Why is there something rather than nothing?
Wrong answers only.
Don't be stupid!! because things began to stir out of nowhere, energy began to build up within the vortex of movement of astronomical proportions. Kinetic energy became like an ocean within the vast nothingness of unlimited space penetrating the deep.
As inanimate energy was generated within a boundless field of ocean-like fluidity it randomly condensed itself into a nuclear powerhouse of atomic power. Then, as it was unleashed into a bazillion megatons of unimaginable force chemistry begat the fusion of magical space soup and star powder as it expanded throughout an infinite nothing!
Out of this explosion of mystical gas and dust, pockets of gravity began to pull and contract collapsing under their own gravitational attraction until nuclear fusion birthed the mothers of the universe in the form of fire stars! These gigantic beauties unconsciously began the process of sustaining and seeding our marvelous and dream-like universe where productions magically begin to take place!
Particle, ice and rock began to speed across the highways of the cosmos bumping into each other, colliding and collecting masses entangling themselves into webs of orbit where they will begin to fantastically form themselves into super planets and of course natural satellites where stars and moons strategically place themselves into beautiful planetary arrangements all by themselves!
As galaxies, solar systems and orbital production arranges within the fantasy of space soup and time and enormous planets construct themselves into heaps of molten rock and gas Earth as we know it eventually cools and combines a perfect mixture of water and mass.
Once again magic begins to occur! as stars provide the perfect amount of heat, light and particle these amazing rock formations trapped by their own orbits lay await as inanimate forces begin the process of creating life and consciousness through completely unconscious processes.....ecosystems create and establish themselves without an iota of awareness as water, vegetation, patterns of weather began bringing forth the abundance of properties to stimulate the emergence of animated features! creatures began to evolve and generate more advanced creatures, they began to crawl out of the oceans and appear on land of course as they spread through the vast dynamic landscapes of our planet.
Beast and monkey began to erect themselves into various stages of advancement and eventually into human form through a lifeless process of evolution to acquire lager brains and of course higher intelligence and now we're here to tell you about it! nothing began to do something and now nothing became something! nothing began to generate unintelligent processes and inanimate forces began to build the building block of life without thought or mind to produce an entire operating, functioning universe to a world just for you to enjoy my son.
Lesson of the day my boy, nothing is never void of something. Cool story no??