DebateArt Member Interviews & Survey

Author: Theweakeredge


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Theweakeredge's avatar
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Theweakeredge's avatar
I've come across so many different people here, even when positions overlap there have always been minor separations in how people view things. Because of this, I'd like to learn more about each individual and their positions regarding various things. Below will be the questions that inform my "survey" including a question if you would like to be further interviewed. The survey will be separated into 5 general categories - Politics, Social, Religion, Science, and Misc.

1. Generally, how do you identify politically?
2. Given the following 6 political identities, which do you most closely relate to? (Anarchist, Liberal, Centrist, Libertarian, Conservative, Authoratarian) 
3. If you were to choose 4 political identities as the most common - which four would they be?
4. If you were to briefly describe your general political identity - how would you?
5. If you were to briefly describe your closest-relative political identity - how would you?
6. If you were to briefly describe the political identity which is directly opposed to yours - how would you?
7. If you were to list the positions most integral to your political identity - what would they be? (listed from least to most important)
8. If you were to list the top 4 positions which you most agree with, what four would they be?
9. Do you consider your political identity widely represented in your respective government?
10. What questions, if any, would you add to this section of the survey?

1. What do you believe to be the biggest social problem of today's era?
2. How do you think this problem could be solved generally?
3. What do you think of these sexual/gender identities; Homosexual, Bisexual, Transgender, or Asexual?
4. What do you think of cultural labels such as "cultural marxists" or "TERFs"? (though not limited to those labels specifically)
5. Which, if any, circumstances do you believe justifies abortion?
6. What do you believe to be the ideal home environment?
7. What do you believe to be the most important value to instill in young individuals?
8. What do you think of cultural movements such as BLM or Feminism?
9. Should taxpayer money be used to support policies such as Universal Healthcare and Universal Secondary Education?
10. What questions, if any, would you add to this section of the survey?

1. Generally, which religion do you identify with?
2. Generally, do you believe religion to be important to society - how so or how not?
3. Do you believe the religion you identify with is being persucted or bigoted against?
4. Do you believe that its important for education to instill relgious values into children?
5. Aside from the god of your religion, do you believe that religion is the most important aspect of life?
6. Do you believe that everyone else, or the majority of people, should be of your religion?
7. What do you think of indivudals who do not affilate with your religion?
8. Do you believe that the church and government should be seperated?
9. Do you believe that individuals have a freedom from religion as well as a freedom to religion?
10. What questions, if any, would you add to this section of the survey?

1. Generally, do you believe science to be an accurate way of interpreting and describing our reality?
2. Do you believe that the theory of natural selection and evolution is how the current species of the earth developed?
3. Do you believe that creationism is how the current species of the earth developed?
4. Do you believe that the big bang and cosmologic evolution is how our current universe "began"?
5. Do you believe that the oblate spheroid model of the earth is accurate in regards to the shape of the earth?
6. Do you believe that climate change is happening at an increased rate?
7. Do you believe that there are genetic differences between different ethnicities aside from melalin content?
8. Do you believe that IQ tests are accurate ways of measuring an individual's intelligence?
9. Do you believe that the current scientific consensus is accurate in regards to the description of reality?
10. What questions, if any, would you add to this section of the survey

1. Would you be interested in a general interview, conducted by Theweakeredge?
2. Would you be interested in a specific interview, conducted by Theweakeedge?
3. Do you think the questions presented above are effective in collecting the general positions of individuals?
4. What categories, if any, would you add or take away from the survey above?
5. On a scale of 1-10 (1 being lowest, 10 being highest) how would you rate the bias of this test?
Thank you for your participation

RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar

Generally, how do you identify politically?
Social Democrat or Progressive.
Progressive refers to the idea, it also includes Socialists and Technocrats within it. I am not entirely against technocracy, though I am weary.
Social Democrat refers more specifically to the notion of being a left-wing ethos individual who concedes that Capitalism is a necessary evil because humans are driven by selfish motivations (which is fine, if it's controlled and channeled correctly by the society).

Given the following 6 political identities, which do you most closely relate to? (Anarchist, Liberal, Centrist, Libertarian, Conservative, Authoratarian) 
I definitely prefer the term Progressive, I respect that the term 'Liberal' is originally what we now call right-wing Libertarian and I do not support uninhibited Liberty.

If you were to choose 4 political identities as the most common - which four would they be?

Worldwide, I reckon it's this:
  1. Right-Wing Traditionalism (security-focused, oldshool conservatives)
  2. Centrist with Corporatist leanings in who benefits most (newschool Convervatism, a huge amount of Africa and South America has this, China is in between 1 and 2 as is India).
  3. Social Democracy that focuses on keeping things fair on the poor (Canada, Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand)
  4. Social Democracy that focuses on infrastructure/local-industry (Singapore, Morocco, Japan, South Korea)
In the parantheses, I name things to help you get an idea, not stating the only ones. Of course #5 is Socialism and Cuba and Viet Nam are classic cases but real Socialism hasn't been done in the world yet, just saying.

If you were to briefly describe your general political identity - how would you?
I am pretty much the opposite of a single-issue voter. I look at things as a big picture concept.
The lesser evil is what I side with, in practise not theory. In some nations the right-wing party really is the only evil or lesser evil you can settle for, such as in China I have noticed that the right-wing party there leads more mercifully than the so-called Communist one. So, I understand what pragmatism is but I do believe Social Democracy is the endgame to go for. 

If you were to briefly describe your closest-relative political identity - how would you?
I was raised to care about the poor and downtrodden, my close relatives lean left-wing, that's all I'll say. Not how far or whatever else.

If you were to briefly describe the political identity which is directly opposed to yours - how would you?
Fascism, definitely. This isn't me being an ignorant SJW virtue signalling, I know what Fascism actually is, I have read up on it and every single thing about it is the opposite of what I go for. That being said, in practise Communism is even worse because there, there isn't even an iota of meritocracy, Fascism at least has some meritocracy and upward momentum for the poor of the favoured ethnicity/ethnicities, types etc.

This isn't me sympathising with Fascism, I loathe it. This is me understanding that in Pol Pot's Cambodia, Stalin's Russia, Mao's China and such, you had no way to work your way out of your hellish situation at all. If you were suffering, you were doomed. That is also what the underfavoured ethnicities, homosexuals, the disabled and the mentally ill experienced and still experience in Fascist regimes today. Much of the Middle East doesn't use the term but is Fascist, Iran is undeniably so but Saudi Arabia has many elements of it too, neighbours not excluded.

If you were to list the positions most integral to your political identity - what would they be? (listed from least to most important)
I can tell you that privacy from unwarranted government surveillance is one of them (ironically, I am not afraid to post what I posted here because I'm aware of the 'watchful eye' and what is seen. 
However, due to that, I prefer to keep most of my views in terms of the specifics, private.
I am an avid Feminist and LGBTQ rights advocate but with T, I believe they have a mental disorder and this isn't me looking down on them nor being transphobic. I genuinely believe that transsexual identity is due to the fact that if you are an extremely feminine male, due to social constructs you conclude it's easier to cave in and deny you're male so people accept your femininity better and vice versa for extremely masculine females. I would prefer an endgame for society where it's accepted that this person is very feminine or masculine and they don't feel the slightest sadness, insecurity, anxiety or anger at the notion of identifying as their birth sex's 'assigned gender' while maintaining their natural feminine habits as the male or masculine habits as the female. This isn't spoken from ignorance, I have come to understand what drives people to do things so extreme as take artificial hormones and even pay a surgeon to permanently damage and alter their genitalia just so they can feel comfortable being as feminine or masculine as they already felt. To me, it's not transphobic to believe they need help and that the real change society needs is to not give 'funny looks' or snide remarks, teasing and such towards people who act odd vs what you expect from their demographic.
I support public education, transport, healthcare and even Internet access. I hope this becomes mainstream in the future.
I was and am completely against Brexit, it benefitted neither the UK nor the EU, it was stupid lose-lose thug mentality.
My other stances are stuff that I don't care to mention right now.

If you were to list the top 4 positions which you most agree with, what four would they be?
I don't believe in or understand this.

Privacy, LGBTQ rights and public services for the poor matter to me.

