The Muslim part of our God flew airplanes into the Twin Towers on 9/11/2001 :(

Author: BrotherDThomas


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BrotherDThomas's avatar

Upon this 19th anniversary of 9/11, this solemn day is to be remembered for the fact that the Muslim part of our Abrahamic linage and traditional God Jesus, was responsible for attacking the United States with jihadist Muslims using our own passenger aircraft flying into the Twin Towers and other prominent buildings as well.  As we have to accept, we Christians share Jesus of our Triune Doctrine with the Jews and Muslims through the Abrahamic tradition.

CHRISTIAN GOD SAID: "No longer shall your name be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham, for I have made you the father of a multitude of nations." (Genesis 17:5)

Like our Christian Triune Doctrine of Jesus being God, son of God, and the Holy spirit, then in turn, we have a Triune God concept representing the Jews, Christians, and Muslims because all three gods originated through the tradition of Abraham. Therefore, the Jesus part of this godly triune was also responsible for murdering innocent life on 9/11/2001 in the United States of America.

Let us pray for the loss of life on that memorable day of 9/11/2001, and the family members that miss their loved ones because our ever loving and forgiving Jesus part of the Abrahamic God is also to be held responsible in the murder of approximately 3000 of our US citizens 19 years ago. :(

oromagi's avatar
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The Convergence of the Twain
Here is an architecture of air.
Where dust has cleared,
nothing stands but free sky, unlimited and sheer.

Smoke's dark bruise
has paled, soothed
by wind, dabbed at and eased by rain, exposing the wound.

Over the spoil of junk,
rescuers prod and pick,
shout into tangled holes.  What answers back is aftershock.

All land lines are down.
Reports of mobile phones
are false.  One half-excoriated Apple Mac still quotes the Dow Jones.

Shop windows are papered
with faces of the disappeared.
As if they might walk from the ruins - chosen, spared.

With hindsight now we track
the vapour-trail of each flight-path
arcing through blue morning, like a curved thought.

And in retrospect plot
the weird prospect
of a passenger plane beading an office-block.

But long before that dawn,
with those towers drawing
in worth and name to their full height, an opposite was forming,

a force
still years and miles off,
yet moving headlong forwards, locked on a collision course.

Then time and space
contracted, so whatever distance
held those worlds apart thinned to an instant.

During which, cameras framed
moments of grace
before the furious contact wherein earth and heaven fused.

-Simon Armitage

Dr.Franklin's avatar
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nope he didnt do anything
zedvictor4's avatar
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He was a lazy carpenter who drank a lot of wine and preferred  to hang about with men rather than with women.....Well that's my understanding of the myth.

But you're correct on two counts.... There was no mention of him having a pilots licence and he died 2000 years ago. (Assuming that he was a real person of course)

Nope....It was deluded religious folk who flew the airplanes into the towers.

Not saying that a GOD principle is necessarily delusional though....Just that people are often deluded by religion.

Here you are son, strap on this vest and go f**k some virgins...I'd like to do it myself but I'm to busy recruiting simpleto--, I mean martyrs like you.

Religion hey!....Who needs it.
Dr.Franklin's avatar
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Dr.Franklin's avatar
that wasnt Jesus
Intelligence_06's avatar
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Finally you concluded with something that actually makes sense.

BrotherDThomas's avatar
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YOUR WANTING POST: "Finally you concluded with something that actually makes sense."

I would be more that happy for you to tell me in where my posts didn't make any sense! We can discuss this alleged fact when you bring them forth, okay?

Castin's avatar
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Castin's avatar
Uh huh.

How could you worship a God you believe is evil?
lady3keys's avatar
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lady3keys's avatar
Let us pray for the loss of life on that memorable day of 9/11/2001, and the family members that miss their loved ones because our ever loving and forgiving Jesus part of the Abrahamic God is also to be held responsible in the murder of approximately 3000 of our US citizens 19 years ago. :(
I think you are over-emphasizing a made-up god's role in an entirely human atrocity.   And even if, for the sake of argument, there is a god  ---  doesn't He give people free will (in between his serial killings of course  -- your words, not mine)?  Wouldn't that make 911 the fault of humans, not some physically non-present god?  These were cold-hearted religious zealots.  It doesn't matter what religion they used as their excuse.  They were an offense to humanity and to people of faith.
BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar


YOUR IGNORANT QUOTE RELATIVE TO THE RELIGION OF ISLAM: "doesn't He give people free will (in between his serial killings of course ...... Wouldn't that make 911 the fault of humans, not some physically non-present god?

