Ancient Roman Battles Mafia Endgame

Author: ILikePie5


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ILikePie5's avatar
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Really really disappointed with the Mafia team namely Badger and Wylted. Badger should’ve kept low in DP1 even with pressure. Mod psych as justification really means nothing, considering I did actually randomize roles. Either way, one vote doesn’t mean much either. Wylted also needs to think things through before acting on them. It really hurt DP3 even though Chris did have the guilty on him. Badger, you shouldn’t just leave after you get lynched. Help your team out in the Mafia PM!

Town did a wonderful job with what they had. Oro was close to the theme. It was battles where Romans lost their Eagle Standards to barbarians vs everyone else. Props to Bron as well for his first mafia game. He did really well. Was asking the right questions and everything.

In terms of balance, I think everything was pretty well done. Mafia was just really hurt with the botched NK plus losing Badger early on. The hole was simply to big to come out of.


Badger - Battle of Carrhae - Marcus Licinius Crassus was the richest man in Rome and a triumvir along with Gaius Julius Caesar and Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus. However, he had never seen glory in the military, with one of his biggest accomplishments overthrown by Pompey because the latter took credit. As such he decided to take non-Senate approved legions to take the riches of Parthia who had long been a thorn in the side of Romans. When they say money doesn’t buy everything, it definitely was true for Crassus. Rather than going through Armenia, a friend of Rome, Crassus decided to go through the deserts of Mesopotamia. He reached flat ground where the Parthian horse archers had superiority against the legionnaires who had the burden of their armor and weapons. As such, the Parthian peppered the Romans with arrows all day. When the Romans formed a testudo, Parthian cataphracts would crash into the Romans causing even more losses. The Roman army simply could not move with horse archers surrounding the square box Crassus had formed. Crassus and his son were killed, and Caesar was assassinated days before leaving for Parthia to avenge Crassus. You are the 2x Roleblocker. Each night you may select a player. You will learn who, if anyone, visited your target. You win with the Mafia.

Wylted - Battle of Teutoburg Forest - You are one of the worst Roman military defeats and show the easiest way to defeat the normally unstoppable Roman legions. Arminius, a Germanic tribesman originally but educated by Romans, knowing Roman tactics, purposefully led the Romans into a trap. Governor and commander of the XVII, XVIII, and XIX legions, Publius Quinctilius Varus mistrusted Arminius and didn’t conduct any recon within the area. Within the Teutoburg Forest the legions had to walk 1-2 men side by side negating their formation because of the thick woods. Furthermore, because of the rain that fell that day, the Roman equipment became extremely heavy unlike the Germans who wore little to no armor while ambushing the Romans. The Roman line was so long that the vanguard and the front could not be heard or seen, allowing the Germans to cut apart the Romans piece by piece. With this defeat, the expansion under Emperor Augustus finally ended, leading to the Rhine as a de facto border. You are the 2x Redirector. Each night you may select a player and redirect their action(s) onto another player of your choice. You win with the Mafia.

Earth - Battle of Beth Horon - The Jewish Rebellion of 66 CE. One of the legions Caesar levied a long time ago, the Twelfth Fulminata was completely destroyed. After the uprising in Judea, the Romans under legate Cestius Gallus tried to withdraw to the coast of Jerusalem hoping to wait for reinforcements. While in the gorge of Beth Horon, they were suddenly attacked by Jewish rebels along with various missile troops. The Romans could not get into proper formation because of the ambush and the narrowness of the gorge itself. Gallus barely escaped with his life and ran to Antioch after sacrificing most of his army. With this victory, the Jewish resistance obtained many more recruits to ensure their religion could be protected. Emperor Nero would send future emperor Vespasian with four legions to deal with the rebellion and just like always, it would be crushed. The resourcefulness and tactics of the Jewish rebels are commendable. The planning and  the coordination along with propaganda campaigns were important to this victory which was a step in the right direction for Jewish independence from the Romans. You are the Mafia JOAT: 1x Lookout, 1x Ninja, 1x Lawyer, 1x Strongarm, 1x Framer. You win with the Mafia.

Fake Claim: Battle of Dyracchium - After Pompey and the Optimates fled to Greece, Caesar sought to follow them to and end the resistance. However, he was harassed by Pompey’s fleet. Because he hadn’t adjusted the calendar as Pontifex Maximus, the Optimates thought it was Winter and had camped in port. In reality it was late fall, allowing Caesar to bring half his army across the Adriatic. Eventually the Optimates and Caesareans met at Dyracchium, a town held by Pompey along the west coast of Greece. To keep him from foraging, Caesar built a series of walls creating a semicircle, trapping Pompey. Pompey did the same to keep Caesar out of Dyracchium. Eventually the two forces came to blow at the southern parts of the fortifications. The Caesareans were overwhelmed, fleeing with heavy losses. Caesar himself tried to stop the fleeing ordering the standard bearer to hold the line, but the legionary attacked Caesar! Luckily, Caesar’s bodyguards saved him from the attack, and Pompey didn’t advance, thinking it was one of Caesar’s tricks. The decisive blow was not struck on that day and Pompey had come out victorious, bolstering his credibility. However, Caesar remained as resourceful as ever. You are the Bodyguard. Each night you can select a player. If that player were to die that night, you would die in their place. You win with the Town.


