I have found the debateart word processer to be superior to other processers I have used and like it for it's simplicity and quoting feature. It would great to be able to use this feature outside of debates, in that I believe it would be beneficial to create a section on this cite where I can access the word processing system and save documents, even if I am not in an active debate. This would be personally be good for me, as I switch from computer to PC quite often and have to copy and paste my arguments and email them to myself, which often messes with debateart's quoting and spacing.
debateart doc
Personally, I think it's a great idea - it is a really good processor, better than most I've seen.
Thanks for the suggestion!
I think It's actually quite easy to implement, I may do it as the next new feature :)
I think It's actually quite easy to implement, I may do it as the next new feature :)
Disagree completely. Word is probably the best but isn't free. Google Docs are a fantastic free alternative and have almost as many features.