Wow. Yesterday [actually, two days before], masks were politics. Today, [actually yesterday], no masks is science.
Yesterday, politics. Today, science
masks have always been a matter of science...we've had this discussion a lot
Notice that I said that no masks is now the science. Masks. No masks. Seems were right back where we started a year ago with grouchy Fauci's indecision. Mask. No mask. Two masks. The man is a walking multiple-choice. I dare say science has naught to do with any of it.
Prolific output Mr Faux.
As I see it, masks are two way spit and snot catchers.
And don't forget to wash your hands.
And if the Indians had stayed in India.
So much for travel restrictions.
Why should a f**king virus worry when it's got luxury air travel to ferry it around.
For sure. With science like this, who needs quantum physics. or climate change, for that matter
You know that the CDC is saying no masks if you are fully vaccinated, don't you Bruh? (I'm trying to act like a Gen Zer.)
I know, but I also know that CDC has recommended exceptions: indoors, if people cannot demonstrate they are vaccinated, or test negative, they must wear masks. The notice last week was not an all-clear. Don't make it sound as if it was. Now, whether science is behind that restriction, who knows? I suspect it is not.