Our possible mother sun, Sirius A has a neat Sacred Geometry connection. Sirius diameter 1,500,000 miles, divided by the diameter of the sun, 864,000 miles is 1.73, which is the square root of two. More later.
Sacred Geometry of the Sun and Sirius A
1.73 is the square root of 3.
Yeah, that's it. OOPS
We've discussed this before but I feel one should never use miles as a unit when trying to discover sacred geometries in interstellar measurements. It seems extremely unlikely that Gods and other aliens would use the the foot size English monarchs dead for 500 years as a base measurement for describing the universe.
2,381,000km / 1,391,400km = 1.71 which is the square root of 2.92
God invented miles. Just like every measuring system.
People invented miles just like they invented every other measuring system.
Why would a GOD need to invent a measuring system.
Why not?
I have to agree. Sacred geometry has more to do with shape than distance.
Same old argument for or against a GOD......You don't know, so throw the question back at me.
In respect of the Christianesque GOD, I would draw your attention to the three omni's....Why would this GOD need to measure what it instinctively, already knows?
A gift for humans. So we can clearly understand our world, that it is created?
Solar system 1
Alpha Centauri system 4.32 ly away
Sirius system 8.64 ly away
In ideal numbers
Things are only precise and accurate if you invent a system that makes things precise and accurate....But things are never perfectly accurate...Only reasonably so.
And so we pick up on things that are reasonably accurate and disregard everything else that isn't....If one wishes to make a point, one therefore needs to be selective.
Though, one is not disputing physical laws....Physical laws either are or are not.
There is always a difference between design and reality. Everything is always in motion.
Good statement.
And are you referring to particle physics?
When you take everything down to a subatomic level...Everything is mostly nothing.....Sort of, the absurdity of matter.
Yes particle physics too, but I was actually referring to planetary orbits and motion
Well.... Planetary orbit and motion is dictated by universal laws...Which can be regarded as both natural design and reality, from which ever viewpoint you might adopt.