When I first moved to the state wherein I now reside, I immediately saw a TV local news broadcast of the retirement of the school board superintendant, whose retirement package included the title to her company car. Well, I wasn't that upset about that item until the broadcast included a photo of the car: a two-year-old Mercedes 2-door coupe. REALLY? Is that the best use of the education apportionment of property taxes? I'm all on for supporting public education with my taxes, but I draw the line at that kind of apportionment.
Are property tax funds devoted to education totally accountable?
When I first moved to the state wherein I now reside, I immediately saw a TV local news broadcast of the retirement of the school board superintendant, whose retirement package included the title to her company car. Well, I wasn't that upset about that item until the broadcast included a photo of the car: a two-year-old Mercedes 2-door coupe. REALLY? Is that the best use of the education apportionment of property taxes? I'm all on for supporting public education with my taxes, but I draw the line at that kind of apportionment.
That's not the worst of it. Many of them receive six-figure severance payments. Public financing, in any form, whether it be for health care or even education, is a scheme. It's a means to siphon funds from the unwitting without legal dissent.
Any teachers on this site who are unemployed, but receiving unempl. insurance, are you obligated to pay union dues out of those payments?