Lady 3 keys, barring the fact that you are a "coin flipping Agnostic," you are WRONG in thinking that the Muslim God Allah gives His people "free will," and that is because of the fact that Allah is omniscient. Therefore, He knows exactly what His creation will do ahead of time, in other words, Muslim lives have been predetermined in every way by Allah from the time of their birth until their demise.  (Qur'an 49:16).   Yes, 911 is the fault of humans that took direction from their God Allah to kill infidels, especially subsequent to the USA military invading Islamic lands of Iraq and Afghanistan like the dumbfounded ignorant "child" George W. Bush did under fraudulent circumstances, where I have no idea how "W" can sleep at night. 

The reasoning behind Muslims killing US citizens on 9/11 is because Allah's inspired words states the following that ALL TRUE Muslims are to follow:  

“Do not hanker for peace with the infidels; behead them when you catch them”  (Qur’an 47:4) 

“Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an." (Qur'an 8:12) 

“Do not hanker for peace with the infidels; behead them when you catch them” (Qur’an 47:4)

"Slay them wherever you find them...Idolatry is worse than carnage...Fight against them until idolatry is no more and Allah’s religion Islam reigns supreme." (Surah 2:190-) 

There are many other inspired by Allah passages that explicitly show that the TRUE Muslims, aka Terrorists,  are to kill infidels, which equals Christians and Jews, but you get the drift.

It is no different than our serial killing Jesus, as Yahweh God incarnate, whereas through His inspired words commanded the same brutal murders to anyone that is not Christian: "If your own full brother, or your son or daughter, or your beloved wife, or you intimate friend, entices you secretly to serve other gods, whom you and your fathers have not known, gods of any other nations, near at hand or far away, from one end of the earth to the other: do not yield to him or listen to him, nor look with pity upon him, to spare or shield him, but kill him. Your hand shall be the first raised to SLAY HIM; the rest of the people shall join in with you. You shall STONE HIM TO DEATH, because he sought to lead you astray from the Lord, your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that place of slavery. And all Israel, hearing of this, shall fear and never do such evil as this in your midst. (Deuteronomy 13:7-12)  

Welcome aboard DEBATEART Religion forum!


lady3keys's avatar
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Welcome aboard DEBATEART Religion forum!
Thank you???????????????????    IGNORANT??  Bullying is not my preferred welcome, but what the heck . . . .

Okay.  God commands many things in many sacred texts to many followers, both casual and fervent.  I'm sure you can site examples until I am old and gray, from any number of religious books.  But in my experience, most religious books are riddled with inconsistencies.  Maybe the Qur'an is the exception.  I don't know.  But I would argue that it is impossible to follow every contradictory rule these texts describe.  ENTER FREE WILL.  

Even when I was a Christian (as a child), I did not "remember the sabbath".  I had a paper route that kept me working both mornings and nights on Sunday.  I even worked on Christmas morning.  I had a choice.  God commanded.  I disobeyed.  I just figured God wouldn't send me to Hell for trying to help my Mom pay the bills.  It would have been hard to read the Bible without electricity.  BUT I DID HAVE A CHOICE.  God may have damned me, but He didn't take away my choice. 

And if Muslims truly believe their lives are predetermined, then if they ended up paying the electric bill (in the above example), wouldn't that have been the right decision?  How else could they have accomplished it?  After all, it happened; it had to have been preordained.

Of course, it goes without saying (and yes, I am still saying it)    -----    They always have the choice to say, "God wants me to do what????   Hell no!   Any God that wants me to do that, is either crazy, evil, or NON-EXISTENT.  I am 'friggin leaving this crazy religion!"     :)
BrotherDThomas's avatar
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I am sorry about you being poor in your past, which Jesus chose for you in being omniscient, and because of this, did your piano only have 3 keys, hence your moniker name to remember it?

