Arguments for God

Author: Jarrett_Ludolph


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Jarrett_Ludolph's avatar
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Jarrett_Ludolph's avatar
Put forth your best arguments for the existence of a God. I will define God as Maximal Great Being, that is omnipotence(all powerful), omniscience, (all knowing) and omnipresence (all loving).

I will not be responding to your arguments, since this a forum, and if I wanted to debate, I would have created a debate. I just want to see how you think


EtrnlVw's avatar
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EtrnlVw's avatar
Put forth your best arguments for the existence of a God.

I don't think the traditional arguments for God are well thought out enough to show anything. Rather I start with the processes of the universe and how things are produced through those processes within our universe. Being that intelligent processes (productions that produce a desired outcome) can be seen in intention and foreknowledge through thought and mind AKA agency. Processes indicate those very factors. 
The actions of energy are the key element to observe and consider. How anyone could accept or believe without question that inanimate forces and materials could begin to produce/generate processes as if they had minds is somewhat unbelievable. I'm not trying to insult anyone that's just my opinion on the matter. 

I can answer for why energy exists at all and why it acts as an intelligent force within our universe. Energy itself is accepted as being neither created or destroyed and exists both independent of form and within form. In other words it is considered omnipresent and eternal both of which are associated with the attributes of God. 

Awareness exists wherever something exists, there is no place something exists where awareness is not present that is what makes it exist. Consciousness is proposed within spirituality as being uncreated and eternal, that is....the conscious awareness of God. 
It is the very activity of conscious awareness that generates energy, it co-exists with conscious activity and therefore energy co-exists with the consciousness of God. This is the first step in the utilization of an inanimate force to create form within the universe, to begin the very processes of constructing our world. 
Before the Big Bang was conscious activity, this conscious activity was omnipresent and without location. This massive Reality generated megatons of energy no one could conceive of. This force of energy was condensed and released to produce what we call a Big Bang, the moment our universe began to expand at such an accelerated pace. God knew this would produce even more materials to begin utilizing through the fusion and chemical changes of force and heat. 

God used and initiated the very processes of the birth and death of stars to generate light, heat and elements that would continually seed our universe. God uses the processes of creating planets and stars through arrangements, solar systems, galaxies and ecosystems that would be suitable for many forms of life known and unknown to our planet. God uses the processes of evolution to transform inanimate materials into something usable for life and the soul. These worlds, planets and embodiments are created for the purpose of the soul having experience within creation. 

It is through the very processes themselves that I can support such a premise through correlation, logic and common sense.  The evidence, or indication is strong and lends to conclude only one answer for our existence. When it is all said and done there's really only two options not many. It's either God created our universe through intelligent processes or God did not, and inanimate forces began acting like animate mind and thought. 
In the end one view is superior to the other but only one can  be compatible with commonsense. 

The argument does not end though, that's only one angle of rationale. The evidence that correlates with a transcendent (spiritual) reality is overwhelming. There's more observations and experience of spirituality than any other single topic hands down. 

I will define God as Maximal Great Being, that is omnipotence(all powerful), omniscience, (all knowing) and omnipresence (all loving).

I would say only one of those terms is appropriate as a means of evaluating any truth and that would be omnipresence, the other two are unnecessary and fail to provide a clear depiction of reality. If God exists, God certainly needs to be omnipresent because if not.....that would indicate something exists outside of God and if something exists outside of God it assumes something could exist without God. But why would God need to be omniscient, omnipotent or even omnibenevolent. Maximal Being suits just fine, no need to add descriptions that have no real basis in truth. God would certainly be a maximal Being, meaning the greatest of what exists that's all that needs to be claimed. 
Dr.Franklin's avatar
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Dr.Franklin's avatar
ontological argument, in my opinion it is the best
Mopac's avatar
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The Ultimate Reality is God.

God is omnipotent in that every power in the universe ultimately finds its origin in God. When something moves, God gave it the power to do that. When people choose their actions, they are directing the energy that God gave them, for better or for worse.

God is omniscient in that everything that is known, can be known, or even exists is contained within God. Past, present, future even, all is known by God, because nothing exists apart from God.

God is omnipresent in the sense that the absense of God is non-existence. If something exists, God is there.