Pi-Time and 42 possible and most abstract association to time dilation aka Lorentz contraction
In redoing this presentation, I present the minimaltruncated Pi values, to arrive the resultants most interesting to me. This doesappear to be an inconsistency as universal { cosmically valid ] and consistentapproach to Pi-Time 66. 4 as absolute cosmic time,
ergo, my recent decision is to use the overall 10th position9th irrational side truncated Pi-values powering, in each process, in order tokeep the 66 in #3 below and I’m using overall 10 positions in my subtractionprocesses that eventually leads to the ‘answer to everything’ { not seriouslybut who knows } truncated Pi-basedresultant value of 42 { 42.05 05 41 72 }
1} Pi = 3. 141592 65 35 89 79 32 38 46 26 43 38 3279 5
… the first 7 occurs in 14th overall place/position 13thirrational integer…..
… the first 7 occurs in 14th overall place/position 13thirrational integer…..
2] Pi^2 = 9.86 96 04 40 10 89 35 86 18 83 44 90 99 98 76 2
…7 occurs on overall 30th position and 29th irrational….
..18 occurs at overall 18th position……………
…7 occurs on overall 30th position and 29th irrational….
..18 occurs at overall 18th position……………
3} Pi^3 { XYZ-3D } = 31.00 62 76 68 02 99 82 01 75 47 63 1506 71 01
…minimal truncated Pi { 3.141592 } is 7 overall positionsand 6th irrational to arrive at 31.00 62 7...
…minimal truncated Pi { 3.141592 } is 7 overall positionsand 6th irrational to arrive at 31.00 62 7...
…minimal truncated Pi { 3.141592653 } is 10 overallposition and 9th irrational to arrive at 31.00 62 7 66 it is the 66 that Ifavor as Pi-Time absolute, and arrived at below process #5 below……
..take note of 66 on irrational side…..
..7 falls in overall 7th position/place….
......33 33 33 1 is 6 + 1 places ergo 7 places i.e. repetition of prime number 31 goes out to 7places...
......33 33 33 1 is 6 + 1 places ergo 7 places i.e. repetition of prime number 31 goes out to 7places...
4} Pi^4 { XYZ + t } = 97.40 90 90 96
…minimal truncated Pi { 3.14 15 92 65 3 } is 10 overall positions 9th irrational side ……
…minimal truncated Pi { 3.14 15 92 65 3 } is 10 overall positions 9th irrational side ……
….97.40 90 90 96 divided by 7 = 13.91 55 84 42 28 57 14 ergo close to 14 and 7 falls in overall14th position…
…and we see possible Fibonacci integer{s} 55 making an appearance…..
…and we see possible Fibonacci integer{s} 55 making an appearance…..
5} Pi^4 / 4 = 24.35 22 7 26 4 7194487123046547507627
……this latter above is my re-normalization approach –Feynmanwho invented renormalization to get rid of all their infinite value resultants that could not be dealt with ergo atruncation of the infinite value to a finite value…
……this latter above is my re-normalization approach –Feynmanwho invented renormalization to get rid of all their infinite value resultants that could not be dealt with ergo atruncation of the infinite value to a finite value…
5} Pi^4 minus 31.00 62 7 66 = 66.40 28 14 36 and that is myPi-Time { 66.4 } cosmic absolute value
6} 66.40 28 14 36 minus 24.22 35 7 26 47 = 42.05 05 41 72 and that is DouglasAdams { Arthur Dent Great Computer } ‘answer to everything’ resultant, that, Iwonder --and exploring to see--- if it has even a most abstract associationto time dilation ergo Lorentzcontraction.
7} 6 8 7 = 42 and 42.05 05 41 72 is shy ---4.94 94 58 28---of Fullers consideration of prime number 47 being the cause of allsuperficially appearing randomness of Universe, and as the first prime numberbeyond the 45 degrees of trigonometric limit to create everything of Universe.
7} 6 8 7 = 42 and 42.05 05 41 72 is shy ---4.94 94 58 28---of Fullers consideration of prime number 47 being the cause of allsuperficially appearing randomness of Universe, and as the first prime numberbeyond the 45 degrees of trigonometric limit to create everything of Universe.