You are having a very hard time in understanding that the serial killing Allah, which is the same God as Jesus, were OMNISCIENT!  Anything less wouldn't be a prominent God concept, would it? Then what you have to realize AGAIN is that when Allah is omniscient, and just by the definition of the term, then there is no Free Will! HELLO?  He controls everything in what will happen to each and every Muslim follower because Allah knows the past, present, AND FUTURE in what His followers will do or not do at all times, therefore once again, it was predetermined by Allah that certain individual members of His terrorist faction was going to attack the USA on 9/11!  2+2=4.  Dear, it is very simple math, okay?

Omniscient: knowing everything having unlimited understanding or knowledge, having infinite awareness and insight, possessed of universal or complete knowledge

YOUR UNGODLY QUOTES: "Even when I was a Christian (as a child), I did not "remember the sabbath".  I had a paper route that kept me working both mornings and nights on Sunday.  I even worked on Christmas morning.  I had a choice.  God commanded.  I disobeyed.  I just figured God wouldn't send me to Hell for trying to help my Mom pay the bills. ..............."

Yada, yada, yada, yada, yada, I don't really have time for your "sob stories," where the bottom line is that my serial killing Jesus decided at your birth that you were going to Hell since He predetermined this fact before you were even born by being omniscient. Listen, the simple math is that Jesus didn't create Hell and not plan on using it, understood?  Therefore,  you drew the proverbial "short straw" at birth in Jesus predetermining that you were not going to church on Sunday mornings, therefore sinning, irrelative to providing for your mother.

A few passages that show the omniscience of my serial killing Jesus, to wit:

“O LORD, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways” (Psalm 139:1-3). 

“Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O LORD” (Psalm 139:4). 

Dear, I cannot make it in planer than I have thus far in Jesus' omniscience and the ramifications thereof, understood?

Furthermore, did you forget about this godly passage when you skipped the Sabbath?  "Ye shall keep the sabbath therefore; for it is holy unto you: every one that defileth it shall surely be put to death; for whosoever doeth any work therein, that soul shall be cut off from among his people." (Exodus 31:14).  

Please, and for the sake of your further embarrassment, DO NOT give me the old ruse that this aforementioned passage in within the Old Testament and is not to be followed anymore, understood?  If you make such an ignorant statement, then you did not read Jesus' Sermon on the Mount where He states with specificity that the Old Testament is to be followed at all times, get it?

Lady3keys, have a great day "Coin Flipping Agnostic," and "2nd class woman" as my Christian Bible so states of your gender, praise Jesus!' true words!


Intelligence_06's avatar
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I would be more that happy for you to tell me in where my posts didn't make any sense! We can discuss this alleged fact when you bring them forth, okay?

zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
What wasn't Jesus?
lady3keys's avatar
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I am sorry about you being poor in your past, which Jesus chose for you in being omniscient, and because of this, did your piano only have 3 keys, hence your moniker name to remember it?
Piano?  That's rich folk talk . . . I had a washboard and a spoon . . .

Furthermore, did you forget about this godly passage when you skipped the Sabbath?  "Ye shall keep the sabbath therefore; for it is holy unto you: every one that defileth it shall surely be put to death; for whosoever doeth any work therein, that soul shall be cut off from among his people." (Exodus 31:14).  
Of course not.  I just figured, even then, that the passage was ridiculous, written by a man (fallible) in a language (fallible -- any language, not just Hebrew or Greek)  --- again by a man who "thought" he understood what God meant and then interpreted by other men (even more fallacy) "trying" to translate correctly.   I never believed the Bible was infallible (despite what it said and what I was taught), even before I stopped believing.  Maybe that made me a bad Christian at the time, but I honestly believed this.

Then what you have to realize AGAIN is that when Allah is omniscient, and just by the definition of the term, then there is no Free Will! HELLO? 
Sorry.  I don't buy that omniscience = no freewill. 

Just because God "can know" every possible future, doesn't mean he doesn't hope his followers will make the right choice.  Temptation exists in religion precisely to test the followers.  If it weren't possible to choose correctly, then the test would be moot (i.e.  Job).  In fact, it seems to me that based simply on some of those "inconsistent" texts, God restricts his looks into the future, to mostly (not exclusively) events, and not on the "specifics" of each individual's behavior choices (damning or otherwise).   