I don't think a 'top 4' applies to all nations the same way, especially not for different priorities in different people's circumstance. It comes down to context.

Do you consider your political identity widely represented in your respective government?
It isn't important to me to talk about my own nation on this website. I will talk about almost all nations quite readily.
I intentionally settled for an outlook that wasn't too 'edgy', I think too many independents refuse to settle for the least evil viewpoint that has representation.
Social Democracy has representation in a fair amount of nations, yes. I wouldn't select a viewpoint noone had and call that my political identity, I'm not afraid to box myself in.

What questions, if any, would you add to this section of the survey?
Less 'top priority' questions, more 'in this situation, which option do you see as least evil' type questions.

Vader's avatar
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Vader's avatar
Answered questions I cared about 
1. Generally, how do you identify politically?
Libertarian-Conservative Centrism
2. Given the following 6 political identities, which do you most closely relate to? (Anarchist, Liberal, Centrist, Libertarian, Conservative, Authoratarian) 
3. If you were to choose 4 political identities as the most common - which four would they be?
Liberal Authoritarian Conservative Libertarian
4. If you were to briefly describe your general political identity - how would you?
Government is bad and government overstepping is a threat to democracy and freedom
5. If you were to briefly describe your closest-relative political identity - how would you?
Corporations are better than government
6. If you were to briefly describe the political identity which is directly opposed to yours - how would you?
Government is better than corporations
7. If you were to list the positions most integral to your political identity - what would they be? (listed from least to most important)
1. Government regulation is the biggest threat to democracy
2. Focus more on bringing jobs to America than providing welfare programs
3. Tariffs are bad for the economy
4.Immigration is beneficial to the economy
8. If you were to list the top 4 positions which you most agree with, what four would they be?
1. Privatization of Abortion Clinics (no federally sponsored)
2. Pro 2A
3. Anti Progressive Tax
4. Anti Regulation
9. Do you consider your political identity widely represented in your respective government?
I think most philosophies are represented but under the generic label of Conservative and Democrat
10. What questions, if any, would you add to this section of the survey?
1. What do you believe to be the biggest social problem of today's era?
Social media
2. How do you think this problem could be solved generally?
Less time on phone, promote environment that don't milk your beliefs. This website is a great way of how social media can be used to properly engage in debate and look at others people views. Mediums like twitter are shit places to get information
3. What do you think of these sexual/gender identities; Homosexual, Bisexual, Transgender, or Asexual?
Do whatever you want. America is about freedom.
4. What do you think of cultural labels such as "cultural marxists" or "TERFs"? (though not limited to those labels specifically)
People are too quick to generalize people as these names
5. Which, if any, circumstances do you believe justifies abortion?
R-word or if the mothers life is in danger
6. What do you believe to be the ideal home environment?
A home environment that practices freedom yet discipline. A child should not be limited and should have the freedom to stay as long as they want, but willing to accept discipline when it is needed. 
7. What do you believe to be the most important value to instill in young individuals?
Loving others
8. What do you think of cultural movements such as BLM or Feminism?
3rd to 4th wave feminism is stupid. BLM as a goal has is good, but the organization is shady
9. Should taxpayer money be used to support policies such as Universal Healthcare and Universal Secondary Education?
10. What questions, if any, would you add to this section of the survey?
1. Generally, which religion do you identify with?
Orthodox Christianity
2. Generally, do you believe religion to be important to society - how so or how not?
I believe that religion is beneficial in modern society.
3. Do you believe the religion you identify with is being persucted or bigoted against?
4. Do you believe that its important for education to instill relgious values into children?
5. Aside from the god of your religion, do you believe that religion is the most important aspect of life?
To a certain degree yes
6. Do you believe that everyone else, or the majority of people, should be of your religion?
7. What do you think of indivudals who do not affilate with your religion?
An individual
8. Do you believe that the church and government should be seperated?
9. Do you believe that individuals have a freedom from religion as well as a freedom to religion?
10. What questions, if any, would you add to this section of the survey?
1. Generally, do you believe science to be an accurate way of interpreting and describing our reality?
Science is an ever changing subject. The reality we live now can change if more science and evidence comes out. I believe what we know now is true, but it may not be the full truth. So I'd yes to a degree but also no to a degree
6. Do you believe that climate change is happening at an increased rate?
Yes but it is probably not as drastic as made out to be
7. Do you believe that there are genetic differences between different ethnicities aside from melalin content?
No to a degree
8. Do you believe that IQ tests are accurate ways of measuring an individual's intelligence?
9. Do you believe that the current scientific consensus is accurate in regards to the description of reality?
10. What questions, if any, would you add to this section of the survey
1. Would you be interested in a general interview, conducted by Theweakeredge?
2. Would you be interested in a specific interview, conducted by Theweakeedge?
3. Do you think the questions presented above are effective in collecting the general positions of individuals?
To a degree yes
4. What categories, if any, would you add or take away from the survey above?
I don't like Science
5. On a scale of 1-10 (1 being lowest, 10 being highest) how would you rate the bias of this test?

Theweakeredge's avatar
Debates: 33
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Theweakeredge's avatar
-RationalMadman & Supadudz

Thank you for your feedback! 
Vader's avatar
Debates: 30
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Vader's avatar
No problem
Polytheist-Witch's avatar
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Polytheist-Witch's avatar
I picked Religion because it's where I post the most and I might do the others later.

1Generally, which religion do you identify with?  Heathen though I attend a Spiritualist church. 
2. Generally, do you believe religion to be important to society - how so or how not?   People make up society and it's important to people so. 
3. Do you believe the religion you identify with is being persucted or bigoted against?  No. Lately we have been getting a bad rap due to racists morons. 
4. Do you believe that its important for education to instill relgious values into children?   I think you should let children know religion is important to people and effect society due to that reason and let them feel safe to explore their own spirituality
5. Aside from the god of your religion, do you believe that religion is the most important aspect of life?  Yes. it is addressed by me everyday in some way. 
6. Do you believe that everyone else, or the majority of people, should be of your religion? No. I think you should be in a religion because you feel pulled to work with god or goddess. 
7. What do you think of indivudals who do not affilate with your religion?  Ok by me. 
8. Do you believe that the church and government should be seperated? Absolutely
9. Do you believe that individuals have a freedom from religion as well as a freedom to religion?  Yes
10. What questions, if any, would you add to this section of the survey? I am surprised you didn't ask about holy text, omniscience or free will. 

RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar

What do you believe to be the biggest social problem of today's era?
Very difficult to pick just one.
I would argue that poor females in underdeveloped nations and the stark gap between the opportunities they have and way they experience life vs the rich males of this planet is probably the hugest issue but there's very close second, third and such.

How do you think this problem could be solved generally?
The 'how' in theory is actually straightforward, with the correct public-funded moves to give the poor educational, healthcare and transport provision that doesn't bankrupt them along with affirmative action on the behalf of the poor (especially poor females in less developed nations) and you have begun a snowball that will mean the grandchildren already experience a much more feminist society.
I'm aware I didn't mention the right to vote, I would say that the right to vote in a country like... let's say Bangladesh, is a pretty futile right to have if you catch my drift. Women have had the right to vote there since 1947 though and democracy is indeed a next step but I stated how to fix the issue even in a dictatorship.

What do you think of these sexual/gender identities; Homosexual, Bisexual, Transgender, or Asexual?
Homosexual and bisexual 100% acceptance and support.
Transgenders I have no issue with the femininity of a trans-woman or the masculinity of a trans-man however I would like to say that this new age movement where we are even discussing damaging hormones being ingested by young children and teens because we think they're old enough to make that informed decision is just wrong. It can and will eventually be proven to irrevocably hamper the quality of their puberty. Chromosomes limit what your body experiences in puberty, you don't suddenly benefit from low testosterone and high oestrogen if you're born XY, while your body is still growing into an adult.

There needs to come to be a good sense about what's right or wrong to let someone do to their body. I am sure you would not want to let someone who self-harms keep self harming... Why would you want to let someone pay a surgeon to remove their cock or to do some strange thing to their vagina, clitoris and labia that makes it easier to 'pull off' the opposite one? This is seriously worrying if you loathe something you should love and be proud of owning to that level. I am not going to sit here and be called some bigoted transphobe, I am talking about mental health issues where someone loathes the natural body they have so much that they do things to their own genitalia simply to feel comfortable in their own skin.

