there is the infamous 7 levels of disagreement ( Here, for humor and for fun I will try to write the opposite, trying to prove your point on 7 different levels.
Level 0: I'm right.
Level 1: I'm right because I feel I'm right.
Level 2: I'm right because the evidence supports me.
Level 3: It is more probable than not that I am right, because of this such evidence from this article, and that such evidence from this research.
Level 4: There are certain positives from my extensive research that overall outweighs the negatives, and as such, prove that my stance is correct.
Level 5: Not only are my sources trustworthy, experts have agreed with this opinion. Combined with these statistics and ideals of benefits overcoming the harms, my stance is correct as a result.
Level 6: Not only using mere statistics and others' opinions, the reasoning behind the logic is clear, due to these specific ideas that lead to irrefutable results, the benefits that come to fruition are clearly better than the negatives, so as a result, my stance is correct.
Level 7: Let us first define each word in the premise. Now, having said that, I will dive into how this is supported by reasoning, data, and even some emotional appeal. The past had resulted in this occurring. The present, has this happening right now. And the future, seems to suggest a result in my favor. With all of these combined, it is clear that the validity of my reasoning is solid, and therefore, my stance is correct.
L e v e l 8 : The burden of proof is on my opponent.
(obviously joking)