I've come across so many different people here, even when positions overlap there have always been minor separations in how people view things. Because of this, I'd like to learn more about each individual and their positions regarding various things. Below will be the questions that inform my "survey" including a question if you would like to be further interviewed. The survey will be separated into 5 general categories - Politics, Social, Religion, Science, and Misc.
1. Generally, how do you identify politically?
2. Given the following 6 political identities, which do you most closely relate to? (Anarchist, Liberal, Centrist, Libertarian, Conservative, Authoratarian)
3. If you were to choose 4 political identities as the most common - which four would they be?
4. If you were to briefly describe your general political identity - how would you?
5. If you were to briefly describe your closest-relative political identity - how would you?
6. If you were to briefly describe the political identity which is directly opposed to yours - how would you?
7. If you were to list the positions most integral to your political identity - what would they be? (listed from least to most important)
8. If you were to list the top 4 positions which you most agree with, what four would they be?
9. Do you consider your political identity widely represented in your respective government?
10. What questions, if any, would you add to this section of the survey?
1. What do you believe to be the biggest social problem of today's era?
2. How do you think this problem could be solved generally?
3. What do you think of these sexual/gender identities; Homosexual, Bisexual, Transgender, or Asexual?
4. What do you think of cultural labels such as "cultural marxists" or "TERFs"? (though not limited to those labels specifically)
5. Which, if any, circumstances do you believe justifies abortion?
6. What do you believe to be the ideal home environment?
7. What do you believe to be the most important value to instill in young individuals?
8. What do you think of cultural movements such as BLM or Feminism?
9. Should taxpayer money be used to support policies such as Universal Healthcare and Universal Secondary Education?
10. What questions, if any, would you add to this section of the survey?
1. Generally, which religion do you identify with?
2. Generally, do you believe religion to be important to society - how so or how not?
3. Do you believe the religion you identify with is being persucted or bigoted against?
4. Do you believe that its important for education to instill relgious values into children?
5. Aside from the god of your religion, do you believe that religion is the most important aspect of life?
6. Do you believe that everyone else, or the majority of people, should be of your religion?
7. What do you think of indivudals who do not affilate with your religion?
8. Do you believe that the church and government should be seperated?
9. Do you believe that individuals have a freedom from religion as well as a freedom to religion?
10. What questions, if any, would you add to this section of the survey?
1. Generally, do you believe science to be an accurate way of interpreting and describing our reality?
2. Do you believe that the theory of natural selection and evolution is how the current species of the earth developed?
3. Do you believe that creationism is how the current species of the earth developed?
4. Do you believe that the big bang and cosmologic evolution is how our current universe "began"?
5. Do you believe that the oblate spheroid model of the earth is accurate in regards to the shape of the earth?
6. Do you believe that climate change is happening at an increased rate?
7. Do you believe that there are genetic differences between different ethnicities aside from melalin content?
8. Do you believe that IQ tests are accurate ways of measuring an individual's intelligence?
9. Do you believe that the current scientific consensus is accurate in regards to the description of reality?
10. What questions, if any, would you add to this section of the survey
1. Would you be interested in a general interview, conducted by Theweakeredge?
2. Would you be interested in a specific interview, conducted by Theweakeedge?
3. Do you think the questions presented above are effective in collecting the general positions of individuals?
4. What categories, if any, would you add or take away from the survey above?
5. On a scale of 1-10 (1 being lowest, 10 being highest) how would you rate the bias of this test?
Thank you for your participation