SupaDudz - Battle of Cannae - Arguably Hannibal Barca’s achievement with the crossing of the Alps as a close second, you are one of the most famous battles in history. Hannibal's superior tactics, namely his positioning of cavalry and infantry and Rome’s vices such as elitism and poor generalship led to the destruction of Roman forces leaving the doors to Rome wide open for the Carthaginians. First, the Roman Noble Cavalry did not enjoy the company of the Auxiliary Cavalry, thinking them inferior, leading to non-equal numbers on the wings. Hannibal positioned his strongest and highly numbered cavalry against the Nobles who quickly broke and ran. Meanwhile the heavy Iberian infantry under Hannibal collapsed in a semicircle around the advancing Romans who thought they were winning, thus sealing the deal. Because of Hannibal using his advantages for tactical superiority and not facing defeat from a superior numbered Roman force, you are the 2x Strengthener. Each night you may select a player. That player's actions that night will also be immune to interference (i.e. they cannot be blocked, redirected or protected against, etc). You win with the Town.

ILikePie5's avatar
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ILikePie5's avatar
Oromagi - Battle of Alesia - One of Gaius Julius Caesar’s greatest victories, you were the last major conflict of Caesar’s Gallic Wars. After Vercingetorix’s scorched earth tactics, he was forced to occupy Alesia at the request of his commanders. Caesar in hot pursuit laid siege to Alesia building a massive wall around the outskirts of the city to protect his troops in case the Gauls sallied out. But Vercingetorix proved to be a formidable adversary, with the Gauls assembling a force multiple times the size of Caesar’s to break the siege. In response, Caesar built another wall locking his troops in the middle. One to keep the outsiders out and the other to keep the insiders in. Furthermore, when the Gauls in Alesia ran out of food, they sent their women and children out for Caesar to feed. As the leader, he chose to save the food for his own legionaries rather than his enemy, protecting them from hunger. These tactics proved fateful in finally ending the Gallic resistance leading to the Roman Civil War. You are the Doctor. Each night you may select a player or yourself. That player will be protected from one kill that night. You win with the Town.

Polygot - Battle of Pharsalus - Pharsalus proved to be the decisive battle Gaius Julius Caesar needed against Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus during the Roman Civil War. With the Enipeus River and Caesar’s left and Pompey’s right the stage was set. Caesar routinely offered battle to Pompey, but the latter refused to leave his tactical high ground. After pressure from his subordinates, Pompey was forced to leave his advantage and confront Caesar. Pompey planned to execute an attack similar to his hero Alexander the Great by using his cavalry superiority to destroy the Caesarean Cavalry and flank the legionnaires. Caesar, however, knew of his disadvantage and hid his favorite 12th Legion Fulminata being his cavalry. After the Caesarean cavalry retreated enough, the heavy infantry came out of hiding and crushed the Pomepeian horse. Meanwhile, the Caesarean left pushed the Pompeian right back, striking the decisive blow Caesar needed. Pompey would flee to Egypt, but would be executed there, ending his extraordinary legacy. You are the 2x Motion Detector. Each night you may select a player. You will learn if any actions were performed by or on that player with a “Yes” or a “No,” but not what the actions were or who else they involved. You win with the Town.

MisterChris - Battle of Cynoscephalae - You are one of the lesser known ancient Roman battles, but you shaped the course of the eastern world as we know it today. This battle featured Roman Consul Titus Flamininus versus Macedonian King Philip V, who had allied with Carthage during the Second Punic War. Furthermore, this battle put forth the two strongest army structures of the ancient world at that time: the phalanx versus the Roman maniple. At the onset of the battle, neither side knew that the enemy lay just on the other side of the Cynoscephalae ridge in Greece due to a heavy fog in the area. Both commanders sent their skirmishers forward to investigate the area leading to a short conflict before word was sent to both commanders of the enemy’s location. Both led their troops to the ridge but Flaminunus, because of some fog, could not see the Antigonid approach head on with their sarissa spears. The Roman left began losing ground when Flamininus went back to his camp to tell his right flank to attack the now organizing Antigonid left resulting in the latter’s slaughter. One brave Roman tribune stopped two maniples from chasing the Antigonid left and fell down on the rear of Philip’s left resulting in mass slaughter. Finally, the debate between the Roman legion and phalanx had been settled. You are the Cop. Each night you may select a player. You will learn whether that person is INNOCENT or GUILTY. You win with the Town.

