MgtowDemon rises...
Recently the user known as demon has been providing many controversial posts with even moderators saying mean things about him, deserved or not. Theweakeredge battles him in forum activity and struggles to keep his rank. Demon's seemingly arrogant tone is definitely causing a lot of trouble with readers, reminding me of good old rational madman. We await to see his debating prowess.
DART activity dying
Ironically despite some select users battling against each other, debating has grown relatively stale with only Mall relatively regularly posting new debates. Forum activity had gone days without posting, and sadly Supadudz chose to cheese my "last comment wins" game. Congrats to Supadudz lol.
Natural Flavor worries
The user crossed infamous for his paranoid debate views has begun another seemingly crazy notion that aborted babies make up natural flavoring. Intelligence resorts to a semantic argument that doesn't manage to lessen his opponent's worries in the least. We await for more credible sources to determine whether Crossed is correct.
And that's all for now! More news later.