I will not sit back and say that's a good idea ever, I will not virtue signal that level of acceptance. There needs to be a line we draw at some point where we teach them to love their body and chromosomes, not loathe it. I am 0% advocating denying how feminine and masculine they are, I am saying that if you are born XY or XX, you should feel comfortable being what you are. I am aware that society doesn't let you do it so comfortably in the vast majority of the world (and even in many places within the 'more accepting nations'). That has to change, that's where I am 100% pro LGBTQ, I would not laugh at, sneer and tease someone for being different to what we expect from their biological sex's normative tendencies. I would simply worry if they felt ashamed of it and forcefully change it because they can only feel happy if they do that. 

Asexuality is fine if you really have low libido.

If you meant genderfluids who go by they/them, I got no issue with it actually. In my opinion genderfluids do not necessarily have a self-esteem issue whatsoever, that actually is an extremely sensible conclusion and middleground way to say 'I don't act normal for my birth sex and frankly think the standards we set on men and women are stupid'. So, I back genderqueer people very much so. In fact, I wouldn't mind a world where we have no he/she on a societal-normative level anymore. That's a pipe dream though.

What do you think of cultural labels such as "cultural marxists" or "TERFs"? (though not limited to those labels specifically)
I think that terms are a funny thing. SJW was almost definitely coined by actual SJWs, the true origin isn't known but it's the type of term you'd compliment yourself with 'we are social justice warriors' yet now it's used by the pro-status-quo to insult the radicals for being so passionate. Terms change contextually over time, clinging onto a term the 'other side' is using to insult you isn't stupid but instead what is stupid is worrying too much about the exact term. I identify as a Progressive Social Democrat but if the term 'Liberal' becomes much more convenient and applicable vs the context of the current political landscape, I'd pick that instead.

Strong minds adapt, weak minds cling to the past.

TERF is the same scenario as SJW. It was made by people within the 'clique' and got turned into a perojative term by the other side. 

Redneck has this same sequence, though it may even have had one before where landowners called their labourers red necks as they were sunburnt.

Which, if any, circumstances do you believe justifies abortion?
The thing we forget when it comes to abortion is that literally every second you aren't having sex with someone, sperm cells got wasted if the only correct way to utilise them is to reproduce and if that's so paramount to ethics.

If I kiss my lover and don't copulate unprotected it's not immoral yet you can't deny had I done so, if both her and I are fertile, we'd produce offspring right? So, just because the sperm didn't hit a condom or didn't die off in vain inside one's own ballsack but instead they hit the egg and that life is unwanted, we need to begin on a neutral stance, not an "OMG now it has to be born or we are devil-worshipping murderers" stance. 

Up to the third trimester, one can argue that it's not conscious enough or 100% guaranteed to be born. At a stage where this being has a brain, where you have gone significantly into the pregnancy and you suddenly say 'kill it' then I agree with pro-lifers on it. If we justify killing that human being at that stage of development purely because it's parasitic to the mother, we are being as bad as the right-wing can be to the poor. This is where we need to realise ironies and crossovers in stances.

Right-Wing are typically only pro-life until you're born then it's everyone fending for themselves.
Left-Wing are more realistic and know how much time and care each life will take, it's not about heartlessness it's about realism.

I'm not saying pro-lifers are all hypocrites, you do get the 'care and share, give to charity' type of right-winger who definitely isn't a hypocrite in being pro-life but that type is rare and also quite naive since they forget other rich people won't give to charity if they aren't forced/pressured to, in general.

What do you believe to be the ideal home environment?
Soft spot for me, didn't have this growing up. Dad didn't understand me. Don't feel like sharing more than that.

What do you believe to be the most important value to instill in young individuals?
To take in your surroundings before assuming you understand the situation you and the others around you are in.
Sound cringey and BS right? Too many adults are hindered significantly in life because they weren't taught to even try to do this.

What do you think of cultural movements such as BLM or Feminism?
Love those 2, depends on the movement though. BLM and Feminism are 2 of my absolutely supported movements.

Should taxpayer money be used to support policies such as Universal Healthcare and Universal Secondary Education?
Those 2? Yes, definitely.

What questions, if any, would you add to this section of the survey?
Your questions didn't seem geared towards social issues but rather what 'values' we believe to instill in others.
Ask more open-ended questions, maybe, that's my only suggestion.

fauxlaw's avatar
Debates: 77
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fauxlaw's avatar
Since this is, effectively, a poll seeking to categorize within a sample group, regardless of the overall categories of politics, society, etc., a little background into the proper set-up of a poll, specifically to maximize data and reduce bias, I suggest:
1.    No poll should exceed 10 questions. Period. People tend to “glaze over” and will answer anything, not necessarily accurately, just to be done with it.
2.    Questions, as a result, cannot seek general, and then specific answers.
3.    As such, polls cannot ask for what other proper questions there should be. It’s your subject; you determine the proper questions.
4.    Questions cannot attempt to illicit essay-like answers. Yes/no is the best course, usually.
Some issues are exemplified just by looking at the politics category, because the issues repeat in all categories:
1.    Questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 can all be answered in a single answer to one question; you’re essentially asking for the same repetitive information. 
2.    Question 6 becomes unnecessary, that is a data point that is effectively answered by the other 7 combined questions.
3.    Question 9 can hold as is. It is a good reflective question [the rare exception to yes/no questions See #4 above.
4.    Question 10 will not give you a data point; it asks to give your polling effort credentials, admitting that you don’t have them.
One cannot properly gather qualifiable data with essay-response questions. You can easily normalize and quantify yes & no answers to data [numbers] that can then be rated on a scale, thus allowing an easier analysis by a normal curve [bell curve] of data points. You can present, within your question regarding where on a political scale a respondent resides by giving numerical tie to the various political positions, and present them alphabetically to avoid appearance of bias, such as: 1. Authoritarian, 2. Centrist, 3. Communist, 4. Conservative, 5. Fascist, 6. Libertarian, 7. Progressive… etc. That way, it does not even present as a sequential, left-to-right sliding scale.
In the Misc. section, Qs 1 & 2 ought not be separated. You define what is general or specific, not your sample group. Decide. Q3, 4, 5, are like the Q10 of each category; they are not data points.
Rather than one single survey, and to easily pose your max 10 questions, each of your categories ought to properly be separate surveys altogether.
By credential, I am a certified [retired] Six Sigma Black Belt. Statistically, I have expertise. Trust that I know what I’m talking about. 

Theweakeredge's avatar
Debates: 33
Posts: 3,457
Theweakeredge's avatar
Hmm - thank you for the advice, I'll take it into consideration
Nevets's avatar
Debates: 35
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Nevets's avatar
1. Generally, how do you identify politically?
According to my political compass I am Libertarian to the left of mid centre which I am disappointed about as I wanted to hit the bullseye so I better try again.

2. Given the following 6 political identities, which do you most closely relate to? (Anarchist, Liberal, Centrist, Libertarian, Conservative, Authoratarian) 
Despite the fact my political compass says I am to the left near centre, I would personally answer to being a Centrist. I think it was strong radical views on giant corporations that prevented me from at least hitting the 25.

3. If you were to choose 4 political identities as the most common - which four would they be?
Republican direct democracy. Some might call it a form of Anarchy. There are also some ideologies in Communism that I would actually agree with.

4. If you were to briefly describe your general political identity - how would you?
I would claim Apathy on the subject as my views need not be discussed in public.

5. If you were to briefly describe your closest-relative political identity - how would you?

6. If you were to briefly describe the political identity which is directly opposed to yours - how would you?
Absolute monarchy is the polar opposite of republican direct democracy.
7. If you were to list the positions most integral to your political identity - what would they be? (listed from least to most important)
The most important part of my philosophy is higher per capita wealth. So others may even say that there is a touch of Communism in there.

8. If you were to list the top 4 positions which you most agree with, what four would they be?
The philosophy of Republicanism. the philosophy of Direct democracy. And sympathising with the need for Anarchy whilst remaining publicly Apathetic in the name of peace.

9. Do you consider your political identity widely represented in your respective government?
Not at-all. Direct democracy is considered a threat to representative democracy.

