were both Jewish puppets
6. The thread is pro Bernie sanders who is critical of zionism.
Any thread really that is informative and anti jew, post below.
A thread bitching about jews evading taxes.
Neither of those threads are antisemitic.
Hence why there hasn't been action taken in those threads
Your last name isn't Schicklgruber is it?
1. They are anti porn
ive made plenty of posts and a thread on the harmful effects of porn
Hence why there hasn't been action taken in those threads
This is the wrong mindset to have as a mod. It doesnmatter whether you find an opinion disgusting.
please include your threads in this master thread.