A religion is any set of regular { daily, weekly etc } intentional practices, that, aid the human it getting the most, joy, contentment, satisfaction or whatever it may be they desire, out of their life.
Religion can be assigned by one person to self, or, a group of people to the group.
Spiritual practice is always 2-fold;
1} Metaphysical-1 { spirit-1 } enligtenment ---to whatever degree and how ever many times a day of being tuned IN or OUT of enlightenment---,
2} to raise the spirits, i.e. to raise the energy levels of self and those around us, with an ultimate goal of;
........2a} approach a feeling of a timeless bliss,
..........2b} to heal,
............2c} the act of love i.e. to triangulate a set of relationships that fixate { focus } on specific target, biologic, or not, thereby creating an opening/portal between our heart-as-soul, and, the environment outside of our heart-as-soul ergo an inherent twoness involement via triangular set of inter-relationships.
\*)(*/ = triangulated coherent { binding/attraction INward >< } love via a portal for exchange
*)Y(* = radiating { OUTward <> } triangulated love that, is not inherently an exchange ---via bindingtriangular portal-- oriented participant with their environment
* * = bioloiogical animals with nervous system, some of which, the more complex ones obviously exhibit/express love to whatever degree