A story got published in the New York Post saying that the US government was giving out thousands of copies of Kamela Harris' book to migrant children crossing the border. This apparently caused a stir on the right where they spread this story as evidence of Kamela being corrupt. It turns out the entire story was a straight up lie. One (1) copy of the book was donated and photographed. And from that one copy of the book, the Post decided to lie and say that the government was giving them out to everyone.
The reporter in question has now resigned saying that they were ordered to write the entirely false story.
This is just yet another example of how low the right will sink to try to smear anyone and everyone they don't like. And as an added side note, when their lies were exposed, they didn't even take down the story. The took it down just long enough to modify it slightly to remove the obvious lies, but left the rest of the smear article up. So even though they now acknowledge they straight up lied, most of the people who read it will never realize that it was fake news. They will continue to believe that the US government is passing out Harris' book and it will be one more in a long line of right wing lies that they internalize.