Whiteflame - Battle of Zama - You formed the end of Carthaginian hegemony. After Hannibal’s victories in Italia, Publius Cornelius Scipio was eventually elected Consul and he’d be a formidable enemy against Hannibal. Without sufficient siege equipment and reinforcements from Carthage which was miles away, a stalemate emerged. The Fabian strategy continued to delay Hannibal enough so that Scipio moved for Carthage itself. Hannibal was forced to retreat to Carthage to defend the Council of Elders. This time however, a smart tactician faced Hannibal. Scipio allowed Carthaginian elephants to pass through the Roman ranks, after which the elephants were attacked by missile troops and killed. Furthermore, Scipio convinced the Numidian cavalry who had originally sided with Hannibal during the Italian campaigns to defect to Rome. The cavalry proved crucial to Scipio’s decisive victory after which he was honorably named Scipio Africanus. The Carthaginian were forced to suffer horrible peace deals. Hannibal would live his days in exile away from his home. Hannibal had the chance to attack Rome and defeat the Romans but failed to do so and now he was roaming around the East. Victory almost in his grasp. You are the 1x Torturer. One night you may select a player to torture. The tortured target is safe from attacks and cannot perform any night actions. In addition, you may communicate privately with your target, and at any point before night is over you may choose to execute your target. You win with the Town.

Greyparrot - Battle of Actium - You are the battle that sealed the fate of the Roman Republic. Prior to this engagement the Second Triumvirate was formed between Gaius Octavius, Marcus Lepidus, and Marcus Antonius. The middle was largely irrelevant given the territories of Africa while the former held with the West and latter the East. They say love with a woman is the worse thing that could happen, and that was the case. Antony fell in love with Cleopatra creating a propaganda campaign for Octavius to help take sole control of Rome. His friend and loyal general Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa commanded his ships at Actium against the combined armada of Antony and Cleopatra. After Cleopatra’s ships broke through the blockade of Agrippa, rather than turning back and helping the rest of the fleet, she fled to Egypt. Eventually Antony and Cleopatra both committed suicide leaving Octavius to be the sole ruler and eventually the 1st Emperor of the new Roman Empire controlling everything in the Roman Domain. You are the 1x Magistrate. One night you may arrest a player. This will make that person unable to vote and unable to be voted for during the next day. This effect will be publicly announced at the start of the next day. You win with the Town.

Lunatic - Battle of Watling Street - Boudicca, Boudicca, Boudicca. Queen of the Iceni, she led the revolt against the Roman occupation of Brittania burning Camulodunum and Londinium to the ground. The governor of the area, Gaius Suetonius Paulinus was not in the eastern part of Brittania where the revolt had occurred, campaigning in the west instead. Upon hearing news, he rushed over to face the incoming threat. With 10,000 toppers, he faced around 100,000 Britons with their chariots and warriors led by Boudicca herself on a chariot. He could’ve had another legion, but the commander he had left in the south did not send any reinforcements, likely hoping to take advantage of Paulinus' death. Nevertheless, Paulinus chose his position well, protecting both sides from the flank, with a jungle to his back. He energized his troops calling the enemy uncivilized and prone to the might of Rome. In the end, the Romans easily won, with the legions suffering only around 1,000 casualties, while the Britons lost 100,000. This battle proved that when the Romans could select their battlefield, they were unstoppable.  You are the 1x Commuter. One night you may decide to commute. This will make you immune from any and all actions for that night. You win with the Town.

Drlebronski - Battle of Milvian Bridge - This battle ended the Tetrarchy that formed the Roman Empire with Constantine I defeating Maxentius. Just prior to the battle, Constantine had a divine vision saying that if he drew the mark of Christ on shields, he would be victorious. Constantine indeed would win the battle, but more likely because of his superior generalship and tactics. Normally Maxentius would hide behind the walls of Rome for a siege but this time he came out to face Constantine head on, a rather weird choice. Nevertheless, Maxentius held at the Milvian Bridge, one of the main entry points to Rome itself. Constantine’s cavalry routed the enemy and came back to attack the infantry. Makeshift bridges made by Maxentius collapsed with his troops on it. He himself fell into the River Tiber. His body was found and he was beheaded. This battle secured the beginning of Christianity in the Roman Empire because of the vision that Constantine had. You are the 1x Dreamer. If you aren’t visited one night you will get a randomized list of 3 players, of which one of them is mafia. You win with the Town.

