A conceptual ball has no color.
Concepts have no mass, no color, no spin, no charge.
Only occupied space has those potentials.
Irrationality is not first cause in this thread.
The default position is not position in occupied or non-occupied space.
It is conceptual figment with no relevant significance to reality.
This is typical of many of SM's pathways. They lead no where of relevant signifcance.
Bubble gum of the mind, at best. At worst it is ________.
Ergo as Fred Hoyle points out in his 1990's book, the gene in flower the reflects yellow radiation has same chemical structure in other biologicals that reflect yellow radiation.
Some chemical structure reflects frequency of red radiation, others do not.
Know the chemical structure of the ball surface and we know it will reflect frequency of red photons.
What is chemical structure of the surface of the box?
We can deduce answers to problems/questions indirectly.