I frankly do not know who created the acronym, CC, related to climate change, but somebody did. I've been using it for a number of years. I find it also is Creative Commons, an organization that endeavors to free up knowledge access on many subjects. One is the Covid 19 pandemic. I could call it CC - covid crisis. It is also CC - climate change.
OK. What's the big deal that warrants a Forum topic? Well, consider the two CCs noted above; climate change - to me, a hoax to separate us from our individual freedom and our cash [donate to clean the clouds, such as by carbon credits - OMG! another CC!], but I also see it as CC - covid crisis; an effort to... separate us from our individual freedom and our cash. How?
Well, we already know how the GND would enforce something called "participatory budgeting," meaning government participation in private industry budgeting, which ought to be strictly within the control of private industry. Nope. GND, as an official government bureaucracy, must have a hand in it... to, uh, separate us from our individual freedom [to make our own budgets] and our cash [tax increases].
So, what has it to do with Covid? What have we just been through due to Covid? A planned experiment. In what? Why, taking your individual freedom and your cash. Industry, merchandising, and school shutdowns. Basically, all the reasons to leave the house, taking jobs and education in the process. You think we are coming out of that crisis? Sure, but what have the proponents of CC and CC learned? That they can... separate us from our individual freedom [to work, be educated, shop, eat out, etc, etc,] on a more permanent basis simply by imposing a different CC down the road.
Result: We depend on government for our sustenance. Something like perpetual support checks to compensate loss of jobs, and, ultimately, loss of private enterprise, leading to....
Care to guess what Marxism really is, and its effects on a free society? CC. Communist Control. Starts with your loss of individual freedom, and your cash...
because what will stop them from taxing your single-payer income? Wait, wasn't single payer ACA just all about health care? Just another brick in the wall, dummy.