1. What do you believe to be the biggest social problem of today's era?
Capitalism and privatisation.

2. How do you think this problem could be solved generally?
By communities owning their own resources and having political municipal control over their own affairs.

3. What do you think of these sexual/gender identities; Homosexual, Bisexual, Transgender, or Asexual?
People are what they are and I am what I am. I don't have a problem with them if they don't have a problem with me, eh.

4. What do you think of cultural labels such as "cultural marxists" or "TERFs"? (though not limited to those labels specifically)
I think in general cultural labels are useless unless you believe that by self identifying to a particular label you will invoke some type of self fulfilling prophecy. Apart from that labelling is usually simply negative stereo-typing and something we do as it has became the cultural norm.

5. Which, if any, circumstances do you believe justifies abortion?
If the Mother is likely to die during child-birth would certainly be an acceptable reason.

6. What do you believe to be the ideal home environment?
A Mother that works in the house and looks after the children with a Father that goes out and makes a decent living. Is also good to have two children instead of just one as children with no brothers and sisters sometime struggle more in school social settings. Of course it is fine for the man to stay at home whilst the Mother goes out and makes a decent living. But the man does not look after children so well and lacks the Motherly instinct.

7. What do you believe to be the most important value to instill in young individuals?
Responsibility and self discipline.

8. What do you think of cultural movements such as BLM or Feminism?
Radical groups like this I would say are probably a little biased, blinkered and extreme.

9. Should taxpayer money be used to support policies such as Universal Healthcare and Universal Secondary Education?
Yes, definitely. Everyone should be pitching in. I am not against tax. It is where the tax goes that is the issue.

1. Generally, which religion do you identify with?
None. I self identify as a non theist but not an atheist. I am unreligious but not irreligious. I have no objections to others practising their beliefs and what I believe is a secret and does not need to be discussed. It is not important. And this is a philosophy adopted to end religious war.

2. Generally, do you believe religion to be important to society - how so or how not?
As a non-theist that believes that I should keep my beliefs a secret I should not really answer this as it could upset religious people. But no, I do not believe religion to be important in society because there are plenty unreligious people in the world which do not destroy society.

3. Do you believe the religion you identify with is being persucted or bigoted against?
No. I do not identify with any religion so it would be impossible to feel persecuted or bigoted against.

4. Do you believe that its important for education to instill relgious values into children?
No. I am against this. I believe a child should be free to make his/her own mind up when he/she gets older.

5. Aside from the god of your religion, do you believe that religion is the most important aspect of life?
No, religion is not the most important aspect of life in my opinion.

6. Do you believe that everyone else, or the majority of people, should be of your religion?
No, I believe that we could know eachother for many years without even knowing eachothers personal beliefs, as it is not important. Unless of course one really feels they need to talk about it then of course we should be willing to lend an ear and perhaps offer an opinion if requested. It also does not have to be something which "cannot" be discussed, as that would be practising non-theism religiously, if that were the case.

7. What do you think of indivudals who do not affilate with your religion?
I don't know if they affiliate with non-theism unless they tell me. And if they don't I 100% don't mind. As I have no strong religious belief I have nothing to be angry about regarding what others believe.

8. Do you believe that the church and government should be seperated?
Yes I do. The church could disappear and I would not blink an eyelid.

9. Do you believe that individuals have a freedom from religion as well as a freedom to religion?
I have conducted no studies on who has the greater individuality.

1. Generally, do you believe science to be an accurate way of interpreting and describing our reality?
The theories of Quantum Mechanics and sub atomic light particles certainly give a more Scientific explanation for the beginning of the universe than genesis.

2. Do you believe that the theory of natural selection and evolution is how the current species of the earth developed?
Yes, most likely. All created from abiogenesis

3. Do you believe that creationism is how the current species of the earth developed?
They most likely developed from organic compounds from beneath the sea. Abiogenesis.

4. Do you believe that the big bang and cosmologic evolution is how our current universe "began"?
No, I believe the process was in motion before the big bang. I believe that Quantum mechanics is exploring sub atomic light particles to help explain the most early stages of the creation of physical matter and the lead up to the big bang.

5. Do you believe that the oblate spheroid model of the earth is accurate in regards to the shape of the earth?
I believe the Earth is the same shape as viewed from Nasa photos.

6. Do you believe that climate change is happening at an increased rate?
Actually, I am undecided on this. I believe that there is a certain truth to it. A lot of fear monger thrown in. But ultimately, the climate has been changing for billions of years and will keep changing whether we like it or not. Though we may be speeding up the process, certainly.

7. Do you believe that there are genetic differences between different ethnicities aside from melalin content?
Very slight. But there are definitely differences between say, the Pygmy peoples that grow on average  from anywhere between 4ft5 and 4ft11, and those of other countries and cultures that average 5ft8 or 5ft9.

8. Do you believe that IQ tests are accurate ways of measuring an individual's intelligence?
No, because IQ tests improve everytime you take them. Like everything else, you can practise taking IQ tests. Almost all the geniuses in the world that are attributed as having incredible IQ's had to practise to get that high. They did not get such a high IQ result on their very first test.

9. Do you believe that the current scientific consensus is accurate in regards to the description of reality?
I don't think there is an overall Scientific consensus regarding the nature of reality.

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1. Generally, how do you identify politically?
Left-leaning libertarian.  Think Noam Chomsky (but my thoughts on Israel/Middle East more mirror George H. W. Bush). 

2. Given the following 6 political identities, which do you most closely relate to? (Anarchist, Liberal, Centrist, Libertarian, Conservative, Authoratarian) 
Not identity; ideology.  It's hard to say, given that we don't all have the same understanding of what counts for liberalism or conservatism these days.  Neither establishment party aligns with my values, though now that gay marriage is the law of the land I will probably vote for whoever the next Republican president/senate candidates are.  

I'm pretty sympathetic to Libertarian perspectives, on a personal/cultural/social level.  I'm not socially conservative in most respects (pro gay rights, oppose almost all forms of state-mandated moralizations, I would make all drugs legal, etc.).  But culturally, I sympathize with the conservatives and Christian anarchism (namely, that of Leo Tolstoy, who you might not know was the inspiration both for Ghandi and MLK).   

Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Turgenev and Solzhenitsyn probably more than any other figures have shaped both my theological and moral values.  It surprises people when I say this, too, because they assume that because I'm gay I should want to tear down "heteronormative" this and that, or whatever.  As a younger guy, maybe.  But to throw away the collective accomplishments of all human civilization up to this point is much further than I am comfortable going.  

Relatedly, the decline of organized religion has caused and continues to cause untold harm to the social order.  A lot of that is because of the stark hypocrisy both of the Catholic church and the evangelical right (for reasons we can discuss separately) but it's also because of deliberate efforts to purge faith from the society.  And if we lose that, we'll have lost everything else that came from it (including the foundation of Enlightenment values, which themselves are inextricably linked with Christianity).  And generalized destruction of our institutions without consideration for what purpose they served leaves us in essentially the state Nietzsche foretold in the Genealogy of Morals and Thus Spake Zarathustra:  we both lack a shared agreement on what even constitutes a moral/social foundation and have been unable to replace it with anything else.

3. If you were to choose 4 political identities as the most common - which four would they be?
4. If you were to briefly describe your general political identity - how would you?
Not identity; ideology.  Left wing libertarianism.   Sort of.  I'm also kind of a foreign policy hawk.  I understand most people do not see these things as going together. 

5. If you were to briefly describe your closest-relative political identity - how would you?
Every living member of my family is a conservative Republican. 

6. If you were to briefly describe the political identity which is directly opposed to yours - how would you?
Ideology is a better word than identity.  And the opposite ideology would be corporate fascism; so, increasingly the normal political order in the United States. 

7. If you were to list the positions most integral to your political identity - what would they be? (listed from least to most important)
Here, political beliefs/values would be better than identity.  Here are two:

Limiting the power of the state and corporate interests; and
Maximizing individual freedom.  

8. If you were to list the top 4 positions which you most agree with, what four would they be?
You mean like on policy issues?  Idk.  Depends on the time and place.  But for the moment:

a. All lockdowns and COVID safety measures should be ended right now.
b. All schools should immediately reopen.
c. All businesses should immediately reopen.
d. Tony Fauci should be fired.  

