This will be a list of all states and D.C. showing the cost of living from lowest to highest. Some of these states are up for debate whether they are Red or Blue, and feel free to dispute some of them. I believe that this shows a clear trend that living in a Red state is much cheaper and explains why homelessness appears to be a much larger issue in Blue states (semi-response to another thread about homelessness). It is also meant to show how drastically the two styles of governing affect the prices of goods, housing, utilities, etc.
B: Blue
S: Swing
R: Red
1 Mississippi (R)
2 Arkansas (R)
3 Oklahoma (R)
4 Missouri (R)
5 New Mexico (B)
6 Tennessee (R)
7 Michigan (B)
8 Kansas (R)
9 Georgia (R)
10 Wyoming (R)
11 Alabama (R)
12 Indiana (R)
13 Iowa (R)
14 Nebraska (R)
15 Ohio (S)
16 Kentucky (R)
17 West Virginia (R)
18 Texas (R)
19 Idaho (R)
20 Louisiana (R)
21 Illinois (B)
22 North Carolina (S)
23 South Carolina (R)
24 Arizona (R)
25 Wisconsin (S)
26 Florida (S)
27 Utah (R)
28 North Dakota (R)
29 South Dakota (R)
30 Virginia (B)
31 Minnesota (B)
32 Pennsylvania (B)
33 Colorado (B)
34 Montana (R)
35 Delaware (B)
36 Nevada (B)
37 New Hampshire (B)
38 Washington (B)
39 Vermont (B)
40 Maine (B)
41 Rhode Island (B)
42 New Jersey (B)
43 Connecticut (B)
44 Maryland (B)
45 Alaska (R)
46 Massachusetts (B)
47 Oregon (B)
48 New York (B)
49 California (B)
50 Washington D.C. (B)
51 Hawaii (B)