If you attack (censor/demonize) people for saying itsoktobeblank, you are contributing to their radicalization. By excluding them from the conversation, you are forcing them into a toxic echo-chamber. If you are unable to acknowledge that you can agree with some points a person makes while disagreeing with other points a person makes, instead of accepting or rejecting them wholesale, then you are no longer a skeptical-free-thinker, and you are instead an insular "arbiter of truth" advocating censorship of people and ideas you happen to disagree with.
the its ok to be white is a response to the growing anti white attitudes in America particularly by the left
What what?
Why the Left Hates White People | Heck Off, Commie!
Interesting video, though I get the same bent I usually get, about worrying about being 'too far right.
Communism. . . Eh, I would become tangential if I start commenting maybe.
Bobblehead Jesus, does that indicate religion or a lack of I wonder?
Left 'has made a bad public showing 'I think lately, though it seems as though most people and polls might disagree with me.
Right's been 'lucky they haven't had 'as many extremists messing up their reputation.
Kyle Rittenhouse incident could have been much worse for example, depending on who he shot.
Though the more recent Kidnapping Plot Against Whitmer looks darn stupid for people on the right.
Sure one might not call them 'true right wingers, but hey, if I'm going to identify rioting statue topplers as on the left. . .
Your videos topic made me worry about being radicalized to the right a bit, in the beginning,
Now as I agree with much of what he's said, I worry I'm 'already radicalized. (Joke bit)
Maybe a 'bit too much claim in it of antiwhite feeling in America, maybe.
And 'maybe a bit too conspiratorial in some parts, I'm not sure.
wrong person
interesting take