9. Do you consider your political identity widely represented in your respective government?
Ideology, not identity.  And no.  Both Republicans and Democrats both seem to be very comfortable expanding the scope of government in increasingly  alarming ways.  They disagree as to HOW it should be expanded, but they agree on the basic idea THAT it should be expanded.  I oppose this.  

RationalMadman's avatar
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Generally, which religion do you identify with?
If you have any religion that isn't an identifiable mainstream one, it comes under the umbrella term Paganism. 

I am heavily in agreement with Taoism on most things, only differing metaphysically as the 'duality' it leaves as yin and yang are something more concrete in my outlook.

Taoism is not an easy thing to decode, most of the first results on Google give you 'mumbo jumbo' regarding it. You have to dig deeper, listen to lectures/talks on it and think for yourself. It's not pseudointellectual, it teaches something no other religion does; that it is in altering ourselves continually that we remain sanest and capable of being net-kindest in changing circumstances.

Generally, do you believe religion to be important to society - how so or how not?
Unfortunately, yes, it has been and currently still is to most societies. I do not see that as a good thing. This is a fantastic speech by one of my favourite official debaters/speakers of all time, Richard Dawkins, on the matter:

We evolved religion (he speaks excellent all the way through but if you want to skip to it, 2:35is a good timestamp):

Do you believe the religion you identify with is being persecuted or bigoted against?
Yes, however since I'm the only one following my particular one, I don't worry too much. When people ask me about what I believe (which is rare, such topics are barely spoken about in general conversation), I size up how much intellect and shit-giving-level I think the person has against how much time and effort I'm willing to put into the conversation with them and if it does match up, I try. In my experience, barely anyone can grasp my outlook anyway and those that do go 'it's just a theory' so I smile and know that the goddess of reality (god is a mother figure, not a father figure) is testing my patience and reminding me to keep the truth hidden only for the worthy to discover.

Do you believe that its important for education to instill religious values into children?
You see, some of what religions teach is good, those don't come from religion but were inserted there from our inner moral compasses at work while making these man-made religions. That inner compass is known as the Tao in Taoism, that should be partially taught, yes. Stuff like don't steal, don't bully all of that, great stuff but it doesn't come from religion.

What comes from religion when it's strictly adhered to can be seen still today in many Islamic nations and there's still 'extreme Christianity' in some too, such as Uganda and Honduras. It's ignorant, brutal and was seen in more developed nations a while back, in the Middle Ages or so.

Aside from the god of your religion, do you believe that religion is the most important aspect of life?
Philosophy is a huge part of my life actually but religion itself is not.
I don't know how to put it but I don't consider myself religious in all honesty, I am closest to 'deistic' as opposed to 'theistic' if you want to comprehend what I'm saying on a strict scaled system.

Do you believe that everyone else, or the majority of people, should be of your religion?
I did at first, when I discovered/uncovered what I did about reality. It became apparent simply due to how our world is and also due to clues, which I won't go into, I am not mentally ill they are real clues and are there throughout history even, that the god watching and enjoying the show of this world doesn't want everyone to know the truth, just some version of it perhaps. The real thing they want to see is not even who can uncover it but who can make use of it when they realise it. Religious people who do a lot with the motivational zeal that religion gives them, are the most entertaining to the goddess and I believe get an 'edge' in terms of luck and stuff, very possibly.

Those that wither away, conforming entirely to the life that's simple don't necessarily get punished but they get less and less lucky, they bored the goddess and don't go far.

I have of course come across people who were lazy yet successful to a degree and vice versa but they tend to have some other very odd things about their 'spirit' and life path that tends to explain why it may still fit in to this mould.

I'm not saying wanting something gets you it, I'm saying it's an actual spiritual factor, you become like a magnet to joy and success but also to haters, so beware your glow, it has drawbacks. That's also why I realised I probably never want to be famous, it's actually a lot less good vs the bad than most people believe I feel.

I know this doesn't truly answer your question, however I tried to give you a glimpse.

What do you think of individuals who do not affilate with your religion?
Depends on the individual (that's actually a strict teaching in Taoism, never approach two people or situations the exact same way).

Do you believe that the church and government should be seperated?
Absolutely 100%

Do you believe that individuals have a freedom from religion as well as a freedom to religion?
Okay, this is a very difficult thing to answer because where do we draw the line? 

I don't understand why the left-wing support Islam as much as they do, it's an extremely horrific right-wing religion anywhere it's been fully embraced. Yet these same left-wingers will probably diss Christianity or Israel's Judaism without a second thought.

I don't get it.

I'm also against circumcision being legal. I see any mutilation to the body as a horrific act unless there's justification. Especially to someone who is too young to even speak, let alone consent. When it comes to female circumcision I'm not just against it, I want to do graphic things to the psychopaths who keep it going. That is unforgivable shit, just because you don't believe in masturbation you take away the woman's ability to feel any orgasm at all. If you agree to that based on your religion then I don't respect it (I'm sure we agree).

I believe in human rights, animals rights and fairness to all as absolute things we should strive for. If your religion gets in the way of those things, I side with them over your religion any day, in the blink of an eye.

If your religion doesn't interfere with them, I'm open to 'freedom' within reason. Cults are only easy to justify forcefully stopping when they demand money and isolate their followers. What about when the followers think it's not a cult and have some valid reasons to back that up? What then?

What questions, if any, would you add to this section of the survey?
So many, however I don't know if most would answer. 

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1. What do you believe to be the biggest social problem of today's era?
The role of identity politics in the culture and society.

2. How do you think this problem could be solved generally?
I'm not sure it can be.  The identity politics game the left is playing now is so pervasive that even the language they use has become entrenched in modern usage.  I think it's a set of ideas that, like a pandemic, is going to have to run its course before it is abandoned.  Though, for my part, I'll do what I can to stop it.  

3. What do you think of these sexual/gender identities; Homosexual, Bisexual, Transgender, or Asexual?
I'm generally of the "live and let live" school of thought.  Being gay and coming from the background that I do, I am very uncomfortable seeing people tell others how to live their lives and do so with the force of the state behind them.  I am very aware of the risk involved in using the power of the state (or culture) to force conformity as such.

Bisexuals get a bad rap from everyone.  I'm pretty sure my ex boyfriend was bi, but we dated longer than I have ever dated another person.  I think gay men and lesbians in particular tend to have very stupid ideas about bisexuality.

I have never known someone I actually believed was asexual. 

Trans issues are much more complicated, and I don't have the character space to discuss in full detail.  But generally, as above, I'm of the "live and let live" school of thought.  That being said, trans rights politics and issues implicate questions that do not apply to gays, lesbians and bisexuals.  They should not be placed into the same bucket. 

I also think that most of the people (boys and girls in particular) who think they're trans now, are going to regret any chemical or physical alterations to their bodies they undertook.  There data behind hormone replacement therapy and reassignment surgeries are enough to horrify anyone with a basic understanding of statistics.  

4. What do you think of cultural labels such as "cultural marxists" or "TERFs"? (though not limited to those labels specifically)
Cultural marxism is a term widely used by groups on the right and center-left to describe political claims on the far left and progressive left, based on belonging to one or more "oppressed" groups/minorities.  

I think the left's tendency to write off anyone who uses the phrase "cultural marxist" as "alt right" or whatever is a thinly veiled ad hom effort to avoid discussion of the substance behind their criticism.  Examples of this include, but are not limited to, "cuck philosophy" on YouTube.  I refer to him because he's the strongest criticism I've seen to date, not because I think he's the easiest to tear down.  In fact Cuck Philosophy is I think the only person that has even tried to understand what is meant by the word "cultural marxist," even if he has misrepresented the term and the meaning behind its usage. 

5. Which, if any, circumstances do you believe justifies abortion?
On a personal level, I oppose almost all forms of abortion in almost all cases.

But just because I think that, doesn't mean the state has any right to impose that perspective on anyone else. 

6. What do you believe to be the ideal home environment?
A two-parent household, in close proximity to responsible adults who can help and serve as good role models for kids/youth/teenagers (especially teenage boys). 