NP1 Actions:

Wylted - Kill Lunatic (fails)
Earth - Lawyer Wylted

Supa - Waive
Oro - Doc Oro
Poly - Detect Chris
Chris - Investigate Polygot
WF - Waive
Grey - Arrest Bron
Luna - Commutes tonight
Bron - Keeps 1x Dreamer

NP2 Actions:

Wylted - Redirect Oro to Bron
Earth - Strongman Lunatic

Oro - Doc Lunatic
Poly - Motion Detect Whiteflame
Chris - Investigate Wylted
WF - Waive
Bron - Keeps 1x Dreamer

NP3 Actions:

Earth - Kill Oro and Frame Bron

Oro - Protect Chris
Chris - Investigate Earth
Whiteflame - Torture Chris
Bron - Keeps 1x Dreamer

Thanks for playing everyone, and I hope you enjoyed!

ILikePie5's avatar
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ILikePie5's avatar
ILikePie5's avatar
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ILikePie5's avatar
ILikePie5's avatar
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ILikePie5's avatar
whiteflame's avatar
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whiteflame's avatar
Definitely enjoyed it, though Badger and Wylted definitely made themselves too obvious. In particular, Wylted, I don't know what your game plan was during DP3, but you already had two people who had posted things that directly contradicted your post. Even without MC's getting a guilty on you, I don't think there was much chance of you surviving the DP after that. Wasn't like I had a lot to go on to sus you then, anyway, and many of the others seemed genuinely uncertain about you. Not sure why you'd risk it, since even if they had lynched me, you would have been next. As for Badger, honestly, if you hadn't gotten so defensive and reversed course so many times on what you'd said (or claimed you were joking), I don't think I would have pushed for the lynch. It takes a lot to get me on board with a DP1 lynch, but you were all over the place.
Lunatic's avatar
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I fucked up bad. Sorry earth, I was impulsive.
Greyparrot's avatar
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gg bois
Wylted's avatar
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 I don't know what your game plan was during DP3, 
Sloppy reading on my part. Also inability to remain flexible, and impulsivity.

I also was frustrated a bit because I could sense pie rooting for us.

In np2 where chris was investigating me. I thought he was the cop and wanted to redirect him to myself, so he would get a guilty on his investigative target.  I allowed earth to cancel out my .one for one she preferred and she redirected oro to me and strongman armed tuf. 

I told her I would back any decision she made so my fault. She probably had really good reasons, but we should have been .ore collaborative. 

One problem is I felt like pie wanted me to change the redirect target from chris investigating me to something else. Usually I Don't think mods do that on purpose, but in principle I stick to the move anyway even though I know changing is better. Earth maybe was influenced by Pie's subconscious communication. 

Whether earth made the move there or not, I was probably dead. She did well. Or he.

I did not like that I was flip flopping on badger dp1. I felt social pressure from him in the scum chat to remove my vote several times and I really like badger, so I wanted to please him. He flatters me, and flattery is my weakness, so I usually just become kinda passive towards people who do it. 

Next time I will do better at ignoring flattery, will be more collaborative in the scum chat and be less impulsive. 
Wylted's avatar
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Plan originally was to say I watched oro visit tuf, because we knew he was doctor and likely would target him . He came out and said he did immediately, fucking me over and I just stuck with a bad plan, that I had spit balled out.  I panicked a bit. Could have been avoided by reading g dp better at least 
Wylted's avatar
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also, I didn't expect this, but the last 2 games has really shown how logical whiteflame is capable of being. He is getting really good. His strength is not intuition like mine, but his logical analysis is so good that it is almost like a 6th sense developing for him.
Greyparrot's avatar
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I had a 6th sense about Earth.
Wylted's avatar
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all 3 of us were practically in everyone's scum pool dp1, but I did notice you had a hard on for her
Earth's avatar
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Earth's avatar
When our nk failed, I basically knew it was fucked. I probably would have changed around my actions a bit and maybe we could have won.
ILikePie5's avatar
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ILikePie5's avatar
Can either of you please add endgame to the title?
MisterChris's avatar
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MisterChris's avatar
Sure thing.
MisterChris's avatar
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MisterChris's avatar
This was by far the best mafia game we've had in a long time. Good job Pie. And good job everyone who contributed.
whiteflame's avatar
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Appreciate that, Wylted. Still trying to improve in some ways, interested to see how well I do if I'm scum again one of these games, since I think I've been pretty poor at it in the past.
Vader's avatar
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Vader's avatar
It was a good mafia game overall that brought back mafia activity and such. Glad to see it

I disagree with some of the reads that happened (defensive=/=scum tell), but it was a great win for town 
Lunatic's avatar
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Lunatic's avatar
It was a good mafia game overall that brought back mafia activity and such. Glad to see it

I disagree with some of the reads that happened (defensive=/=scum tell), but it was a great win for town 

If your town you don't have a reason to be overtly defensive if you know you are town. Stay calm and dismantle the other persons reads