And don't just spout God hate speech at me, I ALREADY KNOW THAT GOD SAYS HATEFUL THINGS.  And I know there is a scripture for almost everything. 

In fact,  if I did believe in a "Mr. God" (which I don't -- and a coin flip ASSUMES only 2 sides  -- my agnosticism is a multiverse) I would have to believe in a God ---  again, only if I was a Christian, who may have ALL KNOWLEDGE but who can make new connections and actually grow as a god.  I know this flies in the face of everything Christians believe.  But it makes sense if you understand that people are God's "new creation".  In the OT he was different, full of rage  --- smiting everything and everyone.  In the NT he was starting to spout love, peace and forgiveness.  

Now I know that this occurred because "people" were growing, not God.  But if I chose to believe, I would like to compare God's knowledge to the alphabet (a trite example I know).  He knows the entire alphabet (all knowledge), but likes to come up with new words and see how they interact to create new meaning.  OKAY I'm DONE MAKING UP MY OWN RELIGION!

Lady3keys, have a great day "Coin Flipping Agnostic," and "2nd class woman" as my Christian Bible so states of your gender, praise Jesus!' true words!
I'm aware.  Remember what I said about "fallible" men, writing in a "fallible" language, translated by more "fallible men"?
                         And remember what I also said.  A coin flip ASSUMES only 2 sides  -- my agnosticism is a multiverse.
Castin's avatar
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How could you worship a God you believe is evil?
^ So how long will you fail to answer this question before I get to go around like:

BrotherDThomas, the DEBATEART RUNAWAY, willing to attack everyone else's beliefs but unwilling to justify his own beliefs, LOL! He will not even defend his serial killer Jesus!


9/11 was a terrible atrocity. How could you worship a god you believe committed it? If being a "true" Christian is acknowledging that God is evil yet continuing to follow and believe in him anyway - why should anyone be a "true" Christian?
Dr.Franklin's avatar
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everything but Jesus
BrotherDThomas's avatar
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You act as though you're the only member that I am talking too!  Since when do you think you are that special that I am supposed to drop other dialog with other members and address your concerns?

To easily address your question, I have to believe in my serial killing Jesus as Yahweh God incarnate because of a glorious heaven WITHOUT any women!  We had to put up with the biblically  2nd class women while upon earth, and upon passing the Pearly Gates, we will not have to put up with them anymore because the scriptures stated ONLY MEN will be in heaven, praise Jesus! This alone is worth believing  in a brutal serial killer of the innocents!  Understand?

BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar


I am so sorry, but I cannot take any more of my valuable time for Jesus in addressing your complete ignorance upon not understanding omniscient God concepts, especially in showing you specific passages that should close the door in accepting said omniscient claims.

Your comical belief of a "Fence Sitting Agnostic," whether in a multiverse or not, is laughable when deduced to its irreducible primary where you can't truly deny that the "Tooth Fairy" or "Leprechauns" might exist! 

Have fun in the forum!

Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
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What might they make their god tell them next?
Castin's avatar
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You act as though you're the only member that I am talking too!  Since when do you think you are that special that I am supposed to drop other dialog with other members and address your concerns?
BrotherDThomas: Mocks others for not responding to his posts.
Also BrotherDThomas: "Omg why are you mocking me for not responding to your post? Get over yourself."

To easily address your question, I have to believe in my serial killing Jesus as Yahweh God incarnate because of a glorious heaven WITHOUT any women!  We had to put up with the biblically  2nd class women while upon earth, and upon passing the Pearly Gates, we will not have to put up with them anymore because the scriptures stated ONLY MEN will be in heaven, praise Jesus! This alone is worth believing  in a brutal serial killer of the innocents!  Understand?


Well if there's no women it's not really heaven, is it?

So you're willing to follow an evil leader for the personal reward of a sausage fest afterlife. I feel that your longing for sausage could be easily satisfied here on Earth without the need for following a malevolent deity, but I'll put that aside for now.