7. What do you believe to be the most important value to instill in young individuals?

8. What do you think of cultural movements such as BLM or Feminism?
I approve of feminism up until the end of its second wave.  Third wave feminism is where things went off the rails.  If we're in a fourth wave, and some think we are, that's even further off the rails. 

9. Should taxpayer money be used to support policies such as Universal Healthcare and Universal Secondary Education?

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1. Generally, which religion do you identify with?
I do not "identify" with any religion.  I am a Christian. 

2. Generally, do you believe religion to be important to society - how so or how not?
I don't think there is anything more important than religion in the society. 

3. Do you believe the religion you identify with is being persecuted or bigoted against?
Again, I do not "identify" with any religion.  

I think many these days get their rocks off by trying to dunk on Christianity.  And the Church would have been wise to listen to that criticism from the outside from the 50s - now, but it's too late to undo what harm has already been done.  

The Church has a long way to go, if it wants to be relevant in society in the future. 

4. Do you believe that its important for education to instill religious values into children?
Depends on the context.  Saudi-funded madrasas are a force of evil in the world; but the same could be said for certain right-wing evangelical schools in the United States, although Christian fundamentalists do not become terrorists, whereas that is the express purpose of Saudi Arabia's Islamic outreach.  

I think promoting religious literacy is important and I am ok with public schools teaching courses like comparative religion.  I do not want any public school teaching theology to my kids. 

I would prefer to enroll my kids in private religious school, namely Catholic school similar to what I attended.   Especially now. 

5. Aside from the god of your religion, do you believe that religion is the most important aspect of life?
I'm not sure what you're asking here. 

6. Do you believe that everyone else, or the majority of people, should be of your religion?
No.  Nor do I think that is even possible, or consistent with scripture.  

7. What do you think of individuals who do not affiliate with your religion?
That is between them and God.  Not for me to say.  We all try to make sense of our world and some people endeavor to do that without religion.  That is their prerogative.  It is not for me to tell them what their religious beliefs should be. 

8. Do you believe that the church and government should be separated?
Without question.  

9. Do you believe that individuals have a freedom from religion as well as a freedom to religion?
The freedom from religion lot, for example Ronald Reagan, Jr., tend to label themselves the victim of things like the money saying "In God We Trust."  Those persecutorial ideations have no currency with me.  But I am fully supportive of the establishment and free exercise clauses.  The Federalist Papers' description of why is generally correct, from my perspective. 

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Generally, do you believe science to be an accurate way of interpreting and describing our reality?
'Generally' yes, but if you asked 'completely', then no. Philosophy and looking beyond the measurable in a linguistic/lexical level of thinking as opposed to mathematical or algorithmic is required if you want to truly perceive reality.

Do you believe that the theory of natural selection and evolution is how the current species of the earth developed?
Within themselves, yes. I fully believe in microevolution.

As for how species began to fully split to the point where they couldn't reproduce with other related species anymore and also the 'originals' in terms of beings or the way we went from dinosaurs with scales to warm-blooded skinned beings and feathered beings as well as how gills suddenly mutated to make lungs, I'm skeptical. I believe in what I call 'petri dish evolution'. We were originally made by creationism and left to evolve over time as an experiment for 'god' to watch.

Do you believe that creationism is how the current species of the earth developed?
No. Not the current ones, they definitely evolved (at least 99+%, we never know if ancient beings are capable of shapeshifting or something especially underwater ones).

Do you believe that the big bang and cosmologic evolution is how our current universe "began"?

Do you believe that the oblate spheroid model of the earth is accurate in regards to the shape of the earth?
No. I believe the Earth is flat and that Antarctica is a ring around us, with a much bigger south than north.

Do you believe that climate change is happening at an increased rate?
Somewhat yes, what I believe is that it's real and that our pollution is influencing it. I also believe that an ice age of unimaginable scales hit the world a while back and that climate change is normal, cyclical if you will. So, I have skepticism about how bad it will get, given that I'm a flat-earther but I don't think it's a conspiracy that global warming and climate change are really happening and influenced by our pollution, it's a pretty solid fact based on trends. Statistical trends are the single truest part of scientific analysis, the rest is open to manipulation and deception, the statistics are irrefutable if you understand enough about data and mathematics.

Do you believe that there are genetic differences between different ethnicities aside from melalin content?
You mean race, not ethnicities. If you do mean 'ethnicities' then yes, absolutely.
If you mean race instead of ethnicity, then the answer is also yes, especially in facial structure, general body shape/proportions and colouring as well as of eyes and hair.

People of whatever original homo sapien race evolved into both 'yellow asians' and 'native americans' as well as inuits and such, have much drier, coarse earwax than other races. Caucasians are known to have the wettest earwax. Black people and many 'brown asians' have coarse hair, like a metallic wire to touch and handle, other races have only got that texture on their pubic hair (especially males) with quite a contrasted softness to their head-hair, eyebrows and forearm hair which tend to be soft.

Feet and toes actually have differences even within races, for caucasians there's massive variation depending if you ascend from Romans, Greeks, Vikings, Kurds or Hebrews there's a huge variety. I am aware Kurds aren't caucasian but many darker haired caucasians have kurdish or hebrew in them further up their bloodline.

Do you believe that IQ tests are accurate ways of measuring an individual's intelligence?
Not exactly, no.

It is physically impossible to get the IQ of a blind person, since what it tests relies on your eyes visually intaking information and conceptual patterns, even the worded parts need that. It requires a type of thinking that isn't as fast or measurable in a brain that processes non-visually.

IQ isn't what 'omg high IQ means genius and that's a fact' people think. High IQ means that your brain rapidly visualises links between things that it then can also rapidly unravel with ease back into 'thinking logic'. If your brain is able to do that very rapidly, you have one of the highest IQs among us, if it struggles, you have lower IQ.

IQ doesn't measure memory capacity, depth of thinking (though it touches on it), creative use of information or ability to relay information in a way those who lack it can digest (AKA teaching intelligence as opposed to learning intelligence, the ability to make what you know useful to other humans).

You need to factor in the other 3-4 categories before making a comment on someone's overall intelligence.

Someone like Freddie Mercury probably had a very mediocre, unimpressive IQ. His creative intelligence, however, was off the walls and his memory storage was no joke, catch one of the few interviews where he isn't too shy and he is something to be reckoned with in general knowledge indeed.

Most game shows actually do not at all involve IQ, they only measure memory capacity and some small part of creativity in terms of how you estimate answers that you aren't sure of.

Do you believe that the current scientific consensus is accurate in regards to the description of reality?
No. NASA and Roscosmos need third party audits with publicly available live feeds from space where we can wave up at the camera and stuff, not just see clouds, before I will truly take this serious.

What questions, if any, would you add to this section of the survey
ask about what kind of science we like best and why etc.

coal's avatar
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1. Generally, do you believe science to be an accurate way of interpreting and describing our reality?
The scientific method is the best approach we have to understand what is empirically true in our world.  

2. Do you believe that the theory of natural selection and evolution is how the current species of the earth developed?
I believe evolution is a theory for which there is ample supporting evidence.  Bacteria present the strongest evidence for this, as far as I can tell. 

3. Do you believe that creationism is how the current species of the earth developed?
Depends on what you mean by "creationsim."  It is not obvious to me that we have the same understanding of that word.  

4. Do you believe that the big bang and cosmologic evolution is how our current universe "began"?
This is not something I have lost sleep over.  

5. Do you believe that the oblate spheroid model of the earth is accurate in regards to the shape of the earth?
The earth is not a perfect sphere?  This is controversial? 

6. Do you believe that climate change is happening at an increased rate?
The available data pretty clearly indicate the world's climate is changing in all kinds of ways.  And not for the better. 

7. Do you believe that there are genetic differences between different ethnicities aside from melalin content?
Genetic factors do seem to predispose people to certain health problems.  For example, Asian women are way more likely to suffer from osteoporosis than black women.  But black women are way more likely to suffer heart attacks than Asian women.  Male pattern baldness also manifests at different rates across ethnicities.  These examples go on, but I think you get the point. 

If you're talking about one race being better than another based on biology, that's an absurd perspective to take. 

8. Do you believe that IQ tests are accurate ways of measuring an individual's intelligence?
Yes.  But realize that you cannot generalize, for example, IQ test results based on ethnicity or race.  The trends vary over time and space.

