Well, I'd say more people are on board with it 'now, but I think there were a number of mixed messages early on.
People who claimed wearing a mask would 'prevent you from becoming infected, when the truth is it 'helps prevents the infected from infecting others.
And even 'after that misunderstanding was cleared up, some people figured that if they weren't sick, why bother wearing a mask to protect others from nothing,
'Then information came out arguing that some people can be carriers but not sick.
Leadership in America was also on the backfoot in leading by example, and even when the Democrats got on board with it, the 'way they did it, seemed more like political grandstanding and sneaking politics in a time of crisis, than an actual attempt to work with and convince their political counterparts.
Nor have the people who go about the argument to wear masks in a confrontational manner helped, throwing their weight around, jamming their fingers into people's chests and saying OBEY.
I wear a mask in public.
I think other people 'should wear masks,
I think that the law supports it,
Not sure I think people not on board yet are Absolute Morons, maybe just need to be convinced in the right manner, and need our government leading correctly.
I wouldn't say it's the 'only reason Americas done worse, us being slow on the uptake hasn't helped.
Not like it hasn't happened before,
And I can't say I'm 'fully convinced that masks help much, but I'm convinced most of society acts like they think that.
And I don't have any breathing condition, so, eh.