If you think God is evil, why would you assume he's telling the truth about your reward in heaven? The evil mastermind move is to promise you the carrot and then give you the stick. Send you straight to hell even though he promised you heaven if you jumped through all his hoops, and then laugh evilly at your horrified screams as you writhe in the lake of fire. #EvilGodMocksYourLoyalty
BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar



YOUR COMICAL AND MISGUIDED QUOTE: "Well if there's no women it's not really heaven, is it? "

Obviously you haven't been married 9 times like I have for Jesus, in making a plethora of Christian soldiers in His name for the Christian cause!  (Genesis 1:28) Many passages within the scriptures displays the 2nd class women well, like the following two of MANY as an example:

"It is better to live alone in the desert than with a crabby, complaining wife." (Proverbs 21:19) 

"A quarrelsome wife is as annoying as constant dripping on a rainy day. Stopping her complaints is like trying to stop the wind or trying to hold something with greased hands." (Proverbs 27:15-16) 

Now, since there will be NO WOMAN in heaven as the Bible fully describes, the superior man will finally have peace at last!

The rest of your sophomoric post #21 is nothing but more insidious circular reasoning to "try" and prove your ungodly notions, and like I said before, ALL, I repeat, ALL of our serial killing Jesus' creation are going to heaven where you missed the boat again within this forum. :(

Intelligence_06's avatar
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Intelligence_06's avatar
I think either this guy is a pseudo-christian, or he is basically mentally insane.
Intelligence_06's avatar
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Intelligence_06's avatar
Believe it or not, even though Christianity has flaws, it is supposed to be good. This guy is looking at it as if all flaws are the proudest traits of this religion.

lady3keys's avatar
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I am so sorry, but I cannot take any more of my valuable time for Jesus in addressing your complete ignorance upon not understanding omniscient God concepts
"You fly back to school now little starling.  Fly, fly fly.  Fly, fly, fly."   <----------- Silence of the Lambs reference.   Also, as Castin so aptly stated,  "BrotherDThomas, the DEBATEART RUNAWAY." 

OR AS I PREFER:  DEBATEART BULLY!    Though I will admit, at times quite amusing.  Somewhat of a guilty pleasure  . . . .

BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar

2nd class woman lady3keys,

I have addressed your comical posts and the equally Bible ignorant Castins as well.  There is no need for me to continue in making you two the fools that you are, understood?  

Listen, because of your outright biblical ignorance as blatantly shown to the membership, maybe it is better for you and Castin to visit a "Children's Christian Forum" where you will be more at home with your ineptness relative to the various religious faiths, yes?  To save you the time, I have included a link below for you too to use, okay? You can thank me later.

lady3keys's avatar
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2nd class woman lady3keys,

I have addressed your comical posts and the equally Bible ignorant Castins as well.  There is no need for me to continue in making you two the fools that you are, understood?  Listen, because of your outright biblical ignorance . . .
Nicked a vein did we?  About your approach, your hate, your bullying and your assertion of MY biblical ignorance (you can't say the same about Castin):

1 Corinthians 16:14,
Let all that you do be done in love.

1 Corinthians 13:1-8,  <---------  WOW IS THIS YOU!
If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.

1 John 4:7,
Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.
Romans 12:14-21,
Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. Be of the same mind toward one another; do not be haughty in mind, but associate with the lowly. Do not be wise in your own estimation.
Luke 6:35,
But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He Himself is kind to ungrateful and evil men.

AND SO MANY MORE!!!!  Like I HAVE BEEN SAYING, there is as much of LOVE in the BIBLE as there is of HATE.  No set of verses, no matter how HATE-filled represents the entire Bible (or any religious tome).  I don't even believe in a Mr. God and I know this much.  Your Serial Killer Jesus is simply your own hatred drawing to your twisted soul, the worst the Bible "seems" to offer.

BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar

2nd class woman lady3keys,

YOUR OXYMORONIC STATEMENT: "I HAVE BEEN SAYING, there is as much of LOVE in the BIBLE as there is of HATE."

Whats wrong with making a dumbfounded statement like you just  did above?  Both propositions CANCEL each other out in relation to Jesus as Yahweh God incarnate being ever loving and forgiving, but yet Jesus drowned His entire creation in the Great Flood, including INNOCENT zygotes and fetus' within the mothers womb! Get it?  