9. Do you believe that the current scientific consensus is accurate in regards to the description of reality?
I don't understand what you're asking here. 

1. Would you be interested in a general interview, conducted by Theweakeredge?
Ask away.  I'll type.  Nothing recorded. 

My suggestion:

Clarify some of the questions.

Focus less on "identity" and more on values/ideas/core beliefs. 

coal's avatar
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I think you should answer these, too.  

The interview I'd be most interested in would be one where I lead one of you. 
Theweakeredge's avatar
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I'd be fine with doing an interview for you - though I would like some kind of question limit before we began - and I will answer these, but first I wanted to see some feedback  - I specifically asked for "identity" because your personal political identity and the general ideology can be quite different, there is a distinction there I believe. 
coal's avatar
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Well, you might re-phrase the questions that I (or RM) indicated I didn't understand what you were asking.  And I'd change the wording from "identity" to "believe" or something like that. 
Theweakeredge's avatar
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Fair enough - I'll go over the survey, I'm working on writing a project rn, so I'll get to it when I have time, lol
Tejretics's avatar
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Here are my answers!

1. Generally, how do you identify politically?
I’m socially progressive, while being neoliberal on economic issues.

2. Given the following 6 political identities, which do you most closely relate to? (Anarchist, Liberal, Centrist, Libertarian, Conservative, Authoratarian) 
Liberal, but pretty close to centrist and reasonably close to libertarian as well.

3. If you were to choose 4 political identities as the most common - which four would they be?
Probably centrist > liberal/conservative > libertarian.

4. If you were to briefly describe your general political identity - how would you?
I support free markets, redistribution and social programs to reduce poverty, relatively non-interventionist military policy that is still hawkish on counterterrorism, lots of economic and diplomatic engagement with the world, and egalitarianism (which includes attempts to fix current inequalities, such as affirmative action).

5. If you were to briefly describe your closest-relative political identity - how would you?
Somewhat-regulated markets, individual liberty, and social justice. (I assume, by this question, you mean my answer to question 2, and not the political ideology of my closest family.)

6. If you were to briefly describe the political identity which is directly opposed to yours - how would you?
Antidemocratic, no respect for property rights, favoring political/economic elites over ordinary people, and explicit discrimination based on immutable characteristics.

7. If you were to list the positions most integral to your political identity - what would they be? (listed from least to most important)
  • Our moral circle should expand to include animals, future generations, and people in other countries (with developing countries being more important than other countries).
  • Economic growth is a moral imperative, and it comes with a combination of stable and democratic political institutions, respect for property rights, free internal and international trade and migration (though I don’t support open borders internationally), and careful (non-absolute) redistribution.
  • Governments should exist and tax the better-off, both to finance redistribution to help people who are less well-off (but with minimal market distortions, so policies I’d support include housing/school vouchers and direct cash transfers) and to facilitate the provision of public goods (often, though not always, better accomplished through subsidy than state-owned enterprises).
  • Incentives matter, and policies that allow for bad incentives lead to unintended consequences. This means democracy is generally a good thing, lots of distortionary policies or high levels of bureaucracy allow for exploitation easily, and we should account for the effects of rational ignorance, “rational irrationality,” and selectorates on public policy. This also means recognizing the limits of state capacity.
8. If you were to list the top 4 positions which you most agree with, what four would they be?
This is implied or stated explicitly in my previous answers!

9. Do you consider your political identity widely represented in your respective government?
Not very widely, no, but not entirely uncommon either.

10. What questions, if any, would you add to this section of the survey?
I'd probably delete some questions rather than adding some! Would incentivize more answers and cut down on repetition.

1. What do you believe to be the biggest social problem of today's era?
Animal suffering, both in farms and in the wild.

As for human-specific problems, a tie between weak political institutions, economic underdevelopment, poor global health, and a lack of concern for the long-term future and risks that threaten it (such as climate change, as well as low-probability risks with long-term effects, such as pandemics tied to antimicrobial resistance or other natural pandemics, engineered pandemics, nuclear war, and potential threats from advanced artificial intelligence). 

2. How do you think this problem could be solved generally?
Suffering of animals in farms has some low-hanging fruit solutions in government policy, including banning factory farming, imposing tough animal welfare regulations, and funding research into and distribution of lab-grown meat. Wild-animal suffering is a very hard problem, because any action people take could have unintended negative consequences, so no idea – just more research needed.

As for human-focused issues, I think economic growth could go a long way in helping solve all of them. In developed countries, pro-growth policies would include more immigration, deregulating land use and abolishing zoning regulations, and increasing R&D investment. Developed countries should also abolish import tariffs, allow more immigration, and increase foreign aid focused on issues like health (rather than infrastructure-related things – a form of aid that helps without introducing a lot of the problems aid critics like Easterly and Moyo point to) to help address problems in developing countries. In developing countries, this could include labor and land-use deregulation, “export discipline” similar to policies pursued in East Asia (i.e., abolish import substitution, engage in export promotion but with subsidies conditional on export performance that are slowly weaned off), and investments in agricultural productivity. I’d generally err on the side of free markets. I do have specific policy ideas on the particular issues I named (such as catastrophic risks, institutions, and health), but they’d take too long to type out, and growth would help with all of them (a bit less clear on catastrophic risks, but still, in my view, likely)!

3. What do you think of these sexual/gender identities; Homosexual, Bisexual, Transgender, or Asexual?
They all exist and are perfectly normal. Discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity is immoral. I’m bisexual (with, on balance, a preference to men – the same gender as me) myself.

4. What do you think of cultural labels such as "cultural marxists" or "TERFs"? (though not limited to those labels specifically)
I don’t have particularly strong views on labels either way. Just try to keep labels accurate I guess...

5. Which, if any, circumstances do you believe justifies abortion?
I’m generally pro-choice/okay with abortion, so long as the person who gets an abortion consents. I don’t think fetuses have rights in general, nor that personhood begins at conception. Late-term abortion is a bit more complicated, and I have no strong opinion either way.

6. What do you believe to be the ideal home environment?
This depends on what the people in that home want. For example, some people benefit from stable monogamous relationships, others benefit from polyamory, and others benefit from being single. In general, I think households should be characterized by no emotional or physical abuse, a respect for others’ privacy and autonomy, love and kindness, and equity.

7. What do you believe to be the most important value to instill in young individuals?
Compassion for people, particularly those who are very different than us. A good work ethic is a good value too.

8. What do you think of cultural movements such as BLM or Feminism?
Social justice movements (e.g., BLM, feminist groups) generally (but not always, e.g., “defunding the police” is a bad idea in a lot of places, and while political correctness and cancel culture are not as dangerous as a lot of people think, there are bad elements of them) have good goals. They are pretty mixed on strategy, though, and often prioritize ideological purity over effectiveness (as one user on DDO once put it, “catharsis over efficacy”).

9. Should taxpayer money be used to support policies such as Universal Healthcare and Universal Secondary Education?
Universal secondary education (i.e., middle and high school) seems broadly good. Universal healthcare depends on the approach. I don’t think something like single-payer healthcare is a good idea in most developing countries, for example (though it might be a good idea in the US, I haven’t thought or read much about it). But in principle, I have no objection to using taxpayer money to fund social programs or to redistribute to the poor.

Continued in next post!

Tejretics's avatar
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Tejretics's avatar
Continued from previous post!

1. Generally, which religion do you identify with?
I’m not religious, and am also an atheist.

2. Generally, do you believe religion to be important to society - how so or how not?
I’m honestly unsure. It has benefits and costs, and it’s really, really hard to compare them in a rigorous way to isolate its net effect. I don’t know what a counterfactual without religion would look like either.

3. Do you believe the religion you identify with is being persecuted or bigoted against?
Not a religion, but certainly there’s some discrimination against atheists. I’m not sure the size, and it hasn’t personally affected me too much.

4. Do you believe that it’s important for education to instill religious values into children?

5. Aside from the god of your religion, do you believe that religion is the most important aspect of life?

6. Do you believe that everyone else, or the majority of people, should be of your religion?
Nope. People can have the beliefs they want to hold, so long as it doesn’t affect third parties in negative ways. 

