I personally wouldn't because I don't want to associate who I am IRL with what I say here and the doxxing rules (while I don't agree revealing a PM should be under that rule) are very important to why outcasts in real life society like me come here but aren't willing to have our real name associated with the stuff we posted here etc. This is always the first thing I check on a site I join, the moment a site like this doesn't say 'you are not allowed to reveal who a person is' then I play it very differently in that I will avoid saying certain views and completely reduce the effort I put in.
You may think 'well that's your fault for having such stupid views and being a troll' (actually I am not a troll despite what I used to be on DDO years back, I genuinely believe the crazy shit I post here usually) but it's not just me. Look at Mopac, mustardness, ethang, stephen and basically every religious forum mainer. We're all coming here to speak in a place where people actually give a fuck about things people don't IRL and although most will taunt and tease even here at least it's not us (the person) who has to take the brunt of what we say.
I am sure the more sociable users would LOVE you to make a google hangouts type league thing but to me the doxxing rule is very important and is why I feel comfortable staying here and comfortable in not participating.
I am saying the idea is fine, go ahead and do it but the participation rate will be below 50% of users purely due to the urge to separate the real self from what's posted here (employers searching names and shit).