I have created and propose a new timeline based on the precession of the equinoxes. I learned from a source(which I am actually unsure of, so I could be way off base here) that we are 36 degrees past zero aries, which is the cusp of aries/pisces, and the beginning of the Precession of the equinoxes, or world ages. I am going by the Great Year of 25,920 years, or 2160 years per Age.
If this is true, then we are about 432 years into Aquarius (30 degrees per Age, so 36 degrees would be 2160 years plus 432 years or 1/5 of an age.). Precession started 2592 years ago at zero aries. (start of pisces). 2592 years is 10 percent of the precession, also an interesting resonance with 25920 years.
SO year 1, and the beginning of Pisces and zero aries, is "our" year 576 bc. Pythagoras and the Buddha were born around this time. Main themes of this century are: beginning of republics and democracies. Also beginning s of new philosphies: Confutionism, Taoism, Zoroastrianism(dualism), Jainism.
Next in the timeline is "our" supposed year 1 AD, and "our" beginning of Pisces. According to my timeline, this is the year 571 Ad. The most interesting thing I found was this is the birth year of Muhammed. In our history, this is supposedly the birth year of Jesus (because Jesus was supposed to be born around year 1 AD.
Next in my timeline is the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. This is the year 1584 AD. The most interesting thing I found for this year was that it was the adoption of a new calendar, the Gregorian calendar. The themes of this century are mostly: Rennesances, materialism, the beginning of science. One very interesting tidbit is a prophecy made earlier by Jacopo Brocardo that the year 1584 would begin "a major new cycle".
The last point of my time line is the present. This is the year 2592 if counting from the beginning of Precession, the Age of Pisces.