I want you to remove your aluminum foil hat for a second and think in relation to my statement above. Where there're falsehoods, there are LIES because both propositions of said falsehoods cannot be correct at the same time, understood 2nd class woman? The flip side of your "lovey dovey" statements is this particular biblical narrative: "If your own full brother, or your son or daughter, or your beloved wife, or you intimate friend, entices you secretly to serve other gods, whom you and your fathers have not known, gods of any other nations, near at hand or far away, from one end of the earth to the other: do not yield to him or listen to him, nor look with pity upon him, to spare or shield him, BUT KILL HIM. Your hand shall be the first raised to SLAY HIM; the rest of the people shall join in with you. You shall STONE HIM TO DEATH, because he sought to lead you astray from the Lord, your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that place of slavery. And all Israel, hearing of this, shall fear and never do such evil as this in your midst. (Deuteronomy 13:7-12) "

Like I keep saying, the ONLY thing worthwhile in heaven is there is not going to be any whining self-pitying 2nd class women like you, praise Jesus!

Run along dear, I am sure you have some womanly duties to perform for either your husband or boyfriend, or if you are really ungodly, some things to do for your "slurpy" girlfriend! Ewwwwwwwww!

Good day.

lady3keys's avatar
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lady3keys's avatar
Like I keep saying, the ONLY thing worthwhile in heaven is there is not going to be any whining self-pitying 2nd class women like you, praise Jesus!

Run along dear, I am sure you have some womanly duties to perform for either your husband or boyfriend, or if you are really ungodly, some things to do for your "slurpy" girlfriend! Ewwwwwwwww!

Good day.
And like Castin said (and I paraphrase), "If there are no women, it isn't much of a Heaven is it?"  And you know what?  I'm guessing you pretty much already have "that" right here on Earth.  I can't imagine any woman wanting to be anywhere near you.  Praise Jesus!!  BrotherDThomas has Heaven on Earth!!

And If you had been paying attention, which you never seem to be, except to your own rhetoric, I have repeatedly said that the Bible is riddled with inconsistencies.  Yes, they cancel each other out, you moronic heathen, which makes neither the HATE nor the LOVE of any real importance.  I don't go around saying things like the ALL PERFECT AND LOVING GOD AND JESUS WHO IS THE TRUE LIGHT OF THE WORLD.  Yet you go around saying SERIAL KILLING JEWISH CHRISTIAN JESUS.   Neither extreme exists. 

What it all makes, is NOTHING.  There is no difference between the Bible, the Qur'an, the Torah or the Greek and Roman Gods.  You make much ado about NOTHING.   It sounds to me like you used to believe in some version of God.  And now you hate him.  Instead of just becoming an atheist, you have become an anti-theist.  You hate a God you can no longer believe good things about.  And that's a shame.

Why not just believe in something else?  Like a good woman.  Oh wait.  No good woman would have you.
BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar

2nd class woman lady3keys,

Barring that you are an embarrassing Agnostic, and as usual for the totally biblically inept like you, if it wasn't for circular reasoning, you would not be able to "try" and respond to my godly posts!!! The true modus operandi of a "Fence Sitting" Agnostic!

YOUR MISGUIDED QUOTE AGAIN: "Yet you go around saying SERIAL KILLING JEWISH CHRISTIAN JESUS.   Neither extreme exists."

Your statement above only shows the membership in how truly dumbfounded you are AGAIN relative to the scriptures. Let me simplify your perceived notion above with this syllogism for you, Jesus is Yahweh God incarnate, this God drowned His entire creation including innocent zygotes fetus's and babies, therefore Jesus is a serial killer. 2+2=4, oil and water don't mix, and you as a "I don't know what to believe Agnostic" is making a fool of yourself within this forum!

YOUR MISGUIDED QUOTE #2:  I can't imagine any woman wanting to be anywhere near you."

Oh, you should have seen my Hollywood starlight wives, all nine of them up to this point, where since Jesus gave me such a manly stature, good looks, unlimited money where I  can't give it away fast enough, is all apart of the Brother D. MO!  As I have said before, I have had to go through 9 wives because they have all went to the wayside because I followed Jesus' words in being "Fruitful and Multiplying" where these said wives life ambition was to be able to sit up! In other words, they couldn't take it in the "multiplying" part. :(

Now dear, like I told you before, you surely have some womanly duties to perform for your husband, boyfriend, or slurpy girlfriend instead of making an outright fool of yourself in this forum at your continued expense! Priceless. LOL

“ It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman in a wide house.” (Proverbs 21:9)
