Arrow-of-Time >>> Past >>> In >>> ( * ) i ( * ) >>> Out >>> Future >>>.... { Metaphysical-1 abstract absolute }
--------conceptual line-of-demarcation-----------
Flow-of-Time <<< Past <<<< Out <<< ( * )i ( * ) <<< In <<< Future <<<<...{ Occupied Space Transformations }
i = ego identity as Metaphysical-1 { spirit-1 } mind/intellect/concept
* * = more complex, bilateral biologic
( ) = contractive { mass-attractive } ultra-micro Gravity { geodesic tensioning }
)( = repulsive { cosmological constant } ultra-mico Dark Energy { geodesic tensioning }
Observed Time { quantised } = Experiential Time { sine-wave compression patterning } ergo occupied space reality, that, stems from Gravity and Dark Energy inversions from outer and inner peak surface events of a spiral/helical torus patterning
Abstract Time = quantified time --ex seconds, minutes, hours days etc--- i.e. mathematical assessment of occupied space that is not yet quantised