most of his lawsuits are being thrown out of court. the only major victory he had was winning the ability to be six feet from the election counters instead of ten... and that's only because dems conceded the victory. his only chance at the supreme court handing him the presidency is if pennsylvania was very close with biden on top and it all hinged on that state.... but that would only happen if the margin was less than four thousand, given that's how many ballots could be invalidated due to a technicality- the thing is, the margin is tens of thosuands in biden's favor, and that state isn't the crucial one. so basically, trump has no standing to even go before the supreme court- won't happen. he's flailing in the desert sun. he's making a fool of himself.
u read it here, he won't even get before the supreme court. the only reason i know all these things, is because i'm an informed voter who pays attention to the news...
the only conservatives who think he has a chance in the courts are the low information types who think a court case can always turn things around, and the retarded ones who think there's a big conspiracy theory of fraudulent voters, and the trump cult types who think PBS and even fox news is in on a conspiracy to make biden president.