7. What do you think of individuals who do not affiliate with your religion?
No significant prior beliefs, depends on who they are and other elements of their personality. Lots of religious people are intelligent and empathetic, while some are bad people, and the same goes for nonreligious people.

8. Do you believe that the church and government should be separated?

9. Do you believe that individuals have a freedom from religion as well as a freedom to religion?
Not sure what “freedom from religion” means. I don’t think the law should require people to be religious. It’s okay for families to raise children as religious, so long as that religion is compatible with other freedoms of theirs and they do not coerce the kids too much.

1. Generally, do you believe science to be an accurate way of interpreting and describing our reality?

2. Do you believe that the theory of natural selection and evolution is how the current species of the earth developed?

3. Do you believe that creationism is how the current species of the earth developed?

4. Do you believe that the big bang and cosmologic evolution is how our current universe "began"?
Yes, but the key word is current. I’m not sure the Big Bang model describes the origin of the universe, so much as a description of the early stages of the universe. As for the universe’s origin, I have no idea, and don’t know much about theoretical physics.

5. Do you believe that the oblate spheroid model of the earth is accurate in regards to the shape of the earth?
A quick Google search suggests that “recent results indicate a 70m difference between the two equatorial major and minor axes of inertia,” so it might be an ellipsoid rather than a spheroid, but I truly do not know any geology. Certainly an oblate spheroid seems like a decent approximation for most practical purposes. It’s certainly not flat!

6. Do you believe that climate change is happening at an increased rate?
Temperatures are rising due to human-caused global warming.

7. Do you believe that there are genetic differences between different ethnicities aside from melalin content?
Maybe, no idea, don’t know much about human biology. Scientific racism is silly and potentially dangerous, though.

8. Do you believe that IQ tests are accurate ways of measuring an individual's intelligence?
“Intelligence” is a loaded word, but IQ does seem remarkably accurate at predicting life outcomes. It also seems very heritable (50–80%). Slate Star Codex is generally a reliable source on this. Be careful about misapplying averages though!

9. Do you believe that the current scientific consensus is accurate in regards to the description of reality?

1. Would you be interested in a general interview, conducted by Theweakeredge?
2. Would you be interested in a specific interview, conducted by Theweakeedge?
Feel free to ask me any questions you have, either over the forum or over DM on DART. Don’t have too many meta-level thoughts on this quiz, sorry!

coal's avatar
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coal's avatar
What has been most surprising to me about this thread so far is how much RM's responses mirrored my own.

Supa's responses didn't surprise me.  He and I have similar thoughts on a whole lot of things, including certain politicians. 
Vader's avatar
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Vader's avatar
I'd agree with that statement. I think we both have similar takes in the social sphere of things. Thought I always find it someone challenging to identify your economic stances on many things. I've seen you take some pro-socialist stances more than capitalist stances, which I would label you as a Libertarian Left

zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar

What is persucted?
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
Buddy, the last time you made a thread worth reading, your grandma was still a virgin.
Theweakeredge's avatar
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Theweakeredge's avatar
1. Generally, how do you identify politically?

2. Given the following 6 political identities, which do you most closely relate to? (Anarchist, Liberal, Centrist, Libertarian, Conservative, Authoratarian) 

3. If you were to choose 4 political identities as the most common - which four would they be?
Conservative, Left-leaning centrist, Liberal, radical

4. If you were to briefly describe your general political identity - how would you?
I want social rights to progress- giving rights to everyone who needs them - and using the social contract with the government to ensure that

5. If you were to briefly describe your closest-relative political identity - how would you?
Liberals are typically people who value social freedom, not quite my category.

6. If you were to briefly describe the political identity which is directly opposed to yours - how would you?
Authoritarianism - or someone who takes rights from people - using the government's power to abuse instead of protect & anarchy - where nobody has any rights

7. If you were to list the positions most integral to your political identity - what would they be? (listed from least to most important)
Encouraging protest, opposing oppression, and allowing social movement to change our sociopolitical environment

8. If you were to list the top 4 positions which you most agree with, what four would they be?
1. Universal care - as in - providing enough food, water, shelter, clothing, education, and electricity for people to live or the money for everyone to have these resources
2. Equality act - where industries are forced to give every individual rights that they need to live, thrive, and prosper - not deriving individuals of rights based on identity
3. Reparation of Oppressed People - including Individuals of Native American Japanese, and African descent for what America has done to them
4. The combination of capitalism and marxism ideology in our economic theory of America

9. Do you consider your political identity widely represented in your respective government?

Theweakeredge's avatar
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1. What do you believe to be the biggest social problem of today's era?
The dogma every child undergoes and the emphasis on intuitive or cultist thinking as opposed to rational thinking.

2. How do you think this problem could be solved generally?
By encouraging a larger representation of minorities in media, by not allowing dogma to harm children (making it child abuse to say- not allow children blood transfusions)

3. What do you think of these sexual/gender identities; Homosexual, Bisexual, Transgender, or Asexual?
As someone who is bi, and as someone who has dated trans people, I can say that- they're people. Just like everyone else, they have different needs than the majority, but they are simply people who want to live.

4. What do you think of cultural labels such as "cultural marxists" or "TERFs"? (though not limited to those labels specifically)
If the shoe fits, wear it - but being serious - they often get in the way of having an honest conversation. I do detest the stereotypical TERF, but that does not mean that the individuals who are labeled as TERF are stereotypical.

5. Which, if any, circumstances do you believe justifies abortion?
Any circumstance, there is nothing to justify about abortion.

6. What do you believe to be the ideal home environment?
It honestly depends on the child - but they should ideally receive multiple guardians who are doing their best to ensure their mental and physical well-being are taken care of, and that they are good role models for the child.

7. What do you believe to be the most important value to instill in young individuals?
Compassion tempered by realism.

8. What do you think of cultural movements such as BLM or Feminism?
I typically align with such cultural movements, though it does depend on what the movement wants - for example - the church that wants to legalize killing all gay people... no can do.

9. Should taxpayer money be used to support policies such as Universal Healthcare and Universal Secondary Education?

Theweakeredge's avatar
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Theweakeredge's avatar
1. Generally, which religion do you identify with?
None - I am an atheist
2. Generally, do you believe religion to be important to society - how so or how not?
In a manner of speaking, it makes community - which is important - but I believe that the dogma propagated ultimately harms people

3. Do you believe the religion you identify with is being persecuted or bigoted against?
Atheists in general, are.... kind of being discriminated against? But its rather minor, that was mostly a thing during the 90s or the Satanic panic - now it usually minor or in religious cults

4. Do you believe that its important for education to instill religious values into children?
Certain values from certain religions? Sure - but not religious exclusive values

5. Aside from the god of your religion, do you believe that religion is the most important aspect of life?
No - religion is not an important aspect of my life - not at all.

6. Do you believe that everyone else, or the majority of people, should be of your religion?
Well - yes - I do think that everyone should not have a religion - i think it's ultimately harmful - religion that is.

7. What do you think of individuals who do not affiliate with your religion?
Nothing against them personally - I just think they came to the wrong conclusion if they attempt to rationally justify their god

8. Do you believe that the church and government should be separated?

9. Do you believe that individuals have a freedom from religion as well as a freedom to religion?

Theweakeredge's avatar
Debates: 33
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Theweakeredge's avatar
1. Generally, do you believe science to be an accurate way of interpreting and describing our reality?

2. Do you believe that the theory of natural selection and evolution is how the current species of the earth developed?
Yes- and abiogenesis 

3. Do you believe that creationism is how the current species of the earth developed?
As in the hypothesis that god started life - no.

4. Do you believe that the big bang and cosmologic evolution is how our current universe "began"?
I did type this-kinda wrong, though not entirely - the universe itself was existent before the big bang; however, our current universe which follows our observable laws of physics begins with the big bang, most likely, yes.

5. Do you believe that the oblate spheroid model of the earth is accurate in regards to the shape of the earth?

6. Do you believe that climate change is happening at an increased rate?

7. Do you believe that there are genetic differences between different ethnicities aside from melanin content?

8. Do you believe that IQ tests are accurate ways of measuring an individual's intelligence?

9. Do you believe that the current scientific consensus is accurate in regards to the description of reality?