Why? If people are easy to propagandize and are generally stupid, why do you think that randos should be in charge of policy?
because in any other method, the policy does not reflect what is best for the people. It exclusively reflects what is best for the rich and powerful.
Don't democracies just have citizens always voting on getting free shit until the country implodes?
No. Democracy has never caused a country to implode. Poor leadership, military coups etc are usually responsible.
Besides that, democracy seems a shitty way to maintain freedom. Citizens want laws against free speech. We had the comic book code, SJWs wanting hate speech banned and in a lot of democracies it is illegal to read the wrong books.
so to maintain freedom, you think only the rich and powerful should get a say in what the rules are? That is the exact opposite of freedom. That is tyranny.
I thought the media was trustworthy and could be trusted to report important and reliable things.
twitter isn't media. also, there is lots of "media" that is just propaganda. OAN and Fox "news" for example. So no, you can't just believe what "media" says either.
Are you saying that Trump was right to call the media fake news (rhetoric meaning sensationalistic among other things).?
people can be wrong, corrupt or just biased in any line of work. But at least organized media has standards they need to follow. Random garbage on twitter (or whatever other dark corners of the internet you get your conspiracy theory nonsense from) does not. And trump lies pretty much constantly. So him calling other people "fake news" is incredibly ironic.
Why would russia and China care what american citizens think of Corona virus. I guess if they were pushing the quarantine meme to destroy our economy it makes sense.
it's not about pushing one narrative or another. It's about creating division. That is why their bots push both far left and far right wing propaganda. The point is to make Americans hate each other to paralyze America. If the US government has to spend more time trying to manage their own people because they think there are brain control chips in flu shots, they have less